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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BikerScout98

  1. Finished my boots today. These are the photos i will submit to the GML on the dogbones being reshaped and the horizontal stitching removed at top of boots. This was my only shot on these boots. If they don't pass the GML, and its not fixable for little to no money, that will do it for me on gettin in to the 501st for quite awhile. Wifey will slay if i spend one more cent on anything armor related. Thanks for views and replies on this in advance.
  2. @Retrofire I been looking at the "CRL" since before i commisioned my armor, and when i ordered armor finally, the vendor literally showed me videos of him following the requirements of not just tier1, but the tier2 requirements while making my kit (just making the armor by specs). The "GML" already told me his issues, and Miker_Scout suggested i just make a wip and kinda start fresh here with PF participation making sure all looks right for resubmit. I have fixed them all, and i am just waiitng on the new flak vest i ordered from christian. The flak vest sent in my kit wasn't even close to correct, so i had to buy a brand new one to replace my brand new one. It wont be here until Mid november, so after i ordered the vest, i went in to the lancer deployment request threads and read about 20 of them over the past week. Having done that, i went over all of my armor to see what was what. When it came to my armor being made following the tier 2 CRL specifications, ALL OF MY SOFT ARMOR WAS WRONG (they sub-out the seamstress for soft) In fact, i have had to replace, fix, change, and re-sew every piece of armor hard and soft except the Balaclava (i orderd on Amazon), and the gloves which they ordered from wampa gloves site. Miker_Scout has been helping me with questions on instagram messenger, as well as Jason. I just finished replacing all the webbing on my belt to an actual white i see always in pf members photos. I replaced the buckle with velcro in back, and it looks much nicer than the slightly white they used (not off-white or white, but in-between the two) and had to replace the 1/4" rivets with 1/8". Many who have seen my armor believe that it could of passed basic, except the vest as the sleeves werent raglan, and the velcro was only 5/8" in the back. So i guess what i am saying is i have been prepping for lancer approval since i can no longer move forward on basic until vest arrives, and memorizing things like "upper armor is 3 & 9 o'clock with the circles facing forward, "forearm armor facing 10 & 2 o'clock, no crumpled or bunched cod in the groin, sagging boots, cummerbund sitting on the belt, etc, etc. I have much free time atm, so try on my armor to make sure i meet the standards i see you ask for in so many threads, i am also here alot reading information threads, and the do it yourself tutorials too. My frustration lies with the vendor i used. It has cost me now over half the cost in repairs of my total armors cost. $1100 for kit, $520 to redo thier mistakes or replace certain pieces to meet even basic approval. Like i told my wife a few nights ago: "This whole deal was supposed to be a memorable life experience for me, to become a 501st Scout Trooper finally and join up with the pathfinders to do really great things along with them. Instead, it has been such a nightmare, I'm beginning to hate looking at my armor. If it wasn't for the PF, i would of thrown in the towel after the 2nd week of all this. The Pathfinders have been the ONLY ones to show any interest in my joining the 501st. Thanks RetroFire for proving PF cares and tries to help as they can. I will make sure to do the same. P.s. @BikerScout007 Thanks to your video, I too have chosen your path of the "Baller". πŸ‘ Your video was great info & help! Thanks, -Scot
  3. So back on topic.. I went thru the first page of "Lancer approval requests" in order to avoid creating threads with questions that have been answered many times already. I hate being that person that wears out his welcome or begins to annoy his new found friends. With that said: Do i remove the clear plastic and decal, then the holdout is good to go?
  4. @MikerScout Since you have basically helped me everyday darn near and have shown no signs of exhaustion or mental breakdown from being asked questions constantly, i decided to purchase the phasma kit for ya. It's the least i could do for all you done for me this past month or so....just need that shipping address. 🀣
  5. @MikerScout Small Update: After thinkin it over, I am going to do my boots fresh myself as i have all of the materials as of today. I will probably have them lookin sharp in a few hours.
  6. Hello JangoFred! Can i ask a small favor of ya. How did you get ahold of steph to do an order? I tried her personal fb messenger and her group one as well with no reply. I just could not find a way to order my flak vest from her, so Krypton got my cash instead of her. I would just like to know for future builds or in case i want new again, etc. Thank you J.F and enjoy your build!! πŸ˜πŸ‘
  7. This is currently where I'm at on resolving my 5 issues the GML had on me.. β€’Vest - Resolved β€’Belt - Resolved β€’Chest Armor (Front) - Resolved β€’Chest Armor (Back) - Resolved β€’Boots - About a day left of final touches, detailing, Slots cut out of the sole, but the main issue is resolved imo. I will post my boots here first tho for Y'all to look at before final submission ofc.
  8. @AradunFF Its actually a real pain sometimes. @MikerScout mentioned his previous or current phone took only ultrahd80-40 as well, which basically means prepare to just about ALWAYS render videos down or resize images as well everytime. Luckily i use my Z fold2 for serious video editing so it has its usefulness in that aspect. Respect tho for even comin back in here to just say that tho....dont see that too often in boards...heh. πŸ‘πŸ€œπŸ€›πŸ‘
  9. ISSUE #1 "Vest" I Researched around this time, then asked Mickey's opinion. that "I am confident your GML will accept that vest", Issue #1 - RESOLVED.
  10. Your in good hands simon! I was having so many issues and let downs over the past 6 months I was just about ready to call it a wrap and just be a "501st Supporter" for lack of a better term hehe. But....Luckily for me I wanted to be a pathfinder before i even got my armor and was registered up, so i quickly learned when my issues were snowballing one after another on me the kind of help and support the pathfinders dish out "on a daily basis" (not even kidding). @MikerScout literally messaged me this morning on my instagram to ask if i was ok and make sure i was still moving forward on getting approvals. Good poeple for sure, excited as well to see what ya create! Cheers Trooper!
  11. Hey @AradunFF I actually own the samsung Z fold2, which shoots photos and videos in 8k down to 4k only, so its impossible to take low res photos. Blurry, bad, meaningless, accidental, and otherwise i can do that sure....lol. Imagevenue just uses thumbs as a clickable link to direct you to the much larger (I'm hearing from @MikerScout a bit too large actually) photo. I just clicked 6 randomly and the photos i saw were very clear, very large, and very detailed. I will however change this tactic to embedding photos, as this seems to he an issue already on hiw i post photos. No problem ofc, amd thanks for All the info and insight Dennis! Greatly appreciated!! -Scot
  12. I am almost done, just gotta check in with @MikerScout for the Dogbone pattern he's givin me to fix my boots. I also still need to find someone who makes that vest, then I'll be ready to send the GML these changes for acceptance. -Scot
  13. Update. Belt now adjusted per GML's request.
  14. @BikerScout007 I was just coming in here to reply with this!! Lol Looks like dropping the buckle and adding white velcro with locktite to secure it will not only do the job, but passes t2 requirements (just as is, not worn) as well then....cool. This may just come down to me having to purchase a new vest and then be good to go! I am focusing on one issue at a time to make SURE i do not move backwards, only forward πŸ‘. When i feel as though the issue is no longer, i post. So it looks like 3 or 4 down and/or figured out. Again....thank you, thank you, thank you pathfinders!!!!! πŸ™πŸ˜…
  15. Final Issue #5 Ok, those are the 5 issues currently keeping me from becoming a 501st as far as the GML is concerned. I ALREADY had to make NUMEROUS soft armor adjustments with a professional alterations shop which cost me alot. My Garrison (I won't name in case the following is read as insulting or incorrectly sizing up the situation) forums are very, very quiet. They seem to be very active in the real world troopin' and contributing like many other garrisons do. Thanks PF for all considerations and previous,current, and continuous support. πŸ™πŸ‘ŠπŸ™Œ -=BikerScout98=- Linktr.ee/bikerscout98
  16. Issue #4 I discussed this issue with another and they agreed that nowhere does it say a "side release buckle" CANNOT be used to attach in the back. I put this collage together for reference:
  17. Issue #2 Issue #3
  18. This is part of the email sent to me from stephen (gml) Issue #1 Unfortunately for me, stephen is correct. I watched the bosses video on this as well, and he even mentions this: I would REALLY appreciate a link (preferably to a vendor who makes this vest correctly), or a 501st member who is trusted in the same regard. I really don't want to go to very expensive if possible. I would rather pay a fellow trooper or 501ST vendor and support them. I will post each of these 5 issues, so they can be dealt with individually rather than the whole... And thanks to all pathfinders for any and all support given to me in advance!
  19. That is what i have so far thats been asked of me. Its been a VERY rough year trying to get this armor actually into my home from its creation in spain, and then reviewed by the gml's for general acceptance into the 501st at the least. Well....looks like my road is even longer than i thought. Apparently I have some armor issues the gml pointed out to me yesterday in an email. Luckily it wasnt how any of the armor is worn, but how some of the armor was made. I think also the gml did not get nearly any of these photos from the start as well. So maybe, just maybe he will look these over and make some revised decisions in my favor...Because im not a poor man persay, but after spending over a grand on it, wife says i am currently broke until further notice. This would normally be horrible news to be broke, no 501st membership, and basically owning a $1000 Worn once a year halloween costume/collection piece no one really sees. But this is NOT a normal group of poeple im trying to troop around with for events and charities. This is the 501st! and i have never in my life seen so many nice, giving,caring and helpful group of poeple eager to help another whilst down. I messaged miker_scout on instagram and said "You know what man, I could almost say instagram alone is good enough for me because so many members are readily available to chat, meet, and give advice or even help if need be!" Thanks everyone...it makes the bad news not so bad. πŸ˜‰
  20. Bandaclava & Bucket (Original & Modded/upgraded Bucket photos) :
  22. Gauntlet Armor & Gloves:
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