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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by jameserec

  1. I glued the helmet faceplate and visor together before putting in the holes. Glued on the top and just the top part of the sides. I did not use the holes provided because they did not line up. I used the center of the indent as a guide for the holes in the faceplate. I used painters tape to line everything up and check for fit on the helmet. It's still not perfect, I have a slight offset on the side from the faceplate and the visor which I may hace to adjust with sandpaper. I will try and get some pictures up later today when I get home from work.
  2. Take a strip of extra armor and make a C shape by bending it with a heat gun. Measure it to fill the gap. Drill holes in the C to rivet into. Epoxy washers into onto the holes so you don't need to try and get in there with pliers. Rivet to the tank bottom first then to the back plate. If there is too much give to the C shape then pop the back plate rivet and close the C to a O with glue. Just a thought unless someone has much better way. The SC kit did not require this. Alternately you could shape a small block of wood to go in there. Rivet into the block from the tank and use a wood screw to attach it to the back plate. From what I've read the rivet in the bottom and top are required for clearance but inside the back plate is whatever works.
  3. Thanks for the warning so I do not fall into the same trap. My box is due to arrive any day now.
  4. And if you need more fish hooks, DVH makes them
  5. Nice job...I'll just tag this for later in the build. Thanks
  6. Ah! I thought Mike was a different guy than Trooperbay. Thanks...all set here.
  7. Can you send a pm for Mike's decals source? Thanks Greg
  8. Is the chin strap held on by velcro pads on each side?
  9. Nice work so far. I'll be referencing your build to help with mine once my bits come in. Excellent pics of the details. I was not aware of the boiling water trick to adjust the shape.
  10. Do we have a model number and Canadian Supplier for those 3M Bolts. I imagine it's posted somewhere in the forum but if you have them handy it would be appreciated. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10270 Found it!
  11. Congrats...looks great
  12. Just got mine in...Thanks Duff assembled and ready to troop
  13. Thanks for the info. That is exactly what I suspected but it's nice to have it confirmed. Photos in the CRL for the vest show velcro strips which I would guess attach to the bund. Turns the entire under armor kit into a scout onesie.
  14. Aluminum rivets will work fine. You only need steel rivets when shear strength is important...usually for connecting metal on metal. Unless you are using your scout armor for paintball/airsoft you should never put the kind of stress on it that would require steel rivets.
  15. My build is on the way with acquisitions. So far I have boots and cumberbund, pouches and gloves. I noticed my pouches had a velcro tab and was wondering where that attached to? Also the cumberbund...does it attach to the flak vest with velcro to keep it from slipping down? I have been combing through the various builds posted and have not noticed one on how all the soft parts link up under the armor. Originally I thought the pouch velcro tabs attached onto the chest plate? True or False.
  16. If the hard hat liner doesn't work out I have seen one example of using a bicycle helmet inside your bucket. Buy one that fits and shave down the outside so it fits in your helmet. Glue or tape in place and you should be good to go.
  17. Thanks for the Build Tutorial, I am just looking to start one myself soon. Do you have one for the helmet as well. Also if you are looking for more takers for the TD clips you can count me in for a couple orders. I have another guy here in Winterpeg looking to do scout as well. You should get some excellent scout shots out there in BC...with the huge trees it will look just like Endor. My scout photos will look more like Hoth
  18. Got mine today. They look pretty good and fit perfectly. They come with rain cover mitts in the pouches which as pointed out will be a good place for ID and a little cash at conventions. Greg
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