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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Nathanzx10r

  1. Yeah, just do what Chopper says... He is very knowledgeable.
  2. Yeah, its steel.... It is going to be a little harder and heat up more to drill out. I suggest doing it over a longer period of time as not to heat up the steel to where it melts the armor. Drill for a few, take a break, drill for a few, take a break.
  3. I am in the middle of an order with him, he has pushed my delivery out a week further then first promised. But I know there was a big deal with shipping during the Covid stuff, so that is to be expected. He has always been available to answer questions, usually on the spot or with-in a couple hours of my messages to him. That's just my personal experience with him so far.
  4. Was able to talk to all the venders and have my parts shipped to my parents address for now.
  5. I had a recent (yesterday) family emergency come up, my mother has been diagnosed with liver, bone, lung, and possible brain cancer. I am making arrangements now to move back home from Arizona. Until I get home, and assist my family, my build will be put on hold until further notice. I am just trying to contact the venders I purchased parts from to have them rerouted to my parents house to avoid having them lost forever. The move will take a little time, so parts that are done, or close should still be able to come here for now. But plans to complete the build are now on hold for now.
  6. That does happen for sure. Lose focus of the overall goal to achieve "perfection".
  7. I am very happy to see you say that bud!
  8. On a side (funny) note..... You should try building a Vader suit, talk about having to be spot on accurate with zero wiggle room even at basic levels! Even though the basic CRL's don't require something, you are not getting approved without it. There is Zero wiggle room and I am now finding that out half way through my part sourcing LOL. We built our stuff in the early days using VHS tapes and wearing out the pause and rewind button, so we had some room to play. Now fast forward 20+ years with all the new technology in place relating to accurate prop making. I am finding out really quick that my old dog ways are not how it works anymore.
  9. I agree 100% with BikerScout007... Just get your stuff approved at a basic level. Let some time go by, enjoy being the Scout Trooper and doing good things. If Lancer is still what you want, address it then. I was all caught up on building my suit that I am still waiting on parts for to Lancer Stats. However, for me it isn't a huge deal and might be something I strive for down the road. I was a member of the 501st in 1999... Heck, we were just forming our Garrison then. We didn't have all these CRL's and levels back then, it's all new to me. But your overall goal needs to be happiness for you, and the people you interact with. If trying to achieve Lancer at this point isn't making you happy, then don't aim for that goal at this time. Get back to the basics and revisit the higher level down the road. The people that you are doing this for have no idea what a Lancer is anyway.... All they see is a Scout Trooper and that makes them happy. Lancer is just a goal for yourself, lets revisit it down the road. Lets just get your suit approved Level 1 for now.
  10. What parts specifically are holding you up. Lets work this out... I don't want to see you give up on something you obviously want to do.
  11. Are you just going for basic approval?
  12. Welcome Aurel.. I am not expert, and maybe someone else could correct me if I am wrong... Maybe the belt is a little high in this picture and I cant tell if it is just the picture or what, but it looks like the cod is a little off (like it has little corners in it).... But like I said, I may be a little off... I am no expert LOL
  13. Well, you can take the parts down to a seamstress and have her crack open the the seams and sew in larger panels, then button it back up. There are lots of options here for you man, so quitting a really good build over this issue would be insane. It's all easy fixes!!!!
  14. Don't sell anything man... worse case, you trim the excess down a bit and just put one 50mm hook and loop, that's easy to do. Just make sure you dont gain the weight back anytime soon LOL
  15. Well, It is not my place to say yes or no... I am just voicing my opinion is all.
  16. Man, I really don't know.... Because the CRL's don't say you can't have multiple attachments, it just says "Closes in the back with 50mm hook and loop. If it said Closes in the back with (1) 50mm hook and loop, then it is what it is. People gain and lose weight, that's what humans do... Besides me, I just gain weight LOL. In all fairness, the level two requirements in the CRL do not say anything about this subject so holding someone back because of this would seem unfair in my eyes. You have to follow the CRL, not make up rules as you go along. Yes, the canon scout only had one attachments point, but they had them professional made for them and wore them for a couple days of filming, not multiple years of trooping. Having to make someone buy a whole new soft part if they gain an inch around the belly is just nonsense IMHO. Level 1 CRL Level 2 CRL
  17. Yeah, thats a tough one... A mistake that will never be made again. But you are doing great man, I really want to see you finished.
  18. OK.... Hands are done LOL
  19. Yeah, Cant hold him responsible for the shipping issues in the country. He has always been super friendly with me also and answered any questions I had. Did you order off Esty or direct with him?
  20. What was your wait time? I currently have mine ordered almost a month ago... Just trying to get an idea if he is still on target with the 6 week turn around?
  21. So basically we can just wear our knees upside down and we got another suit? LOL
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