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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by RZill

  1. It just seemed like my lens opening was very small - I know this still needs some edging down, but I didn’t want to go farther until I am sure. The front pic has pencil marks where I’m thinking I should trim down to. I still haven’t heat formed my lens, so I traced it on paper and cut it so I could see how it will lay. I’m also thinking my nose part that comes up between the eyes shouldn’t be so rounded. Not coming to a point, but not as rounded as it is now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Awesome, thank you. Now questions about the size of the eye/lense cut out. I’m very worried about trimming too much, but it seems like my lens is way bigger than the opening I’ve trimmed. I know I still need to take it down more, but how much more? Should I trim this entire edge down so that the snout angles straight back towards my face and doesn’t curve up Ike it is? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hello! I will have many questions about my Studio Creations helmet build - here is my first three: 1. I am guessing I will need to paint the snout greeblie medium gray? Recommendations on what type of paint?? 2. The space around the greeblie - looks like this should be black, but I do not have a decal. Should I paint this area on the helmet around where the greeblie will be glued in? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I am going to be posting a lot of helmet questions here. I have a Studio Creations kit. Thanks in advance!
  5. Awesome, thank you both!
  6. Hello! I had a good start on building my armor, but hit a snag and then just ran out of hours in the day to get back to it. Now, my interest has been rekindled, and I'd like to get this done for a big event just after July 4th. My snag was that my undersuit was too small, so I purchased the Kolossus coveralls jumpsuit (pic attached). I need to transfer the suede thigh patches from my original suit that was too short to my new undersuit. Any help would be appreciated. I know I'll need to remove the original patches carefully, so I purchased a stitch remover - also will need to remove pockets from the new undersuit. Am I overthinking this, or is there some sort of blueprint out there to guide me? Once I get this done, a lot of the hard boady armor is already done, but possibly need some adjustments. Thanks!
  7. It's been a while, but I am coming back to your offer to help with sewing the riding patches on to the new suit. I purchased the coveralls, but I will need to remove pockets and transfer the riding patches from my old undersuit to this one. The seamster who I mentioned before is not able to help me with it at this time.
  8. Thank you, sir! Yes, a skilled seamster in my garrison said he could help with that. Much appreciated
  9. The undersuit I had custom made wound up being too small. But, I've heard that now a different type can be used, as per the CRL - flightsuits/racing suits found on Amazon? Can anyone confirm, and possibly direct me to links to some good ones? Thanks!
  10. Frank! You started yours after I did, yet you'll probably still finish before me... and it will look better! Glad to see you on here, my friend!
  11. Still making adjustments. The drop boxes are only taped on in front. I need to adjust the velcro in my side strapping. The arm armor will look better if someone helped me put it on, and that may need strap tightening, too. I am hoping the TD will cover up any imperfections in the back of the belt. I guess I have to attach the rear photo on the next post.
  12. I feel like I am getting close to starting the helmet. Any good helmet build threads out there? And what is the recommended liner?
  13. Don't mind the belt boxes - they aren't in a permanent position yet, as I am just trying to get everything else right first. No shoulders because I just glued the bicep straps on, but there is plenty of strap and velcro to adjust those. I put styrofoam in the bund pouches so they aren't so droopy. I moved the right pouch a bit more forward, but any more and I would have to sew on some more hook velcro - that's where they were sewn on by the manufacturer. Cod is not in a permanent place yet, either, but will be attaching that tomorrow morning. For that, I was going to use the butt flap velcro to attach the back of the cod strap, then sew velcro to the vest for attaching the front of the cod - if that is ok.
  14. I JUST posted it a second before you commented! Let me know what you think.
  15. Hmm, it's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. Keep in mind that my codpiece is not attached yet, but held on by clips in this photo - just for fitting purposes. And my shoulder bridge straps and shoulder bell bicep straps are not on, either. Drop boxes, too, are not fully attached in the back. But, I think this is starting to shape up.
  16. I hope I don't have to do this, but it seems like I may have to trim the shoulder bridge and re-shape them down to fit on top of my shoulders. I don't have a normal build... well, anywhere on my freak torso... and my shoulders slope down quite a bit. I will post a photo with everything on, once I sew my codpiece velcro to the vest, and can put it all on.
  17. I have no room at all between belt, bund, and armor. It all seems to be scrunched together, even with the belt about as low as I can wear it. Second level certification says not to wear it on the hips, but I don't care about second level, and I have no choice, anyway.
  18. OK, thanks. I thought the bund didn't affect the chest-back armor. Apparently, the chest-back does just barely go over the top of the bund? Another thing, my kit included the loop side with adhesive, and the hook side without. Is it better for the hook side to be what slips through the slot? I'd assume if the loop side were constantly doing that, it would become frayed. But, Is the hook side going to scuff up the armor at all, going in and out of that slot every time?
  19. I have about four inches of extra strap on each end of this. Before I sew on the velcro, do I want it snug, tight, loose enough to fit a finger between the armor and my undersuit?
  20. Ooooh, nice, thanks! Yeah, I just saw them on Amazon, but $10 apiece. Mucho appreciado. Although, I can get these by Friday. Same thing, correct? Looks the same to me.
  21. Somewhere quick and easy to get the TD clips??? I just noticed that my kit didn't come with them, and I am hoping to finish and get approval before the end of the month. I'm getting there! And I should have a solid 3-4 days this weekend to work on it.
  22. I have enough strap to get it closer to the middle... I'm not flipping you off in this photo!
  23. I figure just to attach them at a point that would make the drop boxes relatively parallel with the belt - provided each of the back part of the straps are in the same position.
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