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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by heartstopper85

  1. It might just be a first order scout separate from mountain trooper in figure pack Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  2. Armor and bucket in just working on trimming and sizing Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  3. Ended up ordering my first soft good parts from Gio. Ordered a pair of R1 Tanker Boots. If you look at the ref pic you can see the toe and the heel stand out. It's hard to tell because of the shin armor that goes over top. I doubt the FOTK boots would be correct. However I know the Pathfinders like to make there Lv1 like Lv3 but maybe we can include an option on Lv1 for FOTK style boots, or TK style boots to be used. Either way they only go up the ankles are fully white have a rounded toe Armor should be here soon, KB is looking for feedback on few more pieces (shins) and should be casted and shipped soon. I think eventually I'm going to just get the black jodhpurs and r1 style gloves. The gasket shirt I think is gonna be biggest challenge. The arms look like normal FOTK gaskets the but on the chest it looks similar to a DT. So gonna hold off on that part until I see in park. Maybe it would best to have a undershirt with the chest style gaskets than just wear FOTK Gaskets on the arms. Just thinking out loud as I type.
  4. Looks like KB/ Jsin are making progress. Hoping in next couple of weeks I have my set soon. I managed to get my hands on the black series set as well but haven't been able to bring myself to taking it out of the box. On soft good side I become more convinced that the boots, pants, and gloves are Tanker parts. But will have to wait and see. The gasket on the neck area is more DT though. Heard a very promising piece of info from Jsin but I'm not going to repeat in public. Either way I'm pretty sure Jsin/KB will be the closest thing to having what is used in the park eventually December 5th the new ride opens so might be awhile till this is official either way plenty of time before celebration still which is my main goal, even if not approved I'll be rocking this at Celebration and smaller local events my SL lets me troop at (usually lv 3 or lv 2 events I can get a waiver for non approved costumes)
  5. Yep KB just caught that the forearms are Shoretrooper on the box, and FO on the toy. Hurry up and get one roaming the park lol. Side note I think you can buy this set of figures come July on the shopdisney website. Not paying 100 on ebay for a 50 dollar set On the shirt is it the same as the hoover tank? Seems all black with similar patterns, Thersea said she can do the pants and shirt but figured if I could get cheap on Imperial boots from their set I could do that. Thersea tends to sew stuff for me almost too tight
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Disneyland-Star-Wars-Black-Series-Galaxys-Edge-THE-FIRST-ORDER-6-GuideMap/223551138419?hash=item340cafaa73:g:eZsAAOSw2EZdAxTl here's a box that they are actually selling so you can see they kinda cropped out the yugo
  7. That might have been concept I think I remember seeing that pouch too Interested to see what the actual box looks like when bought in park. They are selling the set in July on shopdisney.com
  8. That silver trim is gonna be a fun addition paintwise too I didnt even catch that till I read it here it seems to outline the whole eye piece I need to really get one these things in hand. I know Jsin and KB have one on hand so that's helpful
  9. I think I might have convinced myself it's a gloss white. If you look at the shoulder with the red it shines more than the red on the shoretrooper has maybe a hint of flatness but certainly worth debate. I'm probably going to paint everything flat than I can always hit everything with the clear gloss when we are certain. But I agree at the beginning, just at a level of excitement because I get to build another thing
  10. Bucket- KB/ Jsin Props Armor- KB Props Pants-darkside closet Shirt- darkeside closer Faulds Mr Poopie Boots- Gio custom officer style with the FOTK sole and standard officer look. Gloves- imperial gloves Blaster- none for now Paint- rustoleum professional gloss white and safety red for the right shoulder bell R is for Red fyi Black- I still have a can of flat black from Montana from last build Shins straps: Nylon strapping casted in rubber based on a 3d print from Mr Poopie Belt Rob Kittle custom with metal clasp
  11. I would argue, it's a flat white similar to the hover tank pilot might be getting a bit of shine from the way the toy it lit Shoulder armor has a raised ridge. May need to work on wording for the red on the right shoulder. It's kind of right below halfway not sure better way to word that. There's no clips on these forearms, these are similar in style to FO Tie forearms at least on the pics I saw no clips Boots are similar to the First Order TK Boots but I think I like that wording simple enough probably follow a similar wording as those espically on Level 1. Deff not the Chelsea style like the shoretrooper but that's just my opinion, they get covered up pretty well by the shin armor The strap have a webbing material texture, and the 2 on the bottom touch each other the other have an even amount of spacing I'd assuming 1/2in Webbing is probably 1in wide will have to do some tests to see what looks right or thats probably getting too picky Belt I counted two small squareish boxes viewed from the backside on either side of the TD than another 2 on the sides right above the pouch 2 on the front and on long rectangle box with a line on the left side that seems to be acting as the buckle . Might double check my box count Im looking at both the front and back pics. Can kinda see them a bit a better in the box art I would say you could probably do a similar sized belt as the Shoretrooper since the ab plate is being reused the boxes are similar height and width I'm not sure probably about the same. Its all one piece and the hip armor appears to be part of the belt could probably sew those patterns on something just would need someone that is more of an expert with fabric to weigh in. Foam might work but I don't know how you get that pattern in foam looked like a piece of cloth with a sew on pattern Everything else looks on point. Just my argument is gloss vs flat white. I was thinking if you used Shock White Pure like the Tankers it would look amazing with the brown earth tone weathering. Hope that was helpful. I contacted a few people I know about more info on the costume, one of the guys building things for Disney parks didn't know anything about it, and Matt from story group said fingers crossed it would be in park. When I told my source what Matt said he got a good laugh and said he would have text him and ask. Didnt hear anything back, so maybe it will be part of the new ride opening later in year. Either way I respect if they need to hold a few things back
  12. Probably I got some info from spec ops old DL on the Spec Ops First Order black and red TK. And was told they used for sources, The toy, the pic in back, and a pic on the side. I think we are only at 2 pics right now so hoping once we see in park that will be source 3. Either way deposit is down with KB and I'll be posting a in progress pic soon, Should update my pic I retired and sold my shoretrooper ages ago
  13. Glimmer of hope Matt works on the story group for Lucasfilm Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  14. Does the box art count as a source? Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  15. Got on the run for KB Props they have the bucket printing and working on the new moulds for the chest and back. Glad to see other people think the hip armor is fabric, I pm'd Geeky pinks to ask about soft goods. I doubt we will ever see this costume in the flesh, but I know as a fact realistic Rex got approved from a toy, and we have EU characters that were toys. Heck I just done making Major Vonreg from an anime style cartoon. Don't know why there would be any push back form the legion if people want to spend money and develop a costume. Also for my input boots appear to the FO First Order Boots with some type of shin armor over them it's hard to tell but my vote is on the shin armor being shoretrooper armor with the plates having similar features to a snowtrooper
  16. How is everyone doing shins? Re thinking about doing mine. I have Jim's kit and I changed the buckles to rubber with the rubber straps. Right now the front end has two holes with a zip tie on the top and bottom The back end has velcro. The straps I don't think I have right at all, they are just glued by the buckles and velcroed on the other non buckle end My front plates are velcroed in the center with two magnets to hold them in place. Only real issue I have now is how everything looks and getting them on over my pants. I can do ok with someone helping me but if I'm on a troop without any help it can be a challenge to near impossible to put on.
  17. Update I switched to military backback style harness and attached with snaps. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0034YPDFQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It just comes with the top portion the pic they have listed is odd I literally just put 4 snaps in and adjusted as needed. H Harness is a god sent on long troops. Also spray painted mine black with all the foam straps etc you don't notice anything sticking out or out of place
  18. can you elaborate a bit more on what each is. I think I use a suspender system. I have 2 one inch nylon straps I criss crossed and snap in the front. I think I need to upgrade though with all the weight from the hip armor, ammo pouch belt etc. My shoulders have been killing me every troop I think it's from everything on the ab piece pulling down
  19. Word of advice, as I've been trooping my boxes have been coming loose as the fiberglass hole expands. I've been filling the holes in with e6000 but you might be able to use something else to fill the holes
  20. I don't prevent it on mine because of what I feel like is natural and cool looking. But I suppose you could wrap everything in old tshirts, use some foam (like those you use to repair chairs), maybe even plastic bags
  21. Shins have been my biggest pain on the armor. I've done everything from paracord zipties and now my setup is Zipties to hold the front of shins together with Velcro in the back. I have 2 n52 magnets to hold the plates in place. But that's not strong enough for movement so I added Velcro on the raised bar raised with some foam. The adds a bit of stickiness while the magnets seem to keep everything from any flopping. Now that im approved ill probably sand the raised edge flush that seems to be biggest issue
  22. Yeah maybe a hint darker, what was the cost?
  23. Oh man that model paint is gonna be expensive to use I'm sure it will look good though
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