Great improvment from the "jelly" lid mate,; I did say that a little bit of patience and alot of sould would get you there
Are you gonna give your bucket a coat of paint or two? It really does make a difference believe me, it does take time though.....
Heres a few pics of my helm although I'd already finished reshaping it by the time a had the brains to take some!!!! Might help with something to compare too, but I do admit that reshaping a DP/Roobs is not an exact science, besides all original Star Wars helmets were assymetical anyway!!
Reshaped lid.
Reshaped lid.
Primed lid.
Painted but not finished.
Painted but not finished.
Keep up the good work buddy. Most people just buy their lids, but at least we had the balls to give it a go!!!
Go Modders!!!!!