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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TINMAN

  1. ok, i was going thru the build threads and i found a good one that pandatrooper did and his tabs are down,
  2. Im a little confused on the TD greebs, I know the round one goes on the right side of the zip tie, as for the other side what is the correct placement? does the cut out notch go up or down?
  3. I'm a little confused on the whole pouch issue, I've seen different ways that scouts have attached their pouches to the uniform... I've seen them attached directly to the cummerbund, I've also noticed that some are attached to the inside of the chest armor plate using velcro.... which is the correct and approved method?
  4. I've sent several emails to them and have gotten zero responses, needless to say i'm very angry.
  5. So.... before I got approved for BSN, I made aN order from Starfortress without researching on the forums. .. needless to say, I got burned by them in the tune of $450 for their "version" of the jumpsuit, boots and gloves... I got everything in the mail yesterday and nothing was correct, shoddy work would be a compliment. And it says on their site that all "custom" orders cannot be returned. Very expensive lesson learned.
  6. Does anyone have a template for making the "T" strap for the shoulder bells and covering the gap between the front and back plates?
  7. Thank you sir
  8. Ok......... I'm having a hard time finding the measurements on the side straps securing the front and back at the bottom parts of the armor (mainly the width of the straps) , Also having a very hard time finding the material... Went to Joann's and to hobby lobby and Michaels.. can anyone point me in the right direction for either of these issues?
  9. Is there a list of the parts that you need to assemble the armor? Elastic sizes, rivet sizes, velcro placement and such? I'm having trouble finding it. I looked at chefs build but some details are a little confusing.
  10. Put my order in with him, Thanks for the lead on this. My order should be here in 2 weeks... i ordered at the end of june.
  11. Thanks XO
  12. I need some help in picking the right liner for my KS helmet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  13. I second Swift234, Very impressive.... Can't wait to set mine up
  14. Wow, Where is a good place to get boots from?
  15. This is a sweet build,
  16. I'm learning a lot from others
  17. Looks really good!
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