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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Bally

  1. Thanks for that Teiwaz. Yeah so I had another look in Target and BigW and found these for $35 and $29 respectively. They seem much more workable. Preferences?
  2. Thanks mate, will do. I'll go have another look at k-mart too.
  3. Thanks Grumpy. I've done some more searching and I can't find anything better for at least about Aus$80. I'll have a go at getting more arch into the arch and was looking at using some homemade Sugru type stuff to build the arch up higher externally as well. I think getting the sole tan is going to be the biggest challenge.
  4. Thanks for the reply mate. Appreciate it. As I'm trying to do this for the least cost possible I went with boots I already had. There's no Walmart in Aus and even the cheap work boots are $60-80. I've got a pair of jungle boots that some people have used, but they're the black version and not the tan. Oh well back to the search. Because money is an issue I've thought about doing a cloth uniform, but IMO KT is one of the best outfits and I can relate to it . I actually can't understand why it's not a lot more popular.
  5. Quick question as I'm starting to put my soft gear together now. Is that vest acceptable? I've got a few of that sort of style from work but I didn't think they'd be workable because the CRL states "no molle vest of variant" and "appearance of 2 tones of grey". From what I can gather from reading old posts, the original cummerbunds people made were cam but now 2 tone grey is the desired look?? Either way that armour looks friggin' sweet. I'm so jealous of the skills some people have.
  6. Well Kashyyyk Trooper is going to be my first build and I'm going to have to sell some of my diving gear I don't use anymore to afford the hard armour, and I'll be making best use of what I already have for as much of the soft gear as I can. Starting with boots. These are 2 pairs I've gotten from work and I'm trying to decide which would be best, assuming either of them are workable at all. I figure I can sand back the ones on the left and get a nice tan colour on the upper and the sole, but might need to fill in some of the tread. I think the ones on the right have the better "chunkier" look but with need painting to get the colour right. Opinions?
  7. Which state do you need to get it into mate? If it's QLD there's a thread on the Redback forums about the paperwork needed. I assume the other states have a similar process if you didn't want to take any chances. www.501st.com.au/forum/showthread.php?tid=750
  8. Which one did you end up going with? The only Kashyyyk gear I can find is the link above. I can't find anything for bikerchick anywhere. Might be a forum access issue though. Edit: looks like the magic 5th post fixed it. Sorry. Still keen to know what you think of which way you went. I'll be looking for some soon.
  9. Thanks again for confirming that Grumpy. I've since sourced some from the UK. Postage cost more than what 2 sets did but I can't be bothered trying to track down decent matching pieces here at disposal stores.
  10. Figured as much but thought it was worth checking. Thanks mate.
  11. Apologies if I'm highjacking your thread but I thought it'd be better than starting a new one on the same topic. Was wondering if this style shirt would be suitable. It's actually made to be worn under armour, is less bulky and cooler to wear. My concern is that the plain brown bit that would be exposed near the shoulders/armpit would be unacceptable.
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