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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Dane

  1. Thanks, Chex, that would tie the look together.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. It took me about 2 hrs to complete the one boot. I might try to deepen the horizontals later.
  3. Here is my first boot. Obviously, only the Sole has been worked on so far. Can anyone tell me if this would pass Lancer scrutiny and if there is anything I need to do before I continue with the other boot? Thanks! http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx154/danescout/image_zps14ff2afe.jpg
  4. What did you use to make the cut outs on the soles? Looks good!
  5. Thanks! Yeah, this will be my first build and I figured that I'd try for Lancer. Haven't bought supplies yet, so I will focus on Lancer detailing as I go.
  6. Is there a side-by-side comparison between the Scout Trooper and Lancer? I'm sure the difference is in the details, but I was wondering if there were visual comparisons out there. Thanks!
  7. This is exactly why I wish ILM made a few physical costumes instead of only going the CGI route!
  8. A lot of these questions are exactly the ones I had!
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