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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Bobaben

  1. Yorkie, after looking at all the other pictures of different helmets it seems your visor fit problem might not be universal. Can you identify which piece isn't quite right (the visor or the helmet), and if so can it be tweaked with some heat?
  2. They would be foolish not to offer it. People would buy those up.
  3. I'm pretty sure they WON'T be doing any more Biker Scout lids after this. It has been as big a nightmare for them as it has been for us.
  4. Agreed Shaun. The greatness of the LW, and it is great, compared to RS is basically irrelevant if nobody can get one. LW has no obligation to produce , but if he's not going to, then it's like comparing a thoroughbred to a unicorn. A decent thoroughbred won't necessarily win the Triple Crown, but at least it's in the race.
  5. It kinda feels like wave 1 was pushed out to settle everyone down, and now it's on the back burner again.
  6. I guess that means I'm in wave 3... Sweet!
  7. That's good news. Maybe the other problems were anomalies.
  8. And you are right to do so. As far as I'm concerned for the price of this helmet, and the time it's taken to deliver, the flaws you described are absolutely unacceptable.
  9. Do I dare suppose each subsequent wave is in 3 week increments? I could handle that.
  10. When did you order, Matt?
  11. Well let's hope the "mouse" doesn't visit before they get our helmets out!
  12. Sad indeed. But it's probably more innocent than that. I think they've just put themselves so far behind they can't possibly keep up with the social aspect. I've said it before. They need to STOP taking orders, catch up, and control how many orders they take at a time.
  13. So apparently they had to outsource the decals as theirs "wernt good enough." Hmm. It seems like that should have been worked out a long time ago.
  14. Hey they have a PARTY to plan for! Have you ever planned a party? It's a lot of work. Ugh... This is so depressing.
  15. Nice! I'm very jealous. We require pics!
  16. One good thing about only putting down the 50% deposit--the British Pound has fallen. Well... I guess it's only good if you're paying in dollars.
  17. Hmmm... I ordered in September, and I didn't get that email. Regardless I have to be in the #50-60 range. <sigh>
  18. Well it's already been awhile. What's another 2 or 3 months?
  19. Christ. You're 27 and you ordered in January? I'm probably not getting mine for another 3 months...
  20. I imagine you'd have some takers.
  21. Look at them. They are glorious.
  22. Haha, damn. Thought I was first.
  23. Got an email from RS today about the helmet, and I assume everyone else did as well. They say they're going to be sending the first batch out in late January and the next batch in February. It's good to finally hear from them about it, at least.
  24. I like the look of that armor! As far as the tank the MLC appears to be much more accurate than SC. That's the one thing that really stands out for me about the SC armor-the tank is too small. I may end up with a hybrid suit! Looking forward to seeing this completed.
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