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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Pyro

  1. How uncomfortable are mortorcycle boots to walk in? Dont want to be miserable at troops cause my feet hurt. Thats my biggest concern.
  2. I did but I had already decided to pick it back up yesterday lol
  3. Ok I am picking this back up! I am willing to do either version of this kit.
  4. So I might be swithcing this to the CGI version as I really dont like the motorcycle boots. They will be very uncomfy to troop around in.
  5. Went ahead and picked up this helmet file, hopefully it turns out ok. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/other/star-wars-the-last-jedi-tlj-storm-trooper-ep8-helmet
  6. Congrats and great work!
  7. Ok since I have a 3D printer now I figured I should print myself a new helmet, I don’t like the way my current one looks. So does anyone know where I can find accurate TLJ helmet files?
  8. I think I only need the shins and the knee files
  9. So a small update! I bought am Ender 3 so I can print the stuff I need.
  10. You know what screw it I can just do both! I have way to much of it not to finish it.
  11. So I have decided to step away from this project. I will be selling the armor and gaskets so I can make a Shoretrooper Specialist. The Empire is WAY better anyways. So I will still be around asking questions
  12. Will one 4 oz bottle do or do I need more then that?
  13. Perfect! These arent to much more then the others
  14. I just want to make sure I'm getting the correct ones.
  15. How do these boots look?
  16. Will this fabric work?
  17. There's two smalls there. Is there a big one too?
  18. Awesome thank you!
  19. Canvas fabric? Or will duck cloth work? Cause I have alot of Black Duck cloth laying around
  20. Ok in 2 weeks I will place the order.
  21. So 4 pouches in total?
  22. Are these the pouches I will need for the belt?
  23. So I looked up the fabric the FO snow troopers use for their jumpsuit and came up with this fabric. https://www.fabricwholesaledirect.com/products/twill-fabric?variant=39460429987955&gclid=Cj0KCQjwspKUBhCvARIsAB2IYuuen4iTKLW3OtGWtnOHuLTkjDIMqPySWiViCtpomAxqfsmBl_ZMBWEaAgS9EALw_wcB and would this pants pattern work? https://wardrobebyme.com/products/chino-pants-sewing-pattern
  24. I still need the pants, knees, shins, boots and possibly a new helmet as I don’t know it’ll the 3D printed TFA helmet is the one I want to use for it.
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