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Everything posted by Dauitsch
Will add the making/result of my boots here since the basic steps are actually similar to what the TE did, the difference is of course that I took a different pair of shoes from a random work boots offer off ebay and I decied to use real leather instead... When everything was finished, I started to pre-weather them and spent ages with polishing and fatting them in order to reach the smooth and glossy appearance. See the following for Sole cutting, Leather making and final result...
Inspired of what I have learned here and seen on all the references, I decided for my own setup which I would like to share here as well... - I made the vest of heavy black cotton as a single part (had to shorten the arms twice in order to reach the desired lenght and meassurement in combination with the shoulder bits) - Made the Cummerbund of medium weight, polished cotton also as a single part (Its decently glossy but not too much) - Made the Cod piece also as a single part out of the same material than the Cummerbund - The pouches are made of heavy cotton canvas in off-white and they will be affixed to the Cummerbund with velcro - In the end, aall the parts can be fixed togehter with Velcro wich ensures that it fits well and that every bit stays on its desired position (I would even claim with this fixature its all stunt proof and ready to tree-hug). Have a look and tell me what you think, I am curious to read your feedback... In the end, all togehter on my mannequin or myself, itlooks like... The strap between the Chest and Back armor is ending up exactly as the border between vest and Cummerbung whilst covering it as ssen on several reference pictures
If I may share my take on the TD and its Tube... The TD box & caps are part of my Strider kit, the Tube is made of a grey 40mm plastic sewer pipe wrapped in a light grey cable. About the cable, I can tell that every single german tool store has only standard sizes of cables and as per their current portfolio, the smallest one will have a 5-6mm diameter, in order to reach the 2-3mm diameter, I did the following... I cut if off over the whole lenght and removed the inner cable bits so that I only had the coat left, as a next step I rolled it togehter with pressure and spotted it with Zap-A-Gap so stability of form... When ecerything was to my satiffaction, I heated it up with the heat-gun and rolled it again to improve the appearance back to "cable-like". As a last step, I strechted the consrtuct after heating it again, the outcome was a light grey cable with a 2.5mm diameter which I then wrapped around the sewer pipe. I have to confess that it was a bit of a stunt and it took me one whole saturday but in the end, I am quite satisfied with the result in terms of colour, size and dimensions. Last week I finalized it with the clips. I made them out of an old PC case which had definately the perfect steel tin and painted them black after a lot of Dremel work^^. As said, Iam actually very happy with what I made and any kind of feedback would be much appreciated, cheers!
Hey Constantin, thank you!!!! This is exactly the next step I was looking for I am already online in the german garrison forum but dont have any Scout contacs so far. I did just send a request to join the group on Facebook Dank dir und bis gleich
cheers again Yes I am already talking to spike and currently prep my order...
Hey guys, thank you so much for your first feedbacks!!! To be honest such is exactly I wanted to hearbecause as said most of my personal evaluation would be more or less based on guessing and comparing to what I have learned so far whilst your judgement is based on real knowledge and experience. The price he is asking for the whole chunk is 850 EUR (895 USD), however from the first moment on I had a bad feeling. Let me list my thoughts on the kit... Helmet: - Declas on the back side have this blck framing which I did never see before, especially not in the CRL - lower back on the helmet (middle) seem to be worked not correctly Armor: - Backplate and tank are indeed made of one piece as mentioned by stasz - Backplate and tank are completely missing black framing and decals - Belt looks too narrow - Webbing of Drop Boxes and so the buckles are too narrow - Detonator pack just looks strange (tube is way to short, not fixed with cable strip in the middle - Biceps pieces look very cheap Boots: - I really liked the idea of having real leather boots rather than selfmade cat boots, though I am sure I could make them way more screen acurate on my own following the known tutorials - The whole holster construction isn´t satisying to me - Having fresh soles of cat boots would be a way better source for the screen acurate carving imho Gloves: - Not Esprit, not Wampawear and not MovieFX (I have a pait from MovieFX and they a way better with no difference to Wampawear ones) Soft parts: - Flight siut has NO suede attachments or any attachments (no mudlap, no riding patches) - Cant tell anything further about the siut at all which is strange to me - Flak vest looks like being made of some poly or plastic material, also I have never seen the stitching being made in squares across the arms, I think they should rather be in lines ? - Cumberbund has no stitching at all in the belly area, Stichtings of lower cumberund seem wrong - The pouches... well the pouches, as someone with a proffesional education in saddlery and upholstery, i could make them better without even having a pattern. As mentioned in my introduction, I strongly aim for 501st. aproval as well as the most optimized kit I can get. I think I will stay away from this offer and follow my initiall plan to make the whole Biker from scratch following state of the art knowledge Thanks though, you guys simply underlined my first impression and made my decision quite easy!!! I think the set is not even qualified to be a spare part source. Though, those boots... those boots would have bloody attracted me : D
Hi fellow Pathfinders! I might need feedback, help and support of you in regrads to a full set I was offered. Actually I am about to order my helemt and armor at Altmann´s and therefor went already in touch with spike (I am sure that I will defo get a kit from him). However, I was offered a full and more or less complete Biker set by a guy from Germany for a fairly nice price as an all in one package. When I checked the received pictures of the set, I directly saw several things that will not go inline with the CRL. Since I really want to have my Biker costume as optimized as possible I wonder if you could review the pictures and tell me if this set is worth buying it or not. I think I could modify some things well on my own so that they will fit but to make a final call on this I am still lacking some actual experience. You know, I dont want to waste money or end up trapped since such will only block my progress as you can imagine See the gallery here for the pictures of the set... https://postimg.org/gallery/33kknq0uw/ any kind of feedback, comment and/or help would be very much appreciated! Thank you
Thanks a lot guys, already signed up at German Garrison and went in touch
I also stumpled across this Etsy shop while researching sources, as far as I can value this... the stuff looked good to me but then there is the "etsy thing" which doesnt seem trustworthy to me. I will defo buy my armor kit elsewhere
Hi Patrick, how is it going with your Biker project? I am as well fairly new to this place and just introduced myself with a new topic. Though I thought lets say Hy because we are living soo close together (Neuss - Krefeld). Maybe we can get on and exchange our experiences a bit
Hi Pathfinders, First of all, thank you for letting me in! So I guess its time to introduce myself a bit to you... My name is Boris and I am located in the town of Neuss which is near cologne in Germany. Even if I knew directly that the Scout Trooper is my very favorite appearance when I got to see ROTJ with the age of 10 back in the days, it took me thirty years to decide that I will impressionate one some day and here I am. Over the last 20 years I spent my time with historical reenactment always thinking of the option that I also could do Star Wars, however, now its the time for me to start with becoming a Biker. I hope that I am right here with my introduction and my first questions that came up after reading a lot of information and also making a grade of research that starts to confuse me : D What I have so far - A very strong intention to create a most accurate Biker Scout appearance - An idea about the rough costs I am looking at - The motivation to make new friends around the world - To become a 501st member and a Pathfinder as well with my costume to create - A well trained allround crafting skill As a first question, I would need some of your valued feedback in regards to a helmet... After reading a lot about helmets I was actually looking for a kit from LW but it turned out that such is not easy to find (at least I was unable to find any contact to him, maybe someone can help me out here)... However, I have the option to buy a fully assembled and weathered MLC v3 as of tomorrow from a guy living close to my area and I am undecided as hell if I should take this one (for a very nice price) or if I shall just wait until I get in touch with LW someday without knowing if this kit is even still produced. I will attach some photos of the helmet I could get and would be very glad if anyone could comment or give me advice... https://postimg.org/gallery/1k46jnm5c/ The sources for the remaining bits have already been figured out more or less Thanks a lot for your support and contact! cheers