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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Gaunt899

  1. Oh damn i didnt notice! Sorry guys
  2. Just attach it with two screws,one on the tank topper and one below;see some WIPs for reference.You dont have to fill the gap between the tank and the back,just make sure they are close together.
  3. Hello guys,its been very long since my last update,but im almost done.So the barrell is finished,even with functional iron sight,and for the body i used a white base and some sanding to make the wood really smooth.also flange and rear sight are also functionals now i'm glueing the details on the body,hope to finish this for january...
  4. Well,in my opinion 200$ for assembling is too high,if possible you could ask someone of your local garrison to help you.
  5. Hello again,im not dead,just a lot busy...So here's a big update:finally finished the hard work on the body,still need some carving here and there,but its done.I have now to do a lot of details...Guys do you think i have to round more the stock or its ok this way?Cheers
  6. I agree with you,i always dont understand why people keep identify the DC 15x as a mg42 based gun,obviously the low resolution of the game gives a squared look to the rifle,but i think the developers wanted to imitate the dlt19...
  7. FInally i finished rough-cutting the body also ammo cover box and another detail done.
  8. Very nice!It's finished or you plan to add more details?
  9. A minor detail,you could replace the thermal detonator tube with a longer one,but it is not very important...
  10. Well the only sniper rifle seen in the hands of a scout it's the DC15x or E-11s.This come from the Battlefront game,the developers probably were inspired by the DLT-19 in fact the appearance is similar but it is a different weapon.Personally i would choose the DLT-19 just because it's seen in ANH.
  11. I hope you'll finish yours in time,for me its impossible to have it ready for may 3rd...damn
  12. I hope you'll finish yours in time,for me its impossible to have it ready for may 3rd...damn
  13. Good work Chris but i would have rounded a little more the stock.Still have a lot of work to do,been busy lately...anyway central layer of wood is done,pretty good with the barrell.I decided to connect the barrel to the body with 2 screws (red dots) ,not a very accurate choice but surely a sturdy one.Now its time for the electronics...
  14. You mean the tube?If you want to be more accurate the tube should be a little longer.
  15. I've been very busy lately so i dont make it any further,anyway the big part of the barrel is done,i need to put some bondo to fill small gaps.
  16. Yes it's a MG42,but it seems part of the stock is removed,anyway good start Chris,but i would have done the handgrip and the middle layer in one piece,it looks more sturdy...i'll buy the wood tomorrow.I planned to take 1.8 cm planks.How much thick is yours? If someone of the website can please change the thread title to ''DLT-19 & DC-15x scratchbuilds'' would be great.Thanks
  17. That's good Chris,a definitive build thread between those 2 guns would be great.I'm waiting to see your build
  18. Basically the differences are the same of these,but the real DC-15x its not a real modified weapon,its only ''based'' on the MG42.
  19. I planned to do it in wood,its not very difficult,but to do a good job i will need to add a lot of details,anyway i think this week i'll finish (maybe) the barrell.
  20. I dont like very much the barrell of the DC-15x,too squared for me,anyway here's a little update:finished drilling holes,it was a damn hellish work:two crooked drill bits,and the tube's internal coating slow down me very much...
  21. So im finally starting my dlt-19, it wont be easy but i'll give it a try... I'm using this schematics For now i just cut and roughly assembled the base of the barrell,luckily i found the perfect plug for the end of the barrell.
  22. thank you guys!
  23. A simple (not for me) question guys:how can i let the faceplate stay opened? I have a KS
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