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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Smokeshow

  1. It’s an Alain Rivard design, I got the helmet and all armor in a package deal.
  2. And, So it begins! I will try to put each step on here as I get to it. This should be fun!
  3. It's 9 months old? I did not notice that when I replied. And on a separate note, as soon as I get this printed Shoretrooper armor finished for a customer, I'm going to start on my Patrol Trooper! I really can't wait, it's been one I have wanted to do since the first pictures came out of the poster and the first sightings of the figure.
  4. Exactly, a lot of people think this stuff will not hold up to the abuse of trooping, it’s actually the opposite and it’s half as heavy as resin casts.
  5. If what the CL says still does not make it any easier to understand, just drop me a line and I will be glad to assist you. I 3D print and have made Sean's helmet in many different iterations and I can explain the difference between resin cast and printed and even pepakura.
  6. Marishka, did you find out what you were wanting to know? There is a much simpler way to figure out sizing.
  7. You bet! and Thanks!
  8. Thanks Sir, no I was not really angling towards that idea of a simple repaint, but more along the lines of modifying the files to create the correct armor. Good news is Sean has made the Kashy helmet and it is available in his Etsy store, the file is inexpensive and If you know anyone that 3D prints, then you are in luck! It just so happens that I 3d print, and have said file too.
  9. Hey guys, My name is Bill, but I go by Smokeshow on other boards. This is the first time I have posted so I'm going to ask, how much different is the Kashyyyk scout trooper armor different from the Biker scout armor? I have the files for the Biker scout, and if they are the same, then great! If not, can anyone please show me the differences? Thanks in advance!
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