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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by fil5117

  1. I got loads of grabs but nothing from underneath. I had a quick look at it again and just realised the other scout has the same bag on the back of his bike too (in the underneath of the bag almost faces the camera). Annoyingly its hard to frame forward on Disney.
  2. My current thought is to rest the pouches on the belt, exposing more of the tab, and move them across 1/2 an inch - clearly exposing the bund ribs.
  3. Yes they're the standard size. I've just measured and confirmed the width of the tab is 5 inches, 6 inches in height and 2 inches (measuring the pouch depth). The pouches are close to the top of the bund (roughly 1/4 inch) and there is a little gap at the bottom (roughly 1 inch), so I could drop them a little bit vertically. I also consulted my armour supplier and he thought an inch was an over estimation and suggested I align it to the rib (at least for me).
  4. I'm having difficulty getting my head around the idea sizing and positioning (not a dig, more striving to understand the costume, which for me is the whole point of the lancer exercise). In my mind the pouches should hug the chest armour, and touch the top of the belt, extending little past the edge of the armour - though I've seen images which contradict this. If this is wrong my guess is the pouches should be an inch from the outer bund ribs, and dropped down a little, to show a little more of the tab. If this is the case, my pouches may need to be a little smaller so they don't overlap the belt, and don't extend to far past the edge of the armour. I appreciate your assistance and advice on this, it's all learning.
  5. I’ve been working on the pouch position for lancer, posting a progress pic on Facebook. My friend (previously on the lancer board of judges) Commented they were too close. They hug the edges of the last rib of the bund. I originally positioned them an inch from the last rib, and possibly incorrectly felt they were too far apart. I thought they shouldn’t extend too far past the edge of the chest armour. At the moment mine are in line with the edges of the chest armour. I’ll post fully kitted up pics when I can.
  6. This was when I had them attached with poppers This was with velcro and tighter elastic, I had to mess around with them a bit for the photo to get them to look this good. The bottom edge of the biceps still pulled out a bit. It's possible I'm being overly critical, I hoped it maybe a common problem and therefore have a simple solution. Thanks
  7. With my first proper troop as a Biker Scout I found the black of my flight suit bled into my bund, so I've had to buy new soft parts and adding poppers and velcro for armour. I'm planning to go with Lancer one of the comments I saw was the rotation and position of the biceps. I've looked at the film and in my less enlightened eyes they appear to be all over the place, based on how people are standing / dressed. I was wondering if there was a definition image / film or fan that I could use to work to. Whilst on the subject of biceps. When I used poppers securing the biceps at the top the biceps flared out from the flight suit at the bottom. I've switched to strip of wide velcro the length of the bicep but they still pull out a bit. It could be my elastic is too tight, pulling it in at the top too much. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this. Thanks
  8. I'm planning on trying to get lancer status with my scout and I was wondering if anyone else had studied the returns on the armour? The armour I have has natural returns which I could trim off. I was studying the film, the chest, back and knee armour appear to have natural returns. I believe the forearm armour has a slight return, where as the bicep, shoulder armour and holster do not. Does this sound right / obvious / worth the effort? Ta
  9. We've seen a number of pictures of Biker Scouts as snipers. I recently came across an image of a Biker Scout sniper team. One of the scouts acting as a sniper and the other as a spotter. The spotter has a pair of Electobinoculars, which appear to be similar to the ones used by Rebel Troopers on Hoth. I was wondering if it would be possible to get these added to the CRL, so they could compliment snipers.
  10. And that's his chin there isn't it? Not a chin cup.
  11. Okay I have only trooped with mine twice (once was a full day) thanks to the pandemic, but mine weighs 380g and I haven't had a problem. I have my belt quite tight and have modified sprung metal hooks - which for me was the key. I suppose if you are 'jumping around' the hooks could come loose, but I haven't witnessed it yet.
  12. I've purchased scout lids from three different suppliers. It's hard to compete with RS on the lid front. With regards to RS the only I problems I had were with the helmet lining (due to the size of my large head - 24 inch circumference), it pressed on my temples giving me a headache within minutes of putting it on let alone troop with it. This is easily remedied either by removing it, or requesting a helmet without it. The second problem I had was RS seem to favour an off white colour, where as most other suppliers prefer a gloss white. This wasn't really a problem, I just requested a gloss helmet instead of the regular colour and they happily obliged.
  13. I'd love to find a closer cable. I went with the white Home Depot twin core power cable (shipped to the UK from the US) and dyed it grey (not an easy process, and I wasted a lot experimenting) - because that's what I thought it was based on the film, only to discover it's more an off white colour.
  14. Accuracy wise I was particularly impressed with Chef's boot, if I was a little braver I'd be tempted to see if he would be prepared to strip down the boot and use it as the base for his.
  15. Whilst a nice touch I don't think the boot holster elastic is entirely necessary because the sizing based on our measurements were spot on.
  16. On the negative side, I too wasn't impressed with the packaging they came in. Ramming them into a stupidly small box and crumpling the leather in the process was unnecessary. I think the boots could have benefitted from a tongue on the 'donor' boot, but that's no biggie. I believe the trim shouldn't extend the whole way around, but finish under the dog bone but that's hidden by the back panel. One of the technically not accurate mods I made was to add some velcro to anchor the back of the boot - I find Biker boots a pig to fasten so this helps me to close them (annoyingly the cobbler added some gunky glue, but it's not seen). Other than that I love them, the sole is gorgeous.
  17. Yes, that's the one.
  18. At least they seem a lot more presentable than the previous ones we saw Loving it, really excited for the new season.
  19. Cheers, I have Chef armour (which I absolutely love). The issue I was concerned with (on my current armour at least) is the vented section is indented and not flush with sawn vents.
  20. I recently got my hands on another set of Biker Scout boots, and was a bit loathed to remove my holster from my previous boots. I was wondered if anyone knew of a supplier who would sell a single gloss white holster suitable for Lancer level. Thanks
  21. My plan is to apply for Lancer status, I'm hoping these boots will be the icing on the cake
  22. I just purchased some yesterday. They look great, all of my concerns so far have been allayed. The original colour of the soles looked way too dark, but that was the prototype. I have short legs and chunky calves, after the purchase they sent you a request for measurements which seem really thorough. I have a great holster on my current boots and didn't want to remove it. They say they have worked with the detachment on the project and will include a new holster. I noticed the prototypes didn't include the tabs at the top of the boot to open the velcro, but neither is that on the CRL. The detachment had mentioned this, and it will be included. I know they cost a lot, and would have preferred to purchase them after seeing them in the flesh - but the soles look too good for me to pass up. I'm optimistic and can't wait for them to arrive ... I haven't asked for an ETA. I would expect a delay.
  23. Excuse my OCD. I've been wondering about the position of the bicep and forearm armour, in relation to the arm. I've deliberately put the armour on my bare arm, so you can clearly see the elbow. I reckon the armour should be positioned on the arm, so when it bends it moves naturally in the manner shown. If you want to get a good photo you would need to have the back of your hand facing forward - which is a little unnatural. If you were to place your arms by you side as you would when standing to attention, the armour appears wrong. So is the armour positioned correctly with regards to the elbow, and getting a good picture is down to being aware of how you need to hold your arms? Have I got the position wrong ... or am I over thinking this?
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