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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TINMAN

  1. Congrats!!!
  2. I'll be there.
  3. We have A LOT of really cool places here in Chicago that we could meet up, Dinner or lunch. Also there are a few places we could walk to get some really great pics. Let me know and i can "Scout" it out this weekend.
  4. Looking good so far, cant wait to see the finished kit!
  5. Welcome to The Tip of the Spear!
  6. I agree with Mickey, I have both KS and Altmanns because I have a bigger melon. Great buckets for larger head people.
  7. Maybe it's just me but the thigh boxes look a little small and need to hang down a little lower. but nice build brother.
  8. Looks good by my eye, the only real thing that I can see is the your forearm armor should be on the outside of your glove by an inch or 2 , Your visor doesn't look like its all the way down and seated. But other than that it looks good.
  9. Try Max's sci-fi creations on Facebook. Great quality just tell them you need a rush on it.
  10. It looks like a rough pull but with some trimming and sanding you should be able to get those up to specs,
  11. I'm in the process of taking apart a few of my airsoft guns to see if I can come close to the hold out blaster and a e11.
  12. Welcome fellow scout!
  13. Welcome jose!
  14. Hey Bryce, I'm in the Northern Darkness Garrison, we have a few scouts that you can connect with and get some advice and help.
  15. Welcome Max.
  16. For the flight suit check out Max's sci fi creations on facebook, They do amazing work.... oh and they'll do the vest too.
  17. I really like my KS bucket but I cant wait til my ALT comes in.
  18. Be very careful, There's a guy selling buckets on ebay that are made out of very heavy fiberglass, The visor bolts are very brittle too.
  19. I found using testors standard primer color works pretty well for the chest plate.
  20. I want to thank everyone who helped me with my kit, the advice and the pics were great help... as of today I am a member of the 501st Legion... TB-76123. Thanks again everyone, big shout to the XO, Stroker, Staz, chrisx909x and Steve A. TJ
  21. As the XO stated, do your homework and research, research and research. ..
  22. I know that my pouches are backwards and my boot holster isn't attached, Also my forearm armor is inside my gloves.... wish I saw this before I posted this pic... sorry.
  23. I know we're suppose to use photobucket to upload our pics but i'm new to this and apparently i cant figure it out.... any help would be great! Thanks in advance
  24. 99% of my soft parts came from Max's, I highly recommend them.
  25. Saw the work in progress....... awesome
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