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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Bally

  1. Oh man are you f'ing kidding me. I've just spent 6 months modding the sole of a set of boots to get them as perfect as possible and and have started painting them white, to avoid the inevitable "it doesn't look like the CRL" feedback on review.... Any chance of getting the cummerbund changed to "grey or khaki" too while we're at it? FFS... /endthreadhijack Hot knife looks like a great idea for all general armour trimming. Does it work well or create a molten mess? Also what colours are you looking at? I came out of Bunnings with a fistful of swatches and after culling them down to the ones that matched best, funnily enough ended up with two that had 'olive' and 'earth brown' in their names. I know everyone goes for spray paints but I'm wondering if standard interior/exterior paint is workable if you're going to use a sponge and clear coat over it anyway.
  2. I think most people tend to try and use a similar method/pattern to how they do their armour. There has been discussion here and there about the use of multicam materials for the pouches. I can't remember seeing anything that specifically states you CAN'T use it, but I think most people try to just stick to the same as the armour. There are some screenshots which show a ligher colouring on some pouches (e.g.- the two long ones at the rear), but from what i've seen this isn't consistent through all the pictures.
  3. Heheh not a worry mate. It's a regular occurrence around these parts.
  4. That gear's too shiny for this area mate Try these:
  5. Might be worth getting tips off someone who's finished it One of the guys here has velcro on the inside of the top corners so it can still be removed but I don't know if he's going to keep it there for the finished build.
  6. Slowly mate. I've been working on the helmet, about finished the boots, trimming the armour a piece at a time when i get a chance. Still a bit 50/50 on whether I'm going to go with the material-covered 3D printed pouches or sew them with foam inside. What size are you?
  7. They look right to me. Importantly, they're not the rip-stop material and the shirt is actually the shirt, not the heavy smock. I can't remember if the original ones were 100% cotton or a poly/cotton blend. Cotton is easier to dye but if it's a blend it shouldn't be a big issue.
  8. Here's what I have saved. The old and the new and screenies. Personally, as someone that wears camouflage for a job, I completely disagree with the grey cummerbund. It makes no sense with cam armour and I think the older, low-res screenies looked grey due to CGI lighting, but I wasn't around when the CRL was written. To me it's khaki.
  9. The colour when it dries is like the messy bit of the arch on the left, but when you sand it it goes lighter like the smooth part. I'd think you could actually get away with either, as the CRL says "either khaki or tan soles". Edit: I'm planning on putting a thim layer over the top once it's all done to keep the darker colour. Some early pics. I have slowly built up a number of layers over the top of each other.
  10. Hi mate it's in a thread above but stupid photobucket..... I'm using this: on these boots: The stuff dries hard so you can sand and dremel it (and even use it to fill in holes if you dremel the arch too far) but stays flexible.
  11. My boots. Still finishing building up the inside arch (left).
  12. Okaaaaaayyyy now we're getting serious. Official BBB day: Also I've bought myself a sewing machine and am trying some sewn pouches. I think the 3D printed ones, while they look great, are going to be too rigid and prone to ripping off the cummerbund. Boots are almost finished too and I think, aside from custom made ones, they are going to be as close to screen accurate as possible.
  13. These are photos from Grumpy I've pulled across to imgur:
  14. I only just ordered a set from her yesterday so she is responding.
  15. Hurry up then mate. I want to see it in action! Oh and of course let me know if you need anymore parts printed.
  16. Funnily enough I just bought a sewing machine to see how the pouches turn out sewn, and I've been doing some more work on my boots tonight. BTW I'll pm you on CTN tomorrow about some stuff.
  17. Ohhhh nice tip, thanks,.
  18. Work has been insane since well before Christmas so I've gotten absolutely nothing done. Ironically I had a bit of time when I was working on Australia Day (public holiday). I used a hot glue gun to stick the fabric to the pouches I 3D printed. Before I did it I used a heat gun to soften the boxes so I could shape them so they looked a bit less 'boxy'. Do you reckon these look acceptable? If so I'll get onto printing the rest of them. Thanks to Grumpy I found out the way around having to paint the silicone belt too.... black sharpie. Looks great and easy to do.
  19. That's pretty much what everyone uses.
  20. I'm no expert but I think the issue will be that the plain brown area will be visible in the shoulder area, around the sides of the chestplate/backplate, therefore not acceptable.
  21. Kashyyyk helmet: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10944
  22. Interesting. I'm also working on a 3D printed blaster: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13828.
  23. Excellent, thanks for that. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  24. When you say handpainted, do you mean by brush or airbrush? Or from the can?
  25. You know, that's not what I have in mind for mine at all.... but I REALLY like it. As far as actual practical camouflage and screen accuracy go, I think it nails it. Any chance of a detailed description of how you did it?
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