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501st Pathfinder
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darth-burgess last won the day on June 9 2019

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About darth-burgess

  • Birthday June 7

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  • Location
    Honolulu, HI

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Pacific Outpost
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Shoretrooper: Captain

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  1. So after some searching through free fonts, this appears to be "sofachrome". However, if there is a list of standard 501st fonts somewhere, that would still be helpful. Thank you, troopers
  2. Does anyone know the font used in the Pathfinders logo? The "Basic", not the Aurebesh. I know that Impact is used for the 501st logo. Are there standards posted somewhere? I'm sure everyone here considers themselves "makers" of some sort, and always have projects in flight, so I thought I would find this info posted already... but I can't seem to track it down. Thanks for the help, -ST50199
  3. Thanks for the advice. Took Eelco a few days, but he got back to me and was very helpful. Probably just a little overwhelmed with orders. You are right, sanding by hand seems to work best. with the new aluminum body it seems you need a head gun to melt the t-tracks. Probably ends up with a much better result than the 3d prints, but I’m a little nervous to mess it up... wish me luck
  4. So I finally have my kit. Looks great but now in analysis paralysis... didn’t come with instructions, but someone in the shoretrooper fam (Facebook) was able to provide a copy. Still there are some vague terms for someone who hasn’t done this before. Sand it... can I use a dremel? Or electric sander? Or should this be by hand? What about grit? Glue it... again, with what? Are we talking e6000? Is something else better? Also, the basic instructionS don’t seem to explain the wiring. I have wires, a battery holder, and LEDs... do I solder them together? Is there any instruction on how this should all connect? I’m way out of my depth here. Didn’t realize the build-it-yourself was going to be a figure-it-our-on-your-own. So I could use any help you guys can offer. Thanks!
  5. I got a response from Dehn… $658 for that case. Since that's more than I spent on the E-22, I'm going to have to pass. Still looking for suggestions. Thanks all
  6. Found one post on the Facebook group (Shoretrooper Fam) where someone used a DEHN KKL PHE3 (https://www.dehn-usa.com/en-us/1881/49365/Familie-html/49365/PlasticCase.html)... but not sure how to purchase that. I sent an email to Dehn, maybe they will sell directly to me. While we are on the subject, how about regular armor cases? Any chance the Home Deport Husky 35 in. Mobile Job Tool Box (Model# 222167) would fit armor, sans bucket?... Or should I just jump on the Husky 37 in. Mobile Job Box Utility Cart Black (Model# 209261)? What have people had success with? Thanks
  7. Did anyone buy a case specifically to keep their e-22 safe? Any suggestions? It’s a big investment, so I want to protect it. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I went ahead and ordered from Eelco. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I'm hoping the community can help me in deciding how to start my E-22 build. I'm particularly interested in the accuracy and ease of build (preferably no modifying). I see the kit from 3D-Props is probably the most popular out there. I have also seen Thorsson's kit mentioned, and his prices are a little better. Being that I have never put a kit together before, I might be smart to get the easiest to assemble, but also want to make sure it is accurate for 501st level 2 standards. Anyone have any feedback on Thorsson's kit? Or have another suggestion? Has anyone seen both those kits, and able to compare? Thanks for the help!
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