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Everything posted by troygordon2

  1. Yeah...I guess I'm literally holding my breath at times like these. All in good time, I'll be busy prepping armor in the meantime.
  2. Can you point me towards the type of rivets and gun you used? I think I'll have to order it online with the quarantine and all going on, but want to make sure I get the right stuff so I can apply for Lancer when the time comes.
  3. Thanks for posting mate. I should get my SC kit in today, but my soft parts were ordered from South America and are held up with this whole containment bit. I'm impressed with your sewing ability for sure. I have a good machine, but can't honestly say I do much besides poorly repair things and sew nylon strapping together for builds. Well done so far and thanks for logging all this down. I'll definitely be following.
  4. I saw that. The back plate already has that hump for the rivet, which speaks well of SC for keeping up with things. I'm sure there are other things, but I only skimmed his first 2 pages here. I'm really looking forward to getting underway, especially now that it looks like I will have several weeks at home! Thanks a lot, C19...and COME ON, UPS MAN!
  5. Just ordered a SC kit myself, really appreciate you putting this thread together!
  6. All, I appreciate the input and am encouraged. I'm finishing up the helmet now, and think it's pretty well done. Hope to have some worthy pics soon. As to the armor, may need to either buy a kit for approval and have an example on hand to model my own. If I print anything, I always finish it and then mold it to make casts of either solid polyurethane or polyurethane reinforced with fiberglass or epoxy. I just want to do it right and don't want to run into the "He didn't buy it from where I bought it" issue. I'm fairly certain that with some time and sweat (probably blood too, given my propensity for using razors) I can make some armor that's up to snuff. I also make an absolute mess of the inside of my prints with bondo reinforcement, so its generally not wearable! Again, any constructive criticism is ALWAYS appreciated. Troy
  7. Hi all, I am starting my build now, just ordered the soft parts, but want to make my own armor if I can. I can imagine the eye rolling out there, but I've been making Halo, Titanfall, Starwars, and various other armor and helmet types since 2013. I'm not too bad, I swear! Check out Luna Armor Works sometime. I would love to buy an RS kit, but as I've got a good eye and hands, good Blender skills, a 3d printer, experience with molding and casting, and a bit of OCD on finishing stuff, I've wondered if I could get approved should I go that route. Further, I enjoy it! It seemed weird to me that the Lancer application wanted to know where the parts came from, though I suppose that helps quickly judge the quality of the parts, though not the fit necessarily. Curious to know if I need to buy hard parts from places like WTF/RS/Moncal (those are the big names that come to mind) to get approval, or if I can do it myself if done well.
  8. Hey USG. I'm looking into making my first 501st approved build myself and am leaning towards the 3d printing side of things. I've been modeling, molding, and casting all sorts of props for a few years now, so it's not the work that scares me as much as the approval process. Are you worried the 3d models won't meet some unseen CRL requirement? I'm worried about silly things like those vents above the nose actually in the shape instead of just a sticker. CRLs don't say much, and the on screen helmets are not actually all that well made or detailed. Curious to hear if anybody has said anything to that effect. Also, what model are you using? I've seen a bunch on thingiverse and Etsy, just curious what direction you were going. Good luck and keep posting. Troy
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