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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by marktoots

  1. I wasn't sure whether to mention Chef by name but... he produces great armour :-) and is always willing to help out. Oh, and when you pop onto the ukg forum remember to say hi. Best of luck with your build and shout if I can help. :-D
  2. Hi Rhys Firstly welcome. I am in Alton, Hampshire and am currently in the middle of my first build. Have you joined the UKG forum yet? If not, get yourself over there and make yourself known. Marcel and Chef are both UKG armourers (same usernames on here) and I am sure that they will help you out with all the info you need. Oh, and there is a UK based supplier of some great hard armour, in fact that's who I got mine from :-) Mark.
  3. Well done mate. Extremely jealous like alot of scouts out there :-)
  4. Thanks Jim. That sorted it :-)
  5. Does anyone know why I can't download the pdf? Everytime I try I get an error saying I don't have permission :-(
  6. Chef. Your point about the shadowing/highlight on the collar is a good one especially when considering the lighting direction for the sequence and in fact something I hadn't considered. Would also explain why the "thing" extends down from the helmet in the manner that it does.
  7. I agree that it would be crazy to add a chin cup after the event but there seems to be no screen evidence to indicate their use. While reviewing the screen captures I noticed the "thing" (I'm not going to call it a chin cup) as highlighted in my original post and wondered what it could be!? And wondered whether anyone else had any ideas! I guess I'm questioning whether this is the elusive screen evidence that people have been looking for!?! And thus trying to gauge opinion.
  8. Yeah thats true. Although looking at the photos of the screen helmet there is no indication of a backing behind the snout!? It looks to me like there is a physical separation between the "thing" and the back of the snout as you can just make out the return on the underside of the snout!?
  9. Hi all I know there is an on going debate about whether the chin cup seen on the screen helmet is actually worn in ROTJ as generally the photographic evidence suggests it was not but... I'd be interested to know whether anyone has a view as to what can be seen in this image: Under the face plate on this scout there is something extending down from under the helmet in the general area of the chin. It seems to be white in colour and is in focus so it is certainly on the scout. Furthermore, it is in the shadow of the helmet. The scout's head is not tilted to the his left so it cannot be the left side of the face plate and the angle of the body relative to the helmet / chin line suggests that it is not part of the chest armour or the shoulder bell!? I'm not saying it is a chin cup however I do not know what else it could be? I've also looked at the screen capture where the scout is viewed from below and to the front where it looks like his skin is exposed. While the "chin" does look skin coloured could it be a weathered chin cup that is in the shadow of the helmet? I am interested in your thoughts. Mark
  10. Thanks all. I've started putting the flight suit together now. Modified the collar so that it has a mandarin style and fitted the suede mudflap with a velcro strip to allow it to be easily removed. I've also remade my saddle panel pattern so that it continues up towards the waist so that they extend further up under the bund. Pockets will be stitched up, that'll stop me putting my hands in them! :-)
  11. Hi Mickey It's actually a dickie's suit which is the uk equivalent (I think), certainly looks similar anyway. I had a feeling they might be covered by the bund and belt now you and Chef (through ukg) have confirmed it. Thanks.
  12. Hi all Please could I get some guidance on my flight suit. I've just started out and have started work on my flight suit but I have come up against a couple of things that I'd like to ask for help on. I am aiming for Lancer standard and want to make sure that I don't make mistakes. I have removed all of the external pockets from my overall but am wondering whether I will need to stitch up the waist/internal pockets? When wearing the overall the remain closed but are visible, although they may well be largely hidden by the cummerbund (don't have one to try at the moment). How have others handled this? Below is a photo of the pockets. I was also struggling with the saddle panel template that comes with the tutorial so have attempted to make one from scratch based on photos. Before I cut up my suede I've made a mock up of the front panels and pinned them into position (photo below). I'm just not sure its right!? The lower red line indicates the top of my knee cap, and the upper red line is the bottom of the zip. Can you point me in the right direction please? Thanks for your help Mark
  13. Just found a photo of the original sierra sneakers in the armor archive which has answered my question. And yes the horizontal strip does go all the way round the sole rather than being restricted to the heel. Cheers Mark
  14. Hi guys I'm planning on starting to carve the sole of my boots, but I have a question. Having repeatedly looked at the images of the MOM boots it looks to me that the horizontal strip on the heel continues around to the front of the boot (I have circled it in red on the image below) am I correct or is it a trick of the light? Cheers Mark
  15. Thanks. I've managed to get some off of fleabay which is about the same size as the tandy hide which is ideal as I intend on making two flight suits for those warm weekends trooping! Mark
  16. Hi I'm currently getting together the bits that I need to build my flight suit and was wondering whether anyone could give me a rough guide on the quantity of suede I will need to make the mudflap and the crutch panels? I don't want to buy too much but like wise I don't want to get too little! I realise that it will be dependent on the size of the individual, base suit, etc but a rough idea of the hide dimensions would be useful. Thanks Mark
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