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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by khazara

  1. Great job!! Nicely done, everyone. Interesting that a second detonator would be needed if someone wanted to switch between their regular scout and this version, due to the greeblies being swapped L to R. Good thing SC sells spare parts! :D
  2. Congrats! Great achievement!
  3. Got my 5-day pass but no lodging yet. After waiting 40 mins in the hotel queue there was only Fri/Sat available so I didn't book anything yet. Hoping the Legion hotel block will see me through.
  4. Just be careful when you drill out the rivets. The rivets heat up when you drill them out, enough to melt the abs they are sitting in. So you might end up with larger rivet holes than you started with - take breaks when drilling them out so the rivet doesn't get hot enough to cause that damage.
  5. I like black plasti-dip interior for the helmet. I recently did this for my TK helmet and I am pleased with how it came out. But really it's just for your own desire as nobody but you and other costumers you show it to will see it. I like a clean, tidy look.
  6. Sorry, didn't realize that!
  7. There's a pair on eBay in Germany currently: https://m.ebay.com/itm/Biker-Scout-Handschuhe-Biker-Scout-Gloves/273165874363
  8. One alternative is to find the authentic vintage Esprit motorcycle gloves they used in production. Edit: nvm, I was thinking biker Scout not Shoretrooper
  9. Well done, Lancer!
  10. I recommend making them. It's a nice little build. Was my first prop painting and was pleased to get that experience. Doopydoos.com does makes resin greeblies for the sub assault / tank assault game.
  11. Trooperbay does personalized decals. Great for labeling each armor piece! L and R indicators too. https://trooperbay.com/decals/personalized/armor-or-costume-tag-decals
  12. Fantastic tips that are great for wearing the outfit and not just for approval purposes. Here is one more that I use: - like stirrups for the feet, I added a small loop of 1/2" elastic to the end of the sleeves that I hook my thumb into before putting on the gloves. This keeps the sleeves of the coveralls nice and tight, avoiding getting bunched up and keeps it down in the gloves.
  13. I like this rolling storage locker from container store, it's what I use, fits everything. https://www.containerstore.com/s/black-ultra-storage-locker-with-wheels/d?productId=11003008&q=Storage%20locker
  14. Great start to your build! Regarding your inability to sew, you could always use this opportunity to learn! That's what I did. Bought a used sewing machine for $65 and watched some you tube videos. Made all my own strapping and even took in the legs of the suit & modified the collar myself. It was not that hard and picked up a very useful new skill. :-) In any case you will love becoming a scout and we look forward to you joining us!
  15. Jim was a regular presence on these bs.n forums, always helpful and a great supporter. He will be missed around here. RIP I never had the opportunity to meet him in person. Anyone have any scouting pics to share?
  16. According to the label 1/4" X 50'! Sorry that's all I know.
  17. I recently came across this at a Lowe's hardware store in California. I have NOT used it but wanted to share it as a possible option, which might not even require any painting!
  18. Congrats on achieving Lancer!
  19. Congratulations for your hard work to achieving Lancer!
  20. Congrats on achieving Lancer status!
  21. Congrats on achieving Lancer!
  22. Before I built my scout 2-3 yrs ago, I had only touched a Dremel once. It's a fantastic tool and Now i couldn't imagine trying to build the costume without one. It makes sanding and cutting so much easier. Particularly for tight spaces, like the notches in the belt where the belt box straps poke through.
  23. I'm also somewhat tall and slender (6' 170 lbs) and used a Redkap suit for my build. Many sizes come in a Tall version, which is what I needed for the torso sizing, otherwise the Reg was too tight on me between shoulders and crotch. The suit just has to look appropriate for your body type, and being not too baggy is one of those determinations. I took in the legs on mine by several inches. With the numerous layers to the costume, I sweat quite an it when wearing it (especially outdoor troops here in So Cal), so a lighter weight material is to your advantage, and I find the RedKap is pretty decent in that area. Hop that helps!
  24. Congrats, great build!!
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