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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by CCBacara

  1. Great weathering! This looks amazing!
  2. These are great! I had some real issues making my own boots which is why I decided to let someone else make them. I still intend to finish mine later when I have more time when I start my quest for Lancer. Again great job and awesome reference photos for those of us looking to make our own also!
  3. I did end up bringing them up after the photos about another 3/4 of an inch, but like you said there isn't much difference and I will eventually change out to cotton anyway. Right now focus is 501st approval and I think it fits the bill perfectly
  4. Well your opinion still means a lot to me. How does the belt look? Lol
  5. Thanks man! Hopefully Witness and the other Lancer boys like it too
  6. I will second the need for photos if you have some! That would be a ton of help!
  7. Alright so I got the belt done to as much as I can do until the rest of my stuff is here and I can size it around my waist properly. I also want to make sure that the length of the boxes are correct before I trim the excess webbing and sew everything down. So please as always continue feedback. Is the length acceptable? Other than painting the rivets and using cotton off-white webbing, am I missing anything for Lancer? Does it look good? Thanks guys!
  8. Why, what is wrong with your armor that it might not be 501st approved? Your boots look perfect to me!
  9. Awesome, thanks Witness!
  10. So...you took a mouse pad and cut "washers" out of it and you use it to hold your helmet up?
  11. Do you know what is movie accurate? From what I can tell the other rivets are not painted in the movie...but I am no expert.
  12. Awesome! Can't wait to get mine and do the same thing...but I will use rivets just cause that is what they did in the movies.
  13. Jealous...
  14. So the 4 rivets that hold the 3 white plastic pieces together must be painted...I didn't know that. Does this mean the other 4 rivets on the belt (the two holding the 2" webbing to the plastic and the two holding the back buckles on that attach the drop boxes) are to remain silver?
  15. Yep, I really hope that the cummerbund pulls the extra in, or I will need to go to a tailor to have the flight suit tailored. A small size simply wont fit beyond a medium (which is what I got). Thanks for the advice on the sticker, I was going to use model paint for the chest but I will definitely try the sticker idea instead first. I am not going to be fussy about the elastic right now, but when I shoot for lancer I will definitely change it out...
  16. I wish there was more I could do to make the flight suit not so baggy, but this is the smallest size I can go and my sewing skills suck. I will have to hope for now that the cummerbund tucks most of that in. But everything is placed where it should be? The armor size is nice and in the correct places? That is a big concern for me right now... OH and what do you do to tighten your collar around your neck...?
  17. Here is wear test number 3. I received a new size (medium) flight suit and it fits 100x better. I have also trimmed the shoulder bells 1 inch at the bottom per the recommendations. And of course I got my tank attached to the back and I got my balaclava. Feedback needed/welcome! Specifically I am looking for: 1) How does it look? (obviously) 2) Is everything in the right position? I know you said the forearms go over the gloves but it still doesn't feel/look right for some reason. 3) Does the size of everything look correct? 4) Anything incorrect in any way? I am almost done with the belt so I will post those photos soon. Also will be working on the chest/back details in the next few days when I get a few minutes. I need to figure out how to keep the biceps in place and how to tighten around the neck/collar area...suggestions welcome there too.
  18. Mine will probably be the same as I have huge calves also sitting at 17inches myself and I am only 5'4...so they are pretty freakin big, LOL.
  19. I'd love to see more photos...perhaps with the boots on you? Did you attach the holster? I'd like to see photos of that too...
  20. Thanks guys! Is there a standard for how long the webbing is for the female end of the belt buckles? Basically how far down from the belt are the buckles that connect the drop boxes. And while I am at it I might as well ask, how far down your leg are the drop boxes suppose to be? Seems like every trooper is different and I need a ruff idea before I start cutting the webbing.
  21. I got my tank attached to the back piece using the tongue method that Witness suggested...see photos below. Eventually I will probably glue a piece of ABS or something over the hole, I just don't like the way it looks. But I don't have any spare ABS at the moment. I also got a bit of the belt done, but didn't finish. I liked the way it looks under rather than over so I went that route. I used a small strip of ABS that I cut from the shoulders to the back of the webbing to keep it in place. Again see the photos below. Now that the shoulders are trimmed and the chest/back is close to be complete, I will probably do my third fitting tomorrow or Friday. I will post pictures like before for feedback.
  22. In that photo it looks like the side piece is on top, not tucked behind. And the sides look even to me. Lol
  23. So I tuck the short side under and leave the long side out, correct? Just double checking...
  24. So for those of us that can't cut a tongue like you did...is a second rivet painted white maybe allowed? I do intend to go for lancer someday and I don't want that to be unacceptable. I do intend to get the cotton webbing but this is what I have for now.
  25. Here are some photos to help with my questions... 1) I know that the tank topper is riveted to the top of the tank and that to bottom of the tank is riveted to the back piece. Where and how is the top of the tank attached to the back? I can't see a rivet in the reference photos but glue doesn't seem like it would be enough. (no photo needed) 2) The two side pieces of the belt that attach to the center are not even. One side is cut longer than the other. Does the long side get tucked under and riveted to the center, or does the short side? I have the SC are for those that don't know what I am talking about. See in the photo, do I tuck the long side under the center? or Flip it around and tuck the short side under? 3) 3. When attaching the webbing to the ends to complete the belt, is it safe to use some spare ABS as like a washer to keep the rivets from coming threw the webbing? (no photo needed) 4) The buckle part that actually attaches to the belt has no way to thread through like the part that goes on the boxes. That probably does not make sense without posting a photo but if you know wha I mean, how do I attach the webbing to those ends of the buckle? Do I sow it or pull it through my slots and attach it some how from the back of the belt? See what I mean...the "male" end of the buckle can be threaded so you can adjust the size...but the other side can't be -- So what do I do with that side? As always...I appreciate the help.
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