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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Are the windproof pants not the right material????
  2. thanks for posting this link. Made the difference when I ordered my soft armor!
  3. http://www.allelectronics.com/make-a-store/item/CF-371/12VDC-50MM-BLOWER/1.html here is the site where i bought my squirrel cages this site is cool for cheep things you can use on a million things!!! ALSO fyi if you know anyone who has asperations to build an astromech droid they have alot of componuts to that you will need to build one!!! and "no" i'm not trying to advertise for these guys!!!
  4. I have 3/4" thick squirrel fans waiting to go into my sandtrooper helmet. Going to see if i can use them in my Kashyyyk trooper bucket when I get to that point in my build... If interested I can point anyone who wants to know where I got them!!!
  5. I have 3/4" thick squirrel fans waiting to go into my sandtrooper helmet. Going to see if i can use them in my Kashyyyk trooper bucket when I get to that point in my build...
  6. hey all you big headed guys, myself included, maybe this will help us...Flip visor helmet... http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8871&hl=&fromsearch=1 it dosen't look to be complete but I'm gonna message the author trooper1389 and see if he will add pics to the original post!! hope this helps. @chilledmilk you will find that link interesting. It gives alot of links to the tools that trooper1389 uses for this build!! P.S. if we pool our info we find we can all benefit!!!!
  7. I'm having trouble finding my size for the BDU desert camo...if you would pm me I can tell you what sizes I need. I tried AS... thiers run too small!!!
  8. just a note...package left Dallas Fort Worth Texas 4pm cmt.....eta tomorrow LOL 1-23 UPDATE recieved package and was blown away with the quality!!! noone will be disapainted!!! Thanks Biker Chick
  9. I found these on walmart web site.. thay look better than the wolverine brands because you dont have to drimmil/trim off the name and other imblems off the shoe. the style looks alittle more screne like...Please add your imput on these!!! http://www.walmart.com/ip/Herman-Survivors-Men-s-Chris-Workboot-with-Thinsulate/20682016?findingMethod=rr
  10. Mine is in the mail ...mine is in the mail ...mine is in the mail... am I rubbing it in? Too bad!!! just joking!! thanks Bikerchick onto working on the rest of the costume!!!
  11. Hey heatshock you are doing a world of good for those needing this info like I do because I have to make my own. No sewing experence at all... They way you are showing the measurements make a lot..A LOT of sense to me ...Thanks very much..when I do my bunn I will do a build and post it maybe a video....
  12. Grumpy can you check your post about your pouch sale.. need to talk to you if any are available..haven't been able to pm you!!!! Sorry Bikerchick didn't mean to hijack your thread.
  13. Does this mean I can send you money now?
  14. Awesome more interested future troopers...
  15. Will I be able to get an additional helmet in the first run ? I like to have one for display...as I do for all my costumes. I'm interested in the answers that have been asked about this run so please post the answers if possible . Thanks and this looks to be an awesome costume run.... Keep us posted!!!!!
  16. Archer first on the list for full armour set... very interested!!!
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