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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Gaunt899

  1. If im not wrong someone on the fisd forum printed a dlt,check there EDIT:http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28960-dlt19-by-ash/ here the thread,try to pm the guy who did it
  2. I bought a simple work suit for only 30 € then,i modified the neck and added the fake suede,try check some local stores,no need to do it from scratch in my opinion,too much work...
  3. The DLT 19 is a modified MG 34 and it's seen in ANH.The DC 15x is the sniper rifle form Battlefront 2,it seems it was based on the dlt 19,but is pretty different,(i.e. see the barrel holes) as you said it has the scope and the bipod is just stylized.Nothing more nothing less.
  4. Let's proceed in order: 1)The forearms needs only one elastic band,why you should fasten it?just let your arm pass through. 2)Attach the holster via 4 silver coloured rivets on the corners.I used 4 little screws in case i want to detach it.Bunched?You mean you get it folds?(sry im not english so i dont understand really well some technical words) 3)Generally you only need help just for closing the back of your coummerbund.The rest is pretty easy to wear by yourself.Anyway fellows troops always help each other while dressing,dont worry about that. 4)You dont velcro your back armor on the soft parts,just attach the chest and back together through the shoulders and close the gap with some white fabric,close on the sides with some white elastics. I dont know a precise thread about putting together the gear,i suggest to ook at some build thread for reference.This is how i put mine: 1-undersuit 2-knees 3-boots 4-cummerbund 5-vest 6-belt 7-torso 8-biceps 9-forearms 10-gloves 11-helmet Hope i understand what you were asking
  5. As Aig said the body is from an stg44,the barrel is from a Browning m1919 with and endcap that seems like the e 11,but im not quite sure of it.The stock is fan made and the scope is a singlepoint,the same of scout blaster with some modifications.Hope to be of some help
  6. Just troop You will soon lose the shiny look and get some marks on the armor
  7. You should put your cummerbund higher,the lower part of the chest armor should almost touch the pouches,there's no gap between the cummerbund and the chest.Also the distance between the pouches its too big,they should stay at the end of the vertical stitching.And it seems your undersuit its a bit too long,its a bit baggy on the knees.Hope to be of some help.
  8. I use mainly forex for the legs with a metal coat hanger inside to strenght em,now with just two layers is very sturdy.I dont recommend doing em in wood.For the other components i used wood and forex again.Some screws here and there and some bolts and auto-blocking nuts for the articolations. I used this for reference obviously scaled. And as you saw on my thread,this is how it goes together If you need something more,just ask
  9. Yes i did,its not too hard to do but requires some time to fit well the parts together
  10. Bipod finished,obviously entirely functional.
  11. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:40356
  12. Personally i think it's look a bit too modern...
  13. Barrell primed and sanded with 1000 grit paper Added conical detail on the grip for screen accuracy,done by hand,not perfect but whatever...
  14. It's not too late to do ,i just tried to be as much accurate as possible,nothing special,although i miss something...and im still regretting...
  15. So T-tracks done and glued on the barrell (no photo) Loading handle done.I used a little metal bar in the center, a forex cylinder and a rubber top to block the tube by friction,simple,precise,clean but very effective.I'm really proud of this part



  19. You can still use faux suede,just be careful it looks like real one.
  20. Dont be too proud of this technological dremel you've constructed.The ability to sand an armour is insignificant next to the power of the file. One error with the dremel and you'll regret it...
  21. Woah never seen it!Not bad but personally i would go with a more star wars style rifle,i mean a modified real weapon.
  22. Hello again guys,almost done almost done!Finished top cover with magnets to keep it close,i used an hard-disk magnet to have the strongest closure,now even if i shake it wont open. Added the ammo belt exit,the loading rail or whatever it is,secure switch and stock details. I decided to re shape a bit the stock because it needed to be more rounded. Have to do the conical disk detail on the handgrip,T-tracks on the barrell and then painting...
  23. Of course Marcel,i agree with you but i didnt say these were accurate or to buy them,i just made a clarification.
  24. As far as i know,this isnt italian and no one in the garrison bought from them.The majority of TBs in italica bought their boots from another trooper,but he make them the classic and approved way.
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