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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Pyro

  1. How does this look for the CGI knees?
  2. I also have a friend attempting to make a model to print the knees for me! This is coming together nicely ! I just need the boots, pants and gaskets for the upper body.
  3. Forgot to post of the gloves that came in the mail on Wednesday.
  4. Also the CGI boots are the flat soled boots right?
  5. Do we have a 360 degree photo of the CGI version?
  6. I'm not a big fan of the fins on the gauntlets on the CGI version : ( I found the boots but at $300 its going to be a while before I can afford that
  7. Could the CGI and live action be mixed or does it have to be one or the other? I’m worried about the boots.
  8. Well if I can use the TFA helmet I had one 3d printed and I just need to assemble it and figure out a new mesh for the frown area as it was a pain to print. I recieved my gloves yesterday! Its slowly coming together.
  9. I'm going attempt the live action version. Those boots are pricey but maybe I can find some used ones. The helmet is a Rise of Skywalker helmet correct? The one that has the "teeth".
  10. So I got a FO TK kit in a trade and have decided to do a Treadspeeder Driver! The armor is 850 Armory and the gloves have been ordered from trooperbay.
  11. Yup that was just a quick thing I did for the pics lol
  12. How close are we to getting the CRL finalized? Are we just waiting on someone to finish the costume?
  13. Just waiting on the Rank Bar and the new Chicago screw and the new loops instead of the D-rings I'm using now
  14. I know we are still working on the Base CRL for this but will there eventually be Lancer status for this kit?
  15. Bag, belt and badge have been purchased! Thanks to this thread!
  16. Will do I used chalks for my TK instead of paints
  17. how much is too much? I am planing on going Lancer but I love the look of a dirty scout something like this
  18. any updates on this?
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