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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Granted, it's not cinched up, but even with the straps pulling a bit more snug, I think the separation looks ok.
  2. I thought my chest/back plates were too close together, but with everything underneath, the distance looks pretty good I think. I want to round the corners where the straps go through, but wanted to make sure I didn't have to cut these back any first. Thoughts?
  3. Here we go! Of course it comes while I'm on second shift... Be ready, belt. You're getting put together tonight.
  4. Congrats, Joseph! Looks sharp, brother.
  5. Received my KS lid from Darth. It's most excellent! My son Bob approves
  6. Armor has shipped. Lid has shipped. Another week on the blaster. I'll have a pic of my mudflap up tomorrow, and maybe the vest if I'm feeling industrious...
  7. stasz

    Mike's WIP

    You're on your way! Good luck, brother.
  8. Thanks, guys! (Haha! ...A very sad scout indeed) Yeah, the KS lids - when tweaked out properly - look awesome. And I'm prepared to do those mods. I've emailed back and forth with Brenda over there since I started this lil project, and she's been very helpful. That's probably what I'll end up doing as it's quality, convenient, and fairly priced. I just want to check out every viable option. With the time I've got into it already, my rig deserves it! By the way, Mickey, I love the avatar! You don't see lefty Pauls everyday, and no one can ever say the armor doesn't match the ax
  9. Thanks for the tips, Justin! The one scout I got to see up close and personal (thanks, Dan!) has an MLC. Man, they are sharp. I'd love to score one, but I'm also really hoping to have everything done - if not approved - in time for Free Comic Book Day. I've heard MLC takes quite a while. The KS can be a great looking helmet (I've already got a DVH snout ordered) and I'm hoping going that route might get it to me a little sooner. I can always get a different lid down the road. I do like the idea of the fiberglass and was also considering a CB, but there's the significant wait factor again. I'm pulling the trigger on something quickly though, in the hopes it will show up about the same time as I finish up my armor. We'll see!
  10. I searched and found a handful of posts/pics from last year. Meh. I think I'll stick with my original KS plan for now. Unless anyone has an extra LW laying around I should just put "...unless anyone has an LW laying around" in my sig...
  11. I've been leaning KS - prebuilt then applicable mods - as it's always described as bigger. Mainly because I wear glasses. It also seems a fairly reasonable price/quality/turnaround time. Now, I've just come across this NI on etsy. I've seen them mentioned once or twice around here, but they don't seen to be too popular compared to the SC, KS, MLC, etc. Anyone have/had/seen them in person? Thoughts? Thanks y'all.
  12. It looked really weird at first, trying to line the paper template up with the crotch seam, and front/back areas, but I had an AHA! moment when I wrapped it around the leg instead of having it all laying flat. If that makes sense
  13. Hey Shane, Griffin-x shared it just a couple threads down: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13065 It's also in the gallery. I resized mine a few times in ms paint, and ended up eyeballing it, but it came out nice.
  14. Looking great, man! Those Rubie's lids sure can come out nice.
  15. Good call, Steve. Just got done stitching her up. You're right, I don't think the iron on would've held up for a very long time. But it did make the hand stitching a LOT easier!
  16. Thanks a lot, Josh! I'm pretty happy with it. Just took my time, asked questions, and scoured the boards I want to make another one now that I have some idea what the heck I'm doing...
  17. Some people's kids, man...
  18. Speak softly and carry a ginormous blaster...
  19. Grumpy, that is AWESOME! My 5 year old son got me that Jaxx Pacific figure (he named him "Biker 61"). As soon as I saw that pic on the box, I thought what a cool stylized version of scout armor. Yours is great, man. Nice work.
  20. Here's a bit better pic: I slipped the new flap over the actual collar maybe 1/8". Just enough to stitch it to.
  21. Thanks guys! I'm really having a blast working on this. Isaac, I just took one of the butt pockets, measured it out to the same height as the collar x 2, folded it in half and did a hem all the way around to make it look tidy, and tagged it to the end of the existing collar. That's kind of how I figured it out by looking at Griffin's pics. The exact method of his might be different. I'm not really sure why I did 2 strips of Velcro honestly, one would be fine.
  22. It's time to get a proper WIP together, as I'm buttoning up my soft parts, and my SC armor is ordered! First up, my Redkap flight suit collar mod per Griffin-X's suggestion: I also took in the legs and waist, added stirrups to keep the legs from looking like bloomers, and of course removed all external pockets. Still have to stitch the "regular"pockets and slits closed. Gloves, XL, from WampaWear: Bund and pouches courtesy of Marcel: Boots I built using the excellent tutorial: Putting it all together: Detail of my riding patch and thigh bands. I used ultra bond on the faux suede and it worked out well. Might throw a single stitch line around the border to dress it up/add strength: I've got a snout coming from DVH and a blaster kit from Hole in the Ground. Haven't seen anything about HITG on the boards, but had a great chat with Eric over there, and the piece looks good and was decently priced. Fingers crossed. Mudflap and vest will get done this week to keep me from going bananas waiting for my armor. Then another payday and I'll be ordering my KS lid unless someone has an extra LW laying around Any and all thoughts/suggestions are most welcome. Wouldn't have made it this far without everybody. Thanks!
  23. Thanks, Spooky. I actually opted for the 2 color piece, cast in grey/black.
  24. Thanks everyone. Sounds pretty simple! I just ordered my SC armor, and am ordering my lid in a couple weeks. Already have a snout coming from DVH so I'll be ready when the KS shows up.
  25. Dang! I thought this was finally my chance to justify a suede Merkin Thanks guys. Templates printed. I'm getting together a proper WIP to post tomorrow.
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