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Junglie Scout

501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Junglie Scout

  1. Getting there bud!!! Nice
  2. Getting there bud!!!!! Nice
  3. Dude, Great improvment from the "jelly" lid mate,; I did say that a little bit of patience and alot of sould would get you there Are you gonna give your bucket a coat of paint or two? It really does make a difference believe me, it does take time though..... Heres a few pics of my helm although I'd already finished reshaping it by the time a had the brains to take some!!!! Might help with something to compare too, but I do admit that reshaping a DP/Roobs is not an exact science, besides all original Star Wars helmets were assymetical anyway!! Reshaped lid. Reshaped lid. Primed lid. Painted but not finished. Painted but not finished. Keep up the good work buddy. Most people just buy their lids, but at least we had the balls to give it a go!!! Go Modders!!!!! Andy.
  4. Guys, Tis a sad day, it was announced this week that the desert DPM uniform that we love oh so much, is to be withdrawn from service as of July this year (I work quite closely with this sort of stuff so its first hand info!!) This does open up two avenues of discussion: 1) It should see the surplus market flooded with excess brand new, still in the packet stock . 2) The eventual dissapearence of a great piece of clothing . I very much doubt it will fade away that quickly but, the UK Armed Forces will destroy anything that has been worn so only the remaining new stock will find its way onto the market. I hope there will be ample supply around for a year or two but it will dissapear eventually. So guys and girls its time to buy as much as you can get before the desert DPM's are no more. It would be a crying shame to have to find an alternative in the near future. Just thought you'd appreciate the heads up. JS.
  5. Wow, what an improvement dude. You'll be so chuffed when this is finished and looking great. Keep going, theres always little things which you'll see along the way and wonder how you missed them. I kept stuying the reference bucket shots in the gallery and tried to make mine the same dimensions. That way I knew the shape had to be about right. Could help you out some maybe? Again nice work buddy. Andy.
  6. Mate, That is one squashed bucket!! I've modded a DP lid that just needs painting, there are some pics here: Modded DP It takes a little bit of patience but the self satisfaction is immense, give it good spray job and I'm sure it will look a million dollars!! Acrylikhans tutorial is the tops and I followed it with a few additions and omissions and I was well happy with the result. A good eye and a steady hand will win the day; stick with it bud Good luck, Andy.
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