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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Dmorja

  1. Congrats Mike! Impressive most Impressive!
  2. I was the same way on the first set I made. I would be happy to help. Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
  3. I have 3D Printed inserts in the same shape. Gives it form and I can still use the pouches to hold everyone's items because they choose armor with no pockets. 😀
  4. Yes, you will need to taper. My calves are 20 in with a size 13 shoe. Measure around the ankle part of the boot while you are wearing them, add an inch to account for the velcro strip. Measure the fatest part of your calf again add an inch for the velcro. Then make your pattern. Don't forget to measure the opening for the arch to fit over your laces.
  5. We have all been there. I have had one belt, a chest and a forearm crack or snap in half. I used the same repairs you are using and even tried to use PLA and a soder iron to weld. In every case they just slowed the inevitable break. I bought new pieces and reinforced each one with ABS glued to the back for support to help give it some structure. My belt and chest cracked and broke due to having it too tight. I now use hidden velcro, snaps, and magnets to hold the items where I want them and keep the straps loose to allow some give for movement. It is very fraustrating, but don't let it discourage. The scouts one of the best and iconic outfits in Star Wars.
  6. Altman (Spike) makes bigger helmets. That is where I got mine. At the time I had a 24 inch noggin and it fit great.
  7. For me I went to Boot Barn and tried on any boot that had the correct color sole. Other than that find one that is in your price range and comfortable. The sole is the only thing you see. I did choose a sole that was also easy to cut the patterns into.
  8. Impressive, most impressive. Congrats!
  9. Hi Mark, nice job overall. If you can post pics from all sides that would be helpful. Initial thoughts: * You are correct the sleeves on the vest are too long, they need to be about a inch below the shoulder armor * It looks like your bund needs to be pulled up as your velcroed pouches are sticking out on your right side. Putting some velcro o the vest will help keep it in place. * Your cod looks a little tight, loosen the strap in the back a little * Drop your belt boxes down about an inch or two Again it is looking good. Post some more pics and we can help. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  10. Most of us use the Red cap coveralls. They are found on Amazon. I used my suit jacket size and it was a good fit. You will need to remove the back and side pokets. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  11. It is possible to adjust the molds to become a "slip on" for any boot size? I have seen rubber slip on covers for running shoes. Just a thought. They looked Awesome!
  12. Just be sure it has enough power to sew through leather and vinyl otherwise you will break your needles, and there are needles that are made for leather. They are a little more expensive but worth not breaking so many. I have a Bernina. It was pricy but I have been able to sew through leather, foam, and Vinyl.
  13. I use elastic speed laces. You can get them at most running stores, or sporting goods stores that sell running shoes. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  14. I use dish soap. Rub it on the lens, wait about a minute and wipe it off with a paper towel. A firefighter taught me that trick at a troop. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  15. Hi, Redcap usually come in jacket sizes and is pretty true. If you have a suit jacket check the size and fit to see how comfy it is. If you don't have one, pop in to a suit shop and try on a few. Wampawear are terrific gloves. The sizing depends on if you keep the lining in or not. With it in the gloves are true size to most motorcycle gloves, but if you choose to remove the lining the fingers may be a little big. Good luck on your build and ask lots of questions. We love to help. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  16. Joann Fabrics is where I got mine. They always have coupons. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  17. Congrats Justin! Wow!
  18. If you need any help where to find additional information or how to put it all together let me know. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  19. Hi, I have Altmann for my armor. I'm 6'2 and 330, so I kniw his you feel. This armor fits well and as Mickey said it is a soft armor costume which works well for us big guys. Although I still struggle to make a cod piece that looks right. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  20. I am always toasty. There are times that the outside of the bund shows the sweat. When I take the bucket off or lift the lid a mini waterfall happens. But, that is when it's 90 to 110 degrees here in CA. I have learned to take water breaks and air out a bit at troops. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  21. Congrats! Looking forward to another great year!
  22. Awesome! Thank you for sharing.
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