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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by JBar

  1. Condolences to him and his family
  2. Up to this point my pockets below my chest armor have had foam blocks in them. I'm looking for some ideas on how to line them so that I can put toys/stickers in them to hand out to people who would enjoy them. Best idea I have so far is cardboard lining but when I've tried they get all floppy and fall apart. Anyone have solutions that have worked for them? Thanks
  3. It's because it was 😆
  4. Ok the big photoshoot finally happened! I had an absolute blast driving down to Cheatham Grove where the original speederbike chase was filmed. I highly recommend visiting. Just watch out for all the ewoks! All my photos and videos can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067580122581 and https://www.instagram.com/tb91213/
  5. Ok good to know. Unfortunately the handle isn't magnetic. I'm potentially going to replace the handle but it's a lot of work if I decide to do so. Gotta find the right sized metal and also find a way to bend it and drill holes through it
  6. I've had this awesome DVH blaster for a while and I'm finally getting around to cleaning it up and magnetizing it to my holster but I'm realizing that everyone seems to have an additional magnet in the side of the blaster (where the "x" is). Mine unfortunately only has one in the front where my SC holster won't allow a magnetic connection to. Before I pry apart my blaster and potentially damage it, is this a unique problem for me or am I missing something? I'd like to add a magnet inside the handle but I don't want to ruin it since they're not made anymore
  7. Good question. I think I did about two coats each for the white and gloss. I learned you needed to stand a bit closer for the gloss. If it sprays on from a distance you get a speckled result instead of a shiny smooth. Luckily I sprayed nice and close for the helmet but not enough for it too pool. Definitely practice on something else first
  8. I had great results just rubbing in some black oil paint and sealing it with Krylon gloss varnish. It gave me more control and if I didn't like something I just wiped it off. I just dabbed on some paint using paper towels and kinda just kept dabbing and smearing it to my liking
  9. I had a very frustrating time finding the right white paint but here's what I finally found that works: I can't tell the difference between my abs armor and white resin helmet now. It's literally a perfect match for me. In short I used Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/22823-needing-help-with-spray-paint-results/#comment-214451
  10. I finally upgraded my SC to a Moncal helmet. I was hesitant because of all the painting required but finally found that Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy white spraypaint was a near perfect match. The nice part about SC was that you just had to assemble the ABS plastic, put on the stickers, and you were good to go. Moncal was a lot more work involving the resin dome and ABS faceplate but in the end it was totally worth it. Not to say that the SC was easy. You still had to do a lot of work aligning the plastic correctly. Moncal seemed to just "fit" better. For some reason the Moncal bucket just seems to look more menacing and accurate to me. Something was always a little "off" with the SC helmet. I think the main reason I like Moncal is the wider lense and deeper grooves with the "saggy eyes." It has sharper angles which I like as well. It's definitely a bit bigger but even as a smaller person I don't think it's too big. It's easier to fit electronics in the Moncal as well. Both vendors had excellent communication and I recommend either one. Both are great but I'd say the Moncal looks way cooler in the end. I haven't tried Moncal's armor but I love my SC armor personally Anyway, here are the comparison shots, Moncal is on the right (or bottom depending on your screen) and SC on the left (or top pic of each pair) Side by side Front Underneath Top: you can see that the SC has a lot stubbier visior Sides Wearing: this...this right here is where SC starts to lose me. For some reason I looove how Moncal looks. I love the SC armor and the vendor but man Moncal blows me away by how cool it looks
  11. So excited right now! Finally finished my Moncal helmet and couldn't be happier. With so many changes I suppose I should send these new pics to my GML to make sure I'm all set to go. If anyone sees any mistakes let me know. I'm not wearing my vest in these pics. I finally feel like I'm looking the way I want to after all these years. The helmet, boots, TD, and light weathering I think has made a huge impact on the look. I also added a punching bag and binoculars just for fun. I made the binoculars off this great Etsy creator: Also, I initially had issues with painting my helmet but got it all resolved. If anyone needs help matching a good paint color for their SC armor, check out my post here These were just some quick pics. I'm lucky to live in the Pacific NW so I plan to take a shuttle to "Endor" soon with my wife who happens to be a photographer!
  12. Thank you so much for your tips everyone. Especially you @Chopper for the "appliance white" idea. That color was perfect. I think my biggest problem was spraying too far away and too light of coats. I was so worried I'd make the paint runny that I instead was misting everything and the paint dried in the air before adhering. That being said my favorite combo was this trinity pictured below. I honestly can't tell the different in color between my old SC armor and the new helmet. AND the helmet is smooth to the touch, just like the armor. It took about two months of testing but I couldn't be happier with the results. The Appliance White said it doesn't recommend a primer but in without primer the resin helmet had too many tiny holes that would show through the paint. As far as I can tell the paint is very durable even while primed, especially with the Krylon gloss coat after I weathered it. SC left and my new Moncal on the right I think I bought every brand of white and clear coat in the country 😂. The three on the right were the best combo by far for me
  13. Ok thanks. I hadn't thought of trying appliance white. I'll go pick some up today and see how it works
  14. Thanks for all the tips. I had to wait a few weeks but I waited until it wasn't rainy out and I also soaked the cans in some warm water before spraying. I also sprayed a lot closer to the plastic. Everything turned out a lot smoother. Now I gotta figure out which white best matches my abs armor. They all have a little bit of yellow to them compared to ABS. I think Rustoleum specialty is the whitest white but it's not the smoothest finish.
  15. @f3tt4l1f3Ok thanks I'll try painting closer as well as the bucket technique
  16. I'm going to try one more Krylon Primer tonight and see how it goes. I'll post my results since I really want the Krylon to work if I can just figure out why it's crackling
  17. Thanks. I just bought all these paints this week. Stored inside the house where it's warm. I spray the paint off to the side first, and then only cover the plastic in a light, sweeping motion about 1.5-2ft away I'm painting outside with no wind I sand the primer with about 400 grit and wipe it dry before painting The primer says I can wait just an hour but I waited about 12hrs overnight to be safe I usually apply 2-3 coats
  18. So I've been practicing spray painting some old ABS armor in preparation for a new biker scout helmet on the way. However, I just can't seem to get a good coat on. I've tried Krylon, Krylon Fusion, Rustoleum 2x, Rustoleum white enamel, and Rustoleum specialty plastic spray paints. I've almost spent $100 in paint testing using every combo of gloss white paint available to me. No matter what combo I try with paint and primer, I get a coat of paint that dries to the texture of 200 grit sandpaper, with an exception of Krylon fusion, which dries in a crackly texture. I almost always make sure to never mix paint brands. I've checked and I'm making sure I'm in the correct temperature and humidity ranges and I always do multiple light coats. I rigorously shake the cans for 2 minutes or more before each session. However, I live near Portland where it's always rainy and chilly, but like I mentioned I'm still above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and below 85% humidity. Whenever I watch videos I'm blown away by how shiny and perfect these same paints are for everyone else. I'm literally considering flying out to where it's hot and dry for a weekend just find a location to do some more testing. Has anyone else here had this problem? These are the best results I've had so far Below was Krylon Fusion This was Rustoleum white gloss enamel which was the best Rustoleum I've used so far. I get the same effect with 2x and the specialty plastic paint.
  19. Ok big update here, first of all I fully redid my thermal detonator. Previously I didn't have very good backing washers behind the clip rivets but now they're on there and very durable. I also made a payment to Moncal for a new helmet. Lastly, I used some black oil paint and I'm working on some weathering. I'm giving it some time before I seal in the weathering with some gloss varnish. Let me know if anyone has any objections to the weathering. I'm pretty happy with it overall. I think it gives some depth without going overboard.
  20. My bag and strap came in the mail. It looks great but has that "new" out of the bag look. I'm wondering who here has used the tea bag and/or paints to weather their bag and how did it turn out for you?
  21. @TKZombieOne last question, how did you weather the Baby Yoda bag? Did you use the same teabag and paint method as the other soft parts?
  22. Thanks. Yeah I've seen the results of mixing paint brands and it's no good
  23. For some reason I'm having trouble finding what people use for paint to best match ABS plastic. I currently have an SC all ABS kit but I'm working on getting a Moncal helmet that I'll have to paint. What paint should I use so that the helmet is the same color and shine as the ABS white? I also of course want it to be as durable as possible. Thanks in advance
  24. Cool. Looks like the CRL states the black strap can connect to either the flight suit or the back of the codpiece if I'm reading it right
  25. Great catches, I'll add those to the list
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