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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BikerScout98

  1. Hey @DoubleImpact Avi , i have time today if you would like to have a video session and go over the whole kit. Everything your asking I have done and it all worked perfectly as a whole. 90% of My velcro placements i learned off another scout named Blackhawk. I think…or was his name apache? That ain’t it either. Oh well, it’ll come to me eventually. Lmk on Fb messenger if ya want to meet up. -Scot
  2. Welcome to the PFD @DoubleImpact ! I noticed your selections on your scout build and i gotta say i like your style brother! It just so happens i have the same exact setup and used it for my Lancer application (approved with minor fixes). I went with this setup and the feedback from fellow PFD and thier before/after comments has been very positive. This was my complete vendor buy list: Bucket: RSPROPMASTERS HA: StudioCreations SA: Cucblackprops/KriptonTop Neck Seal: Cucblackprops Gloves: Wampa Boots: Crowprops E-17/DLT-19: Lunaarmorworks My Kit Photographed after Lancer Approval: I show and tell you this because the specific items from the vendors you selected imo are top shelf all the way around. This is an idea of what your armor would look like completed (Keeping in mind it also matters greatly how it sits on you as well). Many lancers, staff, & Veteran members were critical to my success completing Basic/Lancer. you need ANYTHING relating to your kit (advice, links, help, etc.) message me anytime you like and I'd be happy to support ya. I'm no different than any other pathfinder here when it comes to making the Detatchment a happy, stronger, fun place for new kit builders. Happy building, and your gonna love this Detatchment. -Scot
  3. So when@Chopper mentioned in another thread that the vendor Darman Props offered a neck seal, and @Aradun suggested purchasing the premium version, i did just that. I approached 3 vendors on etsy in total. Two of the three (after filling them in about crl req's) simply returned my money. The third vendor Darman Props was hesistant AT FIRST. We discussed the changes, and after a bit of chat, bobby (the owner) had decided it would not be an issue and said he was happy to accomodate me. Below are photos of it’s cost, the neck seal worn, and some chat (the customer service). I hope fellow scouts find some or all of this useful. As far as how i feel about the neck seal i think it looks and fits well. Note: If you do decide to order a seal from Darman Props (etsy), order it 1/2" larger than your normal neck measurement. The balaclavas range in thickness for everyone, and i did forget to add that in. mine is just a tad bit tight, but is definitely wearable as is. I do need to remove my mandarin collar as well, so the seal is more noticeable unlike in some of these photos. The Purchase: The Chat: Recieved & Shipped Very Fast: And Finally, Worn: Thanks, -Scot
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  4. apologies @BikerScout007 . for not reading this thread more clearly. It Looks like i missed your post about adding Darman Props to the vendor list already. 👏
  5. @Aradun Dennis, looks so far like its good to go for current and future rotj/etc pathfinders to go to bobby for the neck seal. He has told me the following and approved me posting this here: So now PF has a quality (Buy the premium!) goto vendor for the neck seal being made following the CRL req's. @BikerScout007 I tag you because your our leader and know what to do from here if something more is needed than this. Hope this was all helpful in some way. I will recieve the seal in a day or two and will post photos of how it looks, detailed closeups, and it worn with the armor for the PF staff to go over if desired in its own thread. P.S. Sorry to @theenglishdjentleman for partially hijackin' your thread... Cheers.
  6. @Aradun I talked to Bobby about the h&l .5" After some EXTENDED DISCUSSIONS, CRL LINK, PHOTOS OF CRL REQ, and some good ol' fashioned politeness, he agreed to make me a neck seal following the crl. Luckily bobby is a 501st since 2008, or I might have gotten my money sent back again...he asked me to please send him some video and or photos of it fitting well and how his looks on a Biker. I told him that I would do him one better, and post all that here in our boards to show everyone, so that they could also possibly purchase from him as well if he was OK with it. this was 10 mins ago. So basically a vendor for that now yeah? if all is on the level (crl req's are correct, mickey/staff ok it). Just tryna do my part and give back whatever i can like I learned right here in these boards. 👍👊
  7. @Aradun Worse case scenario I will replace it with 1/2". Two other vendors sell them as well, Those 2 I DID message and not only asked them about that H&L measurement, but I sent a screenshot of the original crl requirements that @BikerScout007first showed us (nothing on it was seen but the req's). I asked them if the seals met all or some of the requirements on the photo.... ....They both just sent me my money back with no reply. 🤣
  8. @Aradun Just ordered it. Thanks for the heads up on the premium version dennis. Did your stunt come with 1/2" Hook and loop, or did you have to make that adjustment as well to meet the crl req?
  9. @AradunFF This is a great example of why i asked. Instead of you just answering with: "Scot, I think that’s absurdly low for a print and with free world wide shipping to boot from Australia" you also offer advice on ALTERNATIVE METHODS to acquire said item. I try not to tag anyone as much as possible, but i hope others see & understand THIS IS WHY i do do it to them at times. I will pm @troygordon2 to see what he can offer up for me. Really do appreciate what you do for us dennis, very seriously do brother...
  10. Nicely done Brien, Well deserved!
  11. @Chopper or @AradunFF do either one of you know of this websites validity for weapon printing or any other info on them? There are only THREE reviews on this particular model: Link: Bountyhunterarmory DIY DLT-19 KIT The price seems low even for DIY doesnt it? I am wanting to make my first purchase as well, and if this is a viable option, I'd be more than happy to make that purchase. My past oversees purchases and good pathfinder advice (research or ask around first!) demands i make no hasty purchases. Thanks to anyone who can deliver some good info for it. Cheers. -Scot
  12. Thank you for making such a fine product as well! Honestly If i had any issues i would have mentioned them, but alas i did not. 👍
  13. Perfect fit, but in honesty @Dart since I've never worn that sierra style boot before, i would order a half size up for that extra comfortably in the future (and for anyone reading this thread too).
  14. Thought this would help out members looking for quality boots for thier wips/kits. Youtube: Unboxing CrowProps Biker Scout Boots (ROTJ) I Hope this helps when looking online for good info on boots. Thanks. -Scot
  15. There are so many things i could say. How the journey was from day one to today, support/no support, Great Vendors/Horrible Vendors, stress, financial, friends made, etc. But, not EVERYONE has had to endure the same type of hardships or loss that i did. But i know there are some of them out there that have. If anyone out there is struggling in any type of situation when it comes to a PATHFINDER related Kit/Armor, my advice to you is simple: Be proactive here and ask questions in the proper section of this website. Allow yourself to be ok with mistakes, and befriend one or more of the 1000 plus pathfinders listed here. I used to say this alot in here: "if it wasnt for this pathfinder, or if it wasnt for that pathfinder, I wouldnt be chatting with you today because i would have thrown in the towel by now." Examples of how It couldn't be more true: From our Leader (@BikerScout007) helping me with advice on my rotj wip dang near on day one alone, to keeping an eye on me over time making sure i moved at the proper pace (stops heavy stress,mistakes, financial losses, etc), and on down every level Armor, Review, PR, & Merch Teams, The Lancers (YOU ROCK @PhinScout & @Barber), Veteran members ,Gml's, etc. Miker @MikerScout & Clay @CRex75: Seriously fellas, If it wasnt for the phone calls, video chats, forum help, and moral support, i wouldnt be here writing this. I was really about done at that moment when you guys showed up with that over the top care factor. I will pay it forward just as you did for me, and if you need ANYTHING within reason, i won't hesitate to help. @The Patch Collector basically my best online friend in the uk with a great sense of humor, kindness, and all around rudeboy. Dennis : @AradunFF you spent alot of forum time with me! Went out of your way on numerous occasions, showing the example of how pathfinders back eachother up and make it happen. Jeff : @StudioCreations The great deal on my very durable and very white, very shiny armor. The epic 2-10 hour video chats about anything and everything scout and 501st history. The nutshell of help that kept me moving forward VictorZrgx CHRISTIAN Cucblack, Raul Nichols, kyle Brei, Criscrus, @locokarma , @plagu3is for making alot of our awesome scout merch here & his shop endorfinders.com @Bearded Scout (for sending me my first anything merch!) @Wildcards Rex (for the help on instagram finding members) @sithbizkit (for the sticker connect) @Mikey @Jakeputt @Rocket @M.J @sconlon68 @Retrofire @kayelbe @Rugrat @Strider & @cheesewhoopy for the awesome tutorials, And of course, This guy 👊😁🤘---> @Chopper Greatest Detatchment Period. P.S. Thank you PF's for enduring my replies when i am overly excited. "LEAD THE WAY" -Scot
  16. Here they are as requested @Chopper Side photos to show the elastic strapping between chest and back looks same as the photo below you provided me earlier: Thank you
  17. Pouches: (tentative) Velcro on the cb and pouches measured thoroughly: "Also, if you are going to go ahead and update the side strap cuts, then we would like to see a photo of the final work there as well." Sure, but i thought you said: "The next is really more of an accuracy suggestion, as opposed to a required correction" Chest Armor Strapping Slits Corrected: Ill wait to suit back up until you and the review team have had the opportunity to go over these as well. Have a good weekend if i dont hear back today, I'll be gone (hosting a camping trip) until sunday then we can keep it going. Thank you again for spending all this time on me. Cheers.
  18. @Chopper I will have waited enough time for the plastic filler to harden completely for sanding and paint. I know you said it wasnt required, but you were right that i wanted it to be corrected amyhow. The pouches i had like that before, ill just go back to it. I just thought, "its chopper, he might have some skick way of doing it differently hehe. "For your pouches, please adjust them and all you'd need is another front side photo to close out this app." Should have asked earlier but, does this require another full armor suit up? Or just me with my flight/flak/cb/pouches/chest on? I only ask because i leave for camping tomorrow, and my wife has about 5 mins to give me any assistance with my CB (velcro connect in back) in the morning. After that ill be out of town before she gets back home from work. Whichever it is though, i will make it work if you need what is needed full suit up or not. Thanks chopper!
  19. - I tried it that way first and it felt or looked like it was too much, so i went the other route and moved in closer with 1 inch on each side. I bet you already know that when i started moving around those 2 little buggers moved into the "no fly zone" if you will. Mickey says "if ya cant see it, it dont matter", So any advice on a more permanent solution to hold them there @Chopper? Pins, velcro, sew them on? Ill get them in place no problem, just looking for that optimal long-term solution.
  20. Good Morning review team. It took a little while, but i made it back with my re-submission photos. The photos are ALL from the same day, the same camera, and in HD with good lighting. I did as requested and have replied with a new full submission since my hard armor has been replaced with Studio Creations, and my boots replaced with Crowprops. I hope you find this time around all positive results, and see the hard work and time i have put into my kit to achieve my Lancer approval. Thank you for taking the time to review me a second time around. I look forward to hearing from you after the team has had time to look this application over. -Scot @Chopper @BikerScout007 Name: Scot Morgan TBID: 81998 Garrison: Central Garrison Armor: Studio Creations Helmet: Armour-Factory Cummerbund: KriptonTop Cod Piece: KriptonTop Flak Jacket: KriptonTop Undersuit: Cucblackprops Boots: Crowprops Gloves: Wampa Wear Holdout Blaster: Armour-Factory Forum WIP: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/22915-bikerscout98-wip/ Poses For Review Team Front View: Right Side: Right Side (Arms Up): Back View: Back (Arms Up): Left Side: Left Side (Arms Up): No Helmet: No Helmet 2 (I just like it better): Action Pose: Helmet: Lancer Verification: - Screen Accurate Snout Greeblie. - Snout recess is painted black. Lancer Verification: - No mesh material mounted in ears. - Area behind ears inside helmet is blacked out. Lancer Verification: - Helmet Bolts are Gray 3M w/concave centers, 22mm dia. Balaclava: Flight Suit Front: Flight Suit Back: Lancer Verification: - Undersuit tailored to fit (see submission poses) Lancer Verification: - Elastic thigh straps 2” wide. - Thigh patches are real suede. Back Armor: Lancer Verification: - Back and Tank armor are two separate parts. - Extra decal with 4 rank stripes. - Screen accurate tank topper greeblie separate from tank itself, secured with a single metal colored rivet in the center of the greeblie. Lancer Verification:- Tank has properly placed pin striping with a single bottom attachment rivet. Lancer Verification: - Optional: ½” elastic stap is anchored to the top and bottom tank rivets and loops around the inside back of the armor. Cummerbund: Lancer Verification: - Cummberbund made from smooth white cotton sateen fabric, with no visible external stitching, and separate from the undersuit and vest. - CB ribs are 1” wide. Pouches: Lancer Verification: - Pouches are made from white duck cloth and measure 6”H, 5”W, 2”D. - Bottom edge of the pouch flap is between 2” and 2.5” wide. Lancer Verification: - Pouches have an attachment tab that must be at least 2”H to attach to the CB. - Pouch attachment tab is same width as the pouch = 5” Lancer Verification: - Pouches are affixed to CB via the tabs and sit 1” from outermost CB rib on each side. Cod Piece: Lancer Verification: - Elastic strap is 2” Lancer Verification: - Made from same fabric as CB. - Codpiece and sewn curve conforms to shape in CRL and Costume Books. - Codpiece does not bunch around groin area (see submission poses). - Codpiece attaches under the cummerbund either to the vest, the undersuit or the backside of the cummerbund. The codpiece is NOT sewn to the bottom edge of the cummerbund. Belt: Lancer Verification: - Belt is worn on the waist and not the hips (see submission poses). - Belt is one piece construction. Lancer Verification: - Belt has 2” nylon webbing attached to the belt in the back with one silver rivet on each side. Lancer Verification: - Dropbox straps are 1.5” and made of white cotton webbing. - Parachute buckles are non functional with the straps looped behind them. Thermal Detonator: Lancer Verification: - TD endcaps are concave - TD has visible black clips attaching it to the belt. - TD tube is light gray. Knee Armor: Lancer Verification: - Upper strap is ½” wide and riveted to the top sides of the knee armor. Rivets are silver in color. Boots Left Outside: Left Inside: Right OutSide: Right Inside: Lancer Verification: - Soles of boots are a single color with no visible stitching, and have slots cut in them as seen in the film. Holster: Lancer Verification: - Attached with 4 silver rivets. Lancer Verification: - Vents on holster are cut out. Optional Accessories: Hold-out Blaster Lancer Verification: - Lens dics are cut into the scope for a more realistic appearance. - No decaled cross-hairs present Lancer Verification: - Barrel is solid (i.e., not drilled).
  21. @Chopper Is this far enough over on each side? I'm gonna stop here if everything looks good. Thank you!
  22. @Chopper whew! Thats what i meant, my bad. I stopped where i was to make sure not to make same mistake. Yup, go out a bit farther on the sides, will do! Thanks for the great photo to use as a guide as well! I'm waiting on one item then i will be ready to re submit. Just like you asked, my current armor photos all at once, wearing armor in good light with great quality. I alone am SHOCKED at the difference to date from my previous armor to this new armor. I think you will agree when you see it! Thx chopper! Edit: Wow! EVEN off to the sides that far eh? Never noticed that before!
  23. @Chopper these vents arent nearly as wide as before. This lookin correct now? Im afraid to go any further, or ill need a 3rd holster to start again...thx 👍
  24. @Chopper Yessir, i expected that to happen. I will make sure everything is to the expectations and requirements for the application. Its not quite a Full rebuild, but close enough. Every photo i submit will be from the same day and current like you asked me to do earlier on, all at once. Thanks for clearing up the detonator For me brother.
  25. Afternoon @Chopper, Replacements have come in already, and NOW i SEE worlds of differences between Armour-Factory & Studio Creations. I never had anyone in person to compare armor with, so i never knew if my armor was poor, good, or great. Well, It's poor. The only thing i do like is my bucket (which isn't the same plastic as the armor it came with. I'll post up comparison photos when it's time. But studio creations is infinitely better than my previous. I have a question on the det. The "symmetry" in particular. Can you point out what it is EXACTLY that was wrong with the previous, so i can correct it on my NEW please? Thanks also chopper for confirming Studio Creations as a trusted Vendor. Blown away by the differences & thickness.
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