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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BikerScout98

  1. @wegotdeathstar Curious what machine your using? I have 3 singers and 2 brothers in 5 different shopping carts..lol. The reviews are killing me! Everytime i think i got one for great price, the reviews are all bad or 50/50. Im trying to spend new or used under $140 for same sized machine you got give or take. (Anyone else out there happy with thiers for that kinda price lmk?) Those pouches look good, you were saying your machine isnt the greatest, but you pulled off the pouch nicely. If your not still decided on doing all the soft parts yourself, KRIPTONTOP @cucblack made my CB, POUPCHES, and COD, and I'm currently waiting on my replacement FLIGHT SUIT (anytime now).The CB combo (all 3) is great quality and i got it all for $134 on his etsy shop(with shipping which was pretty fast 5 weeks).The flight suit i bought at his website cucblackprops.com for $245 (with shipping), and should arrive in a week or two. The reviews for the flight suit are flawless, page after page on etsy. He uses FedEx so you can track too. Enjoy your build, and thanks for any info you provide on the machine πŸ‘
  2. @RZill @CRex75 is sending me scrap. Then we are going to facetime so he can show me properly what to do. Once we do that (shouldnt be more than 2 weeks from now) i will do the same thing with you if you like, or another member might help show you if thats too long. I am sure you could skip this part for now, as you have plenty left to do before submission right?Lmk if that be fine. -Scot
  3. Mickey, i will edit this right now and do as you have directed. As i mentioned I'm in no hurry. I'm waiting on a brand new flight suit from Christian that should be coming in a week or so. I am 100% unhappy with how mine fits eveywhere. I am basically mirroring @AradunFF lancer request thread, as he had very little hurdles/issues to deal with. (I know, I know, I gotta be reviewed wearing it too...lol). But it helps tremendously to ATLEAST study the armor photos from approved lancer threads, scoutopedia, CRL Scout, Armor tips threads (Choppers) to make adjustments if needed. Thanks @BikerScout007 for the continuous support & advice! -Scot
  4. Wow!!!! Me and @RZill were JUST NOW posting in his thread about this amd here you come saving the day for TWO brothers...hahhaa! Heres link to his thread as well Yes to all that brother! You got my address, or ill resend it if you only kept it for that one awesome welcome gift. Its good to hear from you man, you been quiet lately! Call, text, message, whenever you have the time bro. As always, thankful and blessed! Cheers @CRex75 πŸ‘Š
  5. @RZill I have been told by @AradunFF and chopper that you make an abs paste with scrap material and acetone. Cheers
  6. Let me help you (chopper really) with this excellent thread on things that help you troop and wear better in our sacred ROTJ Armor! If you havent come across it yet ofc. If you have, well...enjoy my message and happy building @RZill! πŸ˜‚ I used every single tip he offers in this thread and it has helped leaps and bounds! Link to choppers thread: Enjoy brother, -Scot πŸ–πŸ˜πŸ‘
  7. Oh no boss, i got whats required on my bucket now, see photos. Im talking about the square that had tocbe drilled into the helmet visors sides for that set of 3m style bolts. My current bolts are not square on the "Inside" (behind the concaved head). Both sets i own look identical from the outside, same color, same concave, and same 22mm diameter size. I just thought detatchment command found a new reason to ONLY USE one style period. Im almost sorry i asked this question, as i feel your going to just say: Yeah scot, your fine then" after i typed all of this out right before taking a break....hahahaha. If needed I'll. just post 2 photos of the sets side by side. I just HATE having to take my visor off my bucket. Not lazy, it just takes awhile because of all my mods, and pads. Thanks @Chopper! πŸ‘Š
  8. Thank you @M.J @CRex75 for the wonderful words of encouragement. Hearing these kind of replies only strengthens my resolve, and makes me want to help future pathfinders avoid these kind of problems in thier builds. Thanks for your opinions. -Scot
  9. @BikerScout007 @AradunFF @MikerScout I will do that then mickey, i prefer that anyway as well. So look at this shortcut, unprofessional, half a** rivet job i JUST NOTICED while taking the chest armor apart to add my new strap! Is there some kind of fix you all know about, and could suggest that to me? Upon Mickey’s advice, i will continue this discussion in my Wip from here on out. Can mickey or another person with higher access merge this thread into my wip please? If not, ill move what i can over to it -Scot
  10. Hey all, I need just a tiny bit of help on the strapping that connects the back and front chest armor. I went to @Strider and@Chopper thread tutorials for the lancer version of this strapping. But the details provided in both on the strapping wasnt much. I purchased the optional 1.5 inch white elastic, multiple white velcro widths, 1 inch white elastic banding for the bridge covers, and everything else you could think of. I just want to get this right the very first time, and stop myself from backtracking to fix mistakes. Materials: Tuorial examples i have found: @BikerScout007 version Choppers Striders Version And the mock sewing line is optional correct? so basically I'm just looking for where EXACTLY the velcros are placed inside the armor, and where the velcro is sewn onto the strapping. I prefer the strapping connects to eachother like the scouts is posted above. Its easier for me to secure the armor that way. -Scot.
  11. Hey @Chopper could you please provide more photos and details on how you constructed the elastic band that secures the front and back chest armor to the body? I bought the lancer optional white elastic band and white velcros used for it to replace my current white cotton webbing. Photos of what I'm asking about precisely: I saw in another thread that there is also a "mock" sewing line (like the one on the "dogbone") on the outside where you secure the end of the band to hold it in place. Is that required for lancer? Or just optional? Heres what i was hoping you'd show me: Few photos on how it was constructed, some details of the process, and the products you purchased to make it (in case i ordered something wrong or missed an item,etc). I know your a busy, busy, very busy person. I appreciate any further help you have to offer me brother. Thanks! -Scot
  12. @AradunFF you got this all day brother...excited to start following another on of your threads again...
  13. I noticed something @Chopper brought up i never knew was relevant for future reference on Lancer approval in @woobiee wip thread. I have a chin plate only a BOXER could love IMO. Its huge (see photo below), i have padding and to test out if i put in too much padding (why plate would show while helmet on) i took it all out to see if the plate would dissappear to the common onlooker. No chance no matter what i did. Sooo... Do i dremmel it? Is my bucket too small? Ideas or fixes would be appreciated from anyone who has faced this issue. Thank you 😊
  14. Its's official @MikerScout @sconlon68 @AradunFF I am now TB-81998!
  15. My Submission Photos. I thought maybe i would let the pathfinders choose my action photo 😁... My action photos. Which one y'all think is best? photos numbered in order. Pick one y'all think ya like best:@MikerScout @sconlon68 @M.J @BikerScout007 @Retrofire @Chopper 1. 2. 3. 4. Thank you, sincerely everyone. I thank above all else my wife lisa. Without her, i wouldn't be anywhere near ready for anything. Been a ride, my submissions in. You all have been 100% awesome! -Scot
  16. Hello @MikerScout @AradunFF @M.J @Chopper @BikerScout007 @Retrofire @sconlon68 . Figured i would POP MY HEAD IN, say hello: and say yes I am still here! I'm Just waiting on Cummerbund Set and Flak Vest which should arrive within the next few weeks. I've just been relaxing and making nice little adds and fixes to the armor at my convenience, stress free..hehe. Hope the PATHFINDERS are out there troopin safely and makin all them kids and families smile with excitement! Cya again very soon Troopers. -Scot ●EDIT● I just checked etsy after this post, guessss what? CB/FLAK has arrived. Now i am on a whole new level of energy! πŸ‘
  17. Had this happen last night: It just fell off while i was putting it on to test my new mic system. I fixed er' up tho for about $10
  18. Brother, I got yards and yards and yards and.....lol Sew on, adhesive, iron on, black 2in , white 2in, black 5/8, white 1in, black 1in, come by my place for all your velcro needs.πŸ˜‚ Absolutely, but my way of thinking is, if i set my armor up for lancer readiness, then the basic standards will have been exceeded thus approval wouldnt be an issue. Just how I was looking at it. But i also listen to reason and my more experienced peers, so yeah.....eyes on the prize is the current plan! πŸ‘
  19. @M.J I really enjoy making people laugh or amuse them somehow, even if it's at my own expense. I have been posting on forums since internets beganz...hehe. Some boards are just dry and humorless, others are all business amd to the point. Whats really great about these boards is: 1. Leadership (Admins, Mods) aren't @#$@% 😁🀫 so you it feels like you can be yourself (while remembering to keep comments, topics, etc, Rated P.G. ) 2. The vibe in here is just incredibly awesome. So many poeple are just super cool and down to help no matter who they are in life or how many armor builds they have or time in ranks, etc. The "I'm more important or I'm too advanced to deal with you rebel scum is not an issue here!...Woot! <-- remember that? πŸ˜‚ 3. If you have armor pertaining to a scout, your welcomed here if your a 501st yet or NOT. Then baby stepped dang near, to get that membership or next level you want met, information dating back to goerge lucas freshman year if need be.....hahaha. I dig comin here man....thanks for keepin my thread alive everybody πŸ’― πŸ™
  20. @AradunFF I absolutely believe ya. I know that all too well because it is brought up alot by leadership in many lance deploy req's threads, that and the bunched Cod. It just seems to me that when you move around your gonna see the two seperate eventually or even immediately? Look forward to reading your answer on that for sure! I went to go grab this photo and while i was doing that, I answered my own question. You pull the COD up in between the two. Good eye Aradun! 🧐
  21. Thanks @Chopper I got another message stating that he was thinking of another armor at the time he was messaging me. Btw, I have been bouncing back and forth from yours and @AradunFF (lancer deployment approval) threads when i needed to fix issues with my armor. I'm not FOCUSED on lancer atm, but why not fix issues at the lancer tier and be prepared when that time does come around right?? πŸ˜‰. I also read around 20 βž• other lancer deployment threads, and so far yours is the only one that needed no fixes. Very nice work! πŸ‘πŸ‘ @BikerScout007 i got a second message from him saying that he didnt need his vest for basic approval when he did his submit. So that tells me just how long hes been around. 😳 Some of you in here are serious veterans of the 501st. Y'all should get some kind of pension at that rate!
  22. @MikerScout This is the text of the email i sent last night to my gml: Hey Stephen, I got a message in the Pathfinder forums about the vest being optional? Is there any truth to that, or is this just mistaken or thinking of older requirements? I ask because if you have viewed my fixed issues photos and are good with them all, since no vest is required at this point inwoukd this be approved for basic right? I went directly to the CRL of the armor i bought, and up to that point i hadn't noticed anything optional for the ROTJ Scout Trooper, except under the Lancer tier ( Asyou know black is basic and blue is lancer). I'm not going to get my hopes up too quickly, but its great news if i don't have to wait just for the vest to come in weeks from now, to submit my armor photos and action pose for final approval into basic membership of the 501st... Thanks for any info and or considerations on this or any matter pertaining to me. Hope to hear from you soon stephen, -Scot *I have been to the CRL page so many times i know it almost by heart.
  23. I got a message here stating that the scout flak vest is optional for basic 501st requirements. Anyone know anything about this? After reading that message i decided to take some updated "basic approval photos" to since i wouldnt need to wait on my new flak vest to join. I made copies to post here before i send them to the gml if the vest information is solid. If i tagged you, i did so because i wanted to show you where i am at with my armor at this point. Thanks @MikerScout @AradunFF @M.J @Retrofire @BikerScout007 @sconlon68 for your contributions to this thread to date. I actually think this is a pretty good photo of me in armor...
  24. Wow miker!, that looks like it took you a bit of time to put that reply together. That is just being good poeple right there brother. I really appreciate anyone that takes the time to reply or message me for anything. UPDATE! My GML not only emailed me today....He watches this thread! He is actually a good guy and was just busy with kids, life , etc. So he said email him with what I have so far on my fixes, and when i get my vest to resubmit my pose photos like you mentioned above Miker. I'll be Posting photos later tonight to see what the fixes look like now, compard to before...cheers! -Scot
  25. Wow miker, that is above and beyond! Thanks for the replies and heads up on the photo angle dennis! I will make sure to do that! -Scot
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