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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Nathanzx10r

  1. You sure I shouldnt do the whole thing... My soft parts are blinding white in some lighting conditions. And yes, I know.... God damn thats a big scout LOL.
  2. Hey guys... Long time no talk. Been pretty busy with the passing of my mom last year. So, I have a basic approved scout but I want to tackle making it better. A few of the things I want to try and tweak are... 1.) Weathering/White soft part/strap coloring I would like to replica the weathering and soft part/strapping color seen here. I do not have an airbrush and really do not want to spend the money on one since I will prob use it once and never again LOL. Anyone have any pointers of what would be the best way to achieve this. I was thinking of using tea as a die to get that off white color on the soft parts and straps. Any ideas, tips or tricks? 2.) DLT-19 Project. I built a 3D printed DLT-19 awhile back but never used it. I wanted something more realistic so I ended up selling it and getting a Denix. I will be doing some modifications to that but damn this thing is heavy LOL. 3.) Attaching Velcro or ? to my flight suit to keep stuff from moving around. I get a lot of stuff shifting around and I would like a way to keep it all from moving. Anyone have any suggestions, tips, tricks? Was also able to finish up my 4th approved suit... RO Tie Pilot. So easy to wear LOL
  3. Yeah, it was my first time in armor in over 20 years out in the public. Its like riding a bike right lol. The biggest problem was the biceps rotating and sliding down. I might just need to work out more lol.
  4. Yeah, it looks like that in person also. I'm just wondering if there is a dye that I could use, not sure if anyone else dealt with it before.
  5. It actually does lol... I noticed it when I was looking down. I was like why is it glowing lol. It really bugged me, still does. Like I said, inside looks great, outside it looks like it has a hint of blue. Strange for sure.
  6. Hope everyone has been well. I did my first troop as a Scout today since being approved. Now I know some areas I need to address from wearing this to make it more secure. Need velcro at the top of my bund to hold it to my flight suit for sure, and also the biceps & knees need velcro, as these things really love slipping down. I really want to do something with my cummerbund, inside lighting looks fine... outdoors, not so much. I also need to adjust the pouches, and try to attach them to the cummerbund a little better. Any ideas here on what I can do about the color issues with the bund and straps???? Anyone else had that issue? And of course.... the first feedback I see, LOL. I hate being so big sometime.
  7. I was asked not to talk much about it earlier... But he just announced, so I will share here now with ya folks. Altmann's Armor, is now Pilot Bays Armor, and is available in the states. Thank you Spike for all your hard work for us BBS (Big Beautiful Scouts), and I'm glad to see the molds go to a new home & will be used.... Being in the states makes it that much better!
  8. Ok... Here is the final results of the "glass" installed. I think it is a lot better then just having a open scope, just didnt look right.
  9. I am adding a part to my DLT... It really needs scope glass in it to make it look right. So I custom did this to fit in the scope. I am painting it glossy black, so it will give that reflective glass look against the matte black scope body.
  10. OK... I guess I didnt offically need approval to use my DLT-19x... I figured since it was a large part of the overall suit it would need GML approval. However, it was given the green light to use for trooping. Thanks everyone who followed this portion of my build.
  11. OK Folks... This is it, this is the best I can do with the tools I have & my abilities. I still need to do some dry brushing and wire for cooling fins, but here it is. I hope I get it approved, because I can't do any better then that LOL.
  12. OK, took my cod piece down to the seamstress to have a longer strap added to help with the cod crunchies. Of course there is a very attractive woman working the counter and I already feel odd enough about coming into the shop with a big white space diaper. So, me being shy on top of it all, try to explain what the issue I am trying to resolve is. She was just looking at me funny LOL. So I break out my phone and just show her a picture of my submission pictures and point to the crunchies. She just looks at me and say's "god I hate those too" LOL. She suggested I try the longer strap first, then if needed she would open the backside up and add more padding or a piece of thin plastic cut to the shape of the cod. So, that part is done. I wasn't 100% happy with the gunmetal finish I was going for on my DLT-19X. I am 100% sure it was user error in how to paint, because I hate it LOL. So I decided to get a Charcoal powder to apply to my existing finish to try to darken it up, and used satin finish this time and not matte. I think it greatly improved the finish, what do you think?
  13. Sooooooo close to being done.
  14. OK, So I am not 100% happy with the color. I mean its not horrible, but I think I can get it better. I used a matte black base and used a graphite rub on the metal parts then sealed it with a matte clear. However, it turned out a little too gunmetal for my liking. So I am going to buy a jar of Charcoal powder, same as the graphite power, just a darker color. I will give a charcoal rub over the existing gunmetal finish and then seal it in a satin clear this time. What are your thoughts? Good as it or a darker finish?
  15. Hey... Welcome to the Pathfinders bud.
  16. Didnt know what I should do with these... I assumed they were just like the rubber fins used for the E-11 and lightsaber grips. Soooooo... Flex Seal it is lol. At least it will give a rubber grip to hold onto.
  17. Done and done sir. Toned down the red a bit by misting a little black over it again, then sealed with 3 coats of matte clear.
  18. Oh I was just wondering is all. Thought it was kinda cool.
  19. OK, chugging along here....
  20. OK, so I was browsing around looking for reference pictures for my DLT-19X and I found this...Which I assume is Battlefront. I know there are a lot of Battlefront character builds that I see, has anyone tried this yet? Looks like Lego had a version too...
  21. Woohoo... Getting closer. All painted flat black, the scope itself was finished with matte clear, scope ring was given a satin clear, scope mount to the blaster was given a graphite rub finished with matte clear. The illusion of multiple parts to make up the completed scope.
  22. Okay.... Paint day has come. I hate painting lol. I will start on the scope just incase I screw up I didnt do it on a larger part. Did I mention I hate painting.
  23. OK... Good enough for government work, calling this ready for paint. That mount was the biggest pain to sand.
  24. Had to take a little break from my plastic spaceman life to deal with my moms cancer illness. Unfortunately, the cancer has come back and has gone into her brain. She will start radiation treatment tomorrow. She is in good spirits, but she has called her sister over to go through all the family photos and such. Really breaking my heart! However, she did stir the pot enough to find some old pictures that brought back a lot of memories. Without further ado... My first character I ever played, brought to you by my Drill Sergeant with a sense of humor. I had to clean the latrine dressed like this LOL. He amused himself so much he snapped a picture, nice enough to give me a copy of it before I left for my AIT school. I did manage to get all the parts printed for my DLT-19x scope and started working on that, first round of primer to see the problem areas easier... Filler and sanding in my near future. Hope everyone is doing well!
  25. I just have a two fan system mainly for the unfogging of my lenses. I am not familiar with the layout of the Kasyyyk lid, but with the scout lid and my fat head, I had to think out of the box.
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