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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by CatfoodRob

  1. If you turn the T.D upside down then aren't the oblong greeblies going to be upside down, although in the right orientation ? Its not an issue really as only two T.Ds have been built in that configuration ( mine was one !!! Lol...) so all future ones can be done as the c.r.l. Rob used the picture I posted above ( I've learned about tapatalk) to build his, not the CRL ... doh . Onwards and upwards for RS .
  2. If this photo loads , from tapatalk , it shows a screen TD , which looks the same as the Belgium costume one. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. What's wrong with the t.d. Details ? They look perfect to me. Yes the holster has hacksaw cuts. Yes the boots have one inch Velcro . I really wish this forum wasn't so primitive that photos can't be uploaded , I have no way of shrinking photos to upload ...
  4. If it's been glued on with e6000, put it in the freezer for an hour then pry it like frank said.
  5. The two photos you referenced against both had pinched fronts , after that they all look like RS to my eyes . I think you are now clutching at straws to make your assumed point , which is all very silly . after forty years we finally get screen accurate armour and all you want to do is criticise it ... you have really lost me on your reasoning . Ill leave you to it .
  6. The famous dummy photo (as you called it ) has one of the folded chest plates , like I believe , the m.o.m. Scout . You can clearly see the front vent has been heated up and folded in . The reason Is that the chest piece is quite wide under the armpits, so they heated and squished the v at the front on several suits. Of you look at the close up,of the m.o.m. Chest , the fold is clear , as it is on the dummy photo . This possibly gives a squarer look to the neck cutout . The rear of the armour is simply a return edge difference.
  7. Can you show the full photo of the scout you are referencing to please ?
  8. Build the whole faceplate/ visor , you need glue to stick around the edges before you paint it . Once assembled it's not difficult to get even paint up,inside the visor area, so don't worry . Thats thenway RS do,it , and I've built two,myself using that method
  9. Do any photos exist of a real movie one ?
  10. Flak vest has stitched ribs on the sleeve ....it's just that the stitching doesn't go thru the layers, it's just on the surface layer . Im getting my sewing machine out ...simple job to sort . RS are aware and sorting it.
  11. Ok, here we go ...the rear , I've opened the Velcro at the top to show it . I also have the same flightsuit , and am also unsure about adding extra suede to the top of the legs. If it's not in the CRL , and the only actual proof of its existence is genos suit , and as it's mainly invisible, I'll wait for now . but to cover the odds I may go and hunt a piece of suede to keep in reserve for later sewing machine action . As to the thigh elastic , I'm also considering replacing it , but as the actual stuff has never been identified , we have to ask the question ...what is more incorrect ...elastic or the wrong webbing ???
  12. At the rear there is a covered Velcro split right up the centre , but for some reason the software isn't allowing me to upload another photo .
  13. Great revue of the flightsuit ! So I'll add the shoulder cover piece . Also from imperial this week . This is made from nice quality feeling cotton , the main piece is double thickness, and the arms and shoulder ribs seem to be padded . This is it from the front . Notice it has a piece of Velcro sewn onto the lower edge... handy for later attachments .
  14. As no one has yet seen the latest imperial boots offerings, it seems unfair to be so outspoken about them at this point . The latest RS video doesn't feature the latest soft parts as they haven't arrived from the suppliers yet as of today ( 26 January 2019 ) i called in there this morning .
  15. Is thread colour important ? If you use white it will soon turn brown when younweather the boot , and if you use brown it is pre weathered . I think it's more important is to get the stitch length and pattern to match the screen shots .
  16. Really nice work ! I've built a couple of RS helmets myself so I know how fiddly they are to get right .
  17. Many many places on this planet don't have temperatures nearing the core of the sun . Back in the old days I trooped for years in a Fibreglass TK and had no issues . This helmet will both troop and display excellently .
  18. I was up at RS yesterday and had the chance to view the new red label helmet . It's really nice , and comes fully lined in black soft material . Visually , from the outside, there is NO difference between the red label and the screen accurate build version . The face plate and visor are still vac formed so look perfect , and the fibreglass shell is the same shape etc as the vac formed one . As it's all painted in the same paint , they are indistinguishable from outside . Another step forward in screen accuracy for the troopers .
  19. Cheers Mickey , we'll cross bridges when we get there . Whatever, I'll,follow the crl . All the best .
  20. I also believe there were no tan coloured shoulder bridge webs , only white . i see mention of the bicep t piece greeblie, but haven't been able to find photos of the left bicep one anywhere , are we sure they are handed ? Do we have access to accurate screen caps of the main greeblies on the armour ? Yes I know I'm new here, but I'm also a screen accurate fan .
  21. I printed mine at 106 percent and it is corrrect size compared to a real singlepoint sight .
  22. It's early days for the RS armour. They seem to,be working hard upgrading the soft parts as we speak ! When they eventually release this armour to us, I'm sure it will be sorted . Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. I've read the Lancer tutorial / thread , and am still non the wiser about boots .... to be exact, what is incorrect about the boots offered by ImperialBoots ?
  24. The top of your blaster , and particularly the nozzle look better , but the handle needs work in my opinion . Sorry I couldn't send this photo as a p.m. But the image seems too big for the p.m. Uploader. I have tried to add a couple of other photos, but again the uploader crashed thru tapatalk , and the straight website uploader tells me they are too big to upload . Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Hopefully I've sorted my problem of posting pictures ... I hate tapatalk but it seems to be the only way . This is a photo of your blaster printed at 100 % with a correct period transistor placed on it . This shows your handle is maybe too small ? The other blaster top half is the one from thingiverse printed at 110 %. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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