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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by marktoots

  1. Alex. Thanks for the input Out of interest did you build your bipod from scratch? If not, where did you purchase it from?
  2. Nice I'm only very slightly jealous Need to get myself one of those...
  3. Although I don't need it yet I've tried to find a suitable bipod. I've not been able to find an MG-42 bipod but following a search on a popular auction site I have come up with something that I think is a suitable alternative. What are your thoughts? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221571256182?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%257CR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D221571256182%26_rdc%3D1
  4. Ever since I started my research for my Scout build I have liked the fan art of the scout sniper. Then when I saw Marcel's DC-15x Sniper Rifle WIP on the UKG forum and here on BSN I decided I wanted one of my own and that I would attempt to scratch build one after I completed my Scout. Scout build is now complete so here I go! I intend on using Marcel's WIP (hope you don't mind mate!?) plus the Battlefront images as my reference. I had some hard wood laying around in the garage from a recent DIY project so I have started working on an MG-42 style stock. And after a bit of sanding
  5. Congrats mate
  6. I tidied and finished my armour with a dremel fitted with a sanding band. I found it is the easiest way to achieve a clean and tidy finish
  7. Well done mate. Congrats
  8. Congratulations mate. Looking forward to trooping together
  9. Thanks very much. A proud moment for me especially as this was my first build :-)
  10. Thanks for all the comments so far. Are there any other improvements needed?
  11. Have rotated the scope so that the turrets are vertical and horizontal as requested
  12. Ah ok. I had fitted it like this as there is a molded ring on the turret bezel diagonally opposite the two turrets which I am currently using as additional anchor point but I'll get it sorted!
  13. Ok, so I have modified the blaster and moved the scope back as advised by Chef. Is there anything else?
  14. Just wanted to check in and find out whether there was anytging else that needs addrrssing? Gonna sort the blaster tonight so I post some nee photos tomorrow :-)
  15. Thanks for the feedback Chex
  16. Hi Marcel The velcro on the vest is 2"
  17. First post has now been edited and the correct full length photos have been added. Thanks Rob for the spot! Will wait for further feedback before correcting Blaster
  18. Thanks Rob Hadn't noticed but now you point it out these are not the clearance photos! As the dropbox straps were sorted. I'll post the correct ones Wonky hips are due to short left leg, boot raise is being used but I'm still a little off
  19. Recently cleared by the UKG this Biker Scout has been assembled by me. The armour and helmet kit was suppied by Chef, along with the blaster. The gloves are SA and the balaclava is UA. I have followed the Lancer CRL during this build. Can you please review and advise on additional requirements/corrections needed to achieve Lancer. Clearance Photos: Helmet: Blaster: Boots and Holster: T-Bits: Tank Topper: TD: Knee Armour: Cummerbund: Flak Vest: Flight Suit: If you need anything else then shout Thanks for your consideration.
  20. I think Sylverbard meant "locate a mic and aker". You'll need a voice amp for talking to the kids etc when trooping. Aker is one of the makes of voice amps that are on the market and will require a microphone. You can get amps that provide static burst etc but for a scout you don't need it :-)
  21. See Chex reply above ;-)
  22. He liked the post above :-) Send him a pm and I am sure he'll sort you out :-)
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