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Everything posted by CCBacara
I have done some trimming and some more strapping over the last day or two. I will get additional photos up in the next day or two. I also cut my slots for the belt webbing so I can start working on the belt. Tonight I have access to a rivet gun, but I have several questions before I proceed. 1. I know that the tank topper is riveted to the top of the tank and that to bottom of the tank is riveted to the back piece. Where and how is the top of the tank attached to the back? I can't see a rivet in the reference photos but glue doesn't seem like it would be enough. 2. The two side pieces of the belt that attach to the center are not even. One side is cut longer than the other. Does the long side get tucked under and riveted to the center, or does the short side? I have the SC are for those that don't know what I am talking about. 3. When attaching the webbing to the ends to complete the belt, is it safe to use some spare ABS as like a washer to keep the rivets from coming threw the webbing? 4. The buckle part that actually attaches to the belt has no way to thread through like the part that goes on the boxes. That probably does not make sense without posting a photo but if you know wha I mean, how do I attach the webbing to those ends of the buckle? Do I sow it or pull it through my slots and attach it some how from the back of the belt? Some of those questions might be hard without photos but I don't have access to my camera today and it will be a while before I have access to a rivet gun again so any help would be great.
I am in the same boat as far as not not knowing a thing about sewing so I am curious about the answers you get. And I don't even know what a popper is but it sounds better than sewing
And THAT is why I ask the questions...cause these guys are awesome. And I hope I can answer questions some day like they do!
I have patience...that is not the issue. I have seen MonCal's posts about being behind on messages and I get it and respect it.. But a week or two is a long time to wait for a response per question. So if he responds after a week, and then I respond...and I wait another week for him to respond...next thing you know its been a month just to get my questions answered and place an order and then another month or two to get it. But if it something as simple as making some shapes, or if someone else has some they can part with, I would rather ask the forums and get lucky than have to wait months for something so simple. What I am saying is I don't want you all to think that I am sitting here chomping at the bit or trying to be annoying by asking several questions. This hobby has become my life...and TB is not my first costume (jedi was my first). So while I have only been at this one for a few weeks, I have really been into it for months. And while some folks only get a few hours a week to work on their stuff, I have a few hours a night (most nights). So I am really not rushing as you may think I am...just more or less using the time I have. Wow I rambled on there...sorry bout that, LOL.
I have sent MC emails and messages in regards to a few other things and I have gotten nothing in the way of a response so that wont help me I think. I sent you a PM though...
So now that I have placed all my major orders I am noticing all the small things that I thought came with my armor kit but apparently did not. A few days ago I realized I needed decals for the back tank and now I am noticing that I need to place "shapes" on the thermal det.? So what exactly are these greeblies and what can I make them out of or purchase them from? As always, thanks for the help and advice.
Based on the look and feel along with the feedback I got, I have ordered a smaller size flight suit. If it is too small I will have the one I own now taken in. So more to come on that when I get it...but for now... Now as far as the armor, I tried to get the shoulders as close to the chest as I could. I do think I need to do some something, but I want to double check with you guys first! The blue tape in the photo is where I plan to cut. I have measured 1" on the shoulders and 0.5" on the bicep. What do you guys think? Am I just to short to be a biker? LOL Something doesn't feel right!!! Another side question I have...Do you tuck the forearm into the gloves or put it over top? I have seen it both ways across the 501st photos I have seen.
I would still love to see a photo of the MLC snout if anyone has it. That way I know if I need to order another one! Thanks in advance
I don't have this armor and I actually know nothing about it. However I have a lot of friends locally here in the 501st that have been trooping for a few years and they advised me again Fiber Glass armor. Apparently it looks a lot better, however I am told it is very fragile. So you drop it at the wrong angle, or you turn the wrong way while wearing it and it could shatter. There is no give in the material like there is with ABS and PVC. So like I said...this is just what I was advised by some other folks, not from personal experience. I myself have SC armor and have ordered an MLC helmet (and the thought of dropping my helmet really scares me...lol)
I finished mine up this weekend...I am pretty happy with the results...
So I got my SC armor and I have started working on it. I built the thermal detonator, sanded all my corners and edges, and started the strapping. I have a feeling I am going to have to cut something, since I am 5'4. Something just doesn't seem right. My flight suit is a bit big, but I figure that wont matter once I have my armor and cummerbund on. Maybe I am putting it on wrong. I don't know....I need help. Bunch of pictures below...
I like it, great job. Can't wait to see it nice and weathered!
PS - I have just recently discovered that this blaster and the eBay seller I bought it from had a big scandel a while back with another BSN member. So I regret buying it and will not recommend it to anyone else, even though I had none of the same issues. On a side note, this kit is very heavy, however I honestly like that. It will probably never go in the holster since I will pose with it for photos and the weight makes it feel a bit more realistic
So does anyone have a recent picture of the MLC snout? What it most likely looks like now? I have an MLC coming in a few weeks but if I need a new snout I need to try to order it now. Thanks in advance...
Weathering is what I am best at. Just know that the base coat is just as important. I use an Ultra-Flat black made by Krylon and let it dry over night. Then I take a Krylon Stainless Steel spray paint and a sponge or foam brush. I lightly spray the sponge or brush and then I rub out all the paint onto a piece of cardboard till there is next to nothing left on the brush or sponge. This is known as a form of dry brushing. When you rub the foam over the black, all of your corners and peices that pop out will get the majority of the paint and the rest will fade to black. Does that make sense? I didn't explain it very well, lol.
I am no expert, but these look great. I am starting on mine in the next few days and I am super nervous. I hope mine turn out half as nice as yours. PS I have no sewing machine and no sewing skills...so this should be interesting!!! LOL
This is freakin amazing...I love it! Unfortunatly I have to work with what I have, so mine will look a lot more like a painted nerf gun then anything else. But someday.....someday. I got all the nerf labels and such scratched off last night and the first coat of paint done. I will try to finish the weathering tonight and be done with weapons for a while. Of course I will post photos when I am done! Cheers
UPDATE: I finally got my SC armor yesterday (I will make a WIP page for sure) and I just wanted to let everyone know...the pistol fits in the holster!!! YAY!!!
Your welcome. From what I am told they are nice although I do not have mine yet. Just ordered them last night!!!
So until recently I thought the pistol and "scout sniper" was the only thing we could carry at non-canon events. But now I see there is this whole carbine thingy. So I think I have the rules correct in that as long as it is a non-canon event and my CO doesn't say anything to me, I can carry a pistol, sniper, and or carbine. (correct me if I am wrong). With that said, I have obviously seen the guidelines for the pistol. And while there are no set guidelines for the sniper, the DLT-19 with a scope is pretty much the standard look everyone goes for. But what about this carbine? I have combed the forums looking at pictures of other folks carbines and ALL of them look different. Not a single one looks the same. So does that pretty much mean anything goes? Just your interpretation of what you think it should look like? I “acquired” a Recon CS-6 from my son (meaning I had to make a crack deal by offering to paint his Boba Fett blaster to make it look like a movie prop) which seems to be a good standard that other folks are using to make their carbine. I made a few minor modifications to it but cutting down the butt stock to make it shorter, remove the barrel iron site, and moving the red dot from under the barrel to the scope position. But honestly that is all I really want to do to it…I think it looks BA just like that. Of course I will sand away all the logos and warning labels, but I like the way it looks. So bottom line question I guess is…is that acceptable to the biker scout community? Or is someone going to give me hell for having a painted nerf gun with no mods?
Sorry for the double post, but I am curious if anyone has ordered the trooperbay.com decals? How long did it take to get them and how were they shipped? I am US military in Germany and the mail here is weird. If you send me an envelope with a stamp it will take about 10 days. If you send me a priority pacakge it takes about 7 days. Anything else shipped any other way takes about 4-6 weeks. I sent the trooperbay.com guys an email and asked how they shipped it and if it was a package not an envelope could they ship it priority and the response I got was like 13.95 for priority shipping, which is retarded.
Triktoys.com has the actual Rubies replacement helmet decals if you wanted the exact same decals. http://www.triktoys.com/ Trooperbay.com has the movie acurate decals if you wanted to go that route. http://www.trooperbay.com There are some on ebay also if you want to go that route. Hope that helps!
Primed and ready for paint! Painted Black and Ready for... Battle Damage and Weathering! Finished product with my new SA Gloves!!
Phase two of my modification -- I found a small metal ruler in the house which I bent, cut to size, and mounted. But not before I prepped the resin which had a ton of flaws. I had to trim and sand the crap out of it. I washed it and then glued the scope on. Now shes ready for primer!
It may still be too big, I'm not sure. But it was fun to mess with. I cut off the bottom with a hand saw and then sanded the crap out of it. Now I just need to get some aluminum to remake the handle shield that I had to cut off. I will upload photos as I get more done.