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Junglie Scout

501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Junglie Scout

  1. It won't be too long Nath, after checking yours out mate I'll be smashing through it like nobodies business soon. Great to meet you mate and I love the photo of us three looking VERY casual!!!!! A.
  2. No problem Laurent, unfortunately desert DPM has been discontinued so even I don't get it new anymore . The shirt size will have two sizes, the first corresponds to the height of the wearer e.g. 170 (for me!!!) and the second will be a chest measurement. Obviously getting these as close to your measurements means that you don't end up looking like a sack of potatoes!!!! Take your time and shop smart buddy A.
  3. No problem buddy. I wear this stuff every day; well it's multicam successor so I'm pretty clued up on sizing and stuff. Real DPM is sized in cm. If your seller doesn't offer sizes ib cm, then their items aren't genuine and should be avoided. If you have any more problems or questions feel free to PM me and I'll try to help you out as much as I can. Andy.
  4. As a bloke who wears this stuff to work quite regularly , I'm not convinced that this guy is selling genuine surplus (the photo looks a bit suss for some reason). This chap sells genuine stuff as the sizes are all in cm and are offered in a choice of waist, inside leg and seat sizes. he also does shirts!!! Check him out and see what you think. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/uebuy/m.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A5698&rt=nc&_ipg=200&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14.l1514
  5. Proper job buddy and my congratulations. Safer hands we couldn't have guiding us
  6. Hi Rob, I modded a DP for my first helmet. Some pictures of the process can be seen here: http://s1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb378/ringbolted/Biker%20Scout%20Build/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ24 Use the gallery, particularly the "Screen used helmet" section as it shows some important dimensions of the helmet. Finally, plenty of patience is required. if you rush, you'll probably not like the result. Slow and steady wins the race every time . Good luck mate and keep us in the loop with plenty of pictures and we can guide you through the process. Andy.
  7. Nicole, I have an SC build and I put my TD together like this: Here you can see the single ty-wrap through the centre of the TD which attaches it to the tube at the back. The tube is from a Hoover and I suspect it could be bought from the shops???? As seen here: The two ty-wraps on the outside of the central one attach the tube to the belt buckle. SC drill the holes for you, but I'm not sure if KS do????! They are placed so that when the male half of the buckle is mated with the female, the ty-wraps do not obstruct the mating action - like so: I hope this helps you out somewhat. I'm an Aeronautical Engineer and I scratched my head over it for a little while too !! My build is catalogued here: http://s1202.photobu...0Scout%20Build/ . It may help you out with other stuff as well. Good luck, and above all don't get too angry with it; no-one here has had an easy build!!!!! Best wishes, Andy.
  8. Well done Nate, so how many in the UKG now; 4??? Looking forward to being the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Want one..............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. WANT ONE NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Holster rivets are really easy to remove. Coose a drill bit just smaller than the rivet head. SLOWLY......start to drill off the head of the rivet. Once you get far enough, the head will fall off and the rivet can be pulled out from the other side.....simple!! Have patience with your boots, I made 4 pairs before I got them close to being right and I'm working on a more accurate 5th pair right now!! Good luck and don't give up. I'm sure all the armourers out there have made loads of items before they got it spot on
  12. Ditto!!! Have a little patience and don't get too frisky with the Dremmel!! It's easier to take more off but way harder to add bits Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine, just don't be afraid of it.
  13. Rich, You will need an acid dye for this project (available of the UK bay). The military coveralls are made of polyester and cotton. The cotton element will dye but the polyester won't. I have a pair of these coveralls and had to boil dye them using an acid dye. The acid comes in the form of vinegar so its not that bad. You will have to cook it in a big pan at certain temps for a certain time. It does work quite nicely but takes some effort. As for the military coveralls; I'm military and they are a great fit and superbly light. Let us know how you get on!!!! Best of luck.......
  14. Definately not, if I weren't dissapearing out of the country until July I would've got one by now. No doubt Frank thinks of things he would have done on the previous lid and then do it on the next, only to wish you'd done something else different!!! When I get back I'll definately get another one and my big thing will be to make it lighter!!!!!!!!!! Great build buddy, loving it
  15. Dude, no idea how long it takes States side but I put my clearance pics in on the 3rd of March and still not cleared!!!! Hope you have better luck than me..............
  16. All genuine British DPM sizes are in cm not small, medium, large etc. The trousers have an inside leg, seat and waist size on a tag inside the trousers. I wear this stuff to work everyday so I know they're there Best way to get them right would be ask the seller for those numbers and check against your own measurements; the chances are they don't know either!!!!! lol. They must be out there, as some of my collegues need bigger sizes and they are available. As for sourcing them in the US, I'm afraid I don't know, but I do hope this makes your search for the right size easier??????
  17. Rich, I take it you've joined the 501st UK Garrison? If you have, then head over to the mentor thread: Mentor Thread and ask for one. The guys will hook you up with someone whos an experienced Scout and you'll have direct access to them. I've had my mentor for three months and he's been superb; you get fast advice and a friendly critique along the way. I'm just waiting for clearance.......finger crossed. Decals for your lid you can get from here: Biker Decals. I did and they fit the Rubies/DP fine. Here's how they look on my modified DP: Lid 1 Lid 2 Lid 3 As for an undersuit, I bought a flight suit from the bay and spent an Eon modding it (not recommended imho). I discovered the Forces Desert overalls last week (well I was issued a pair prior to going somewhere warm!!). I think they'll dye black really well and have a great fit. I will be modding a pair of these very soon; they're very light and comfortable. There's a pair for sale here: Desert Coveralls As for the difference between MLC an MC here's yet another link: MLC and MC explained!! Well I hope this helps a little!! I asked all the same questions less than three months ago, so I know how frustrating it can be. If you need any more burning questions answering PM me and I hope I'll have an answer or definately know someone who does!! Andy.
  18. Rich, I did build up a few layers of paint, but gave each one a wet and dry sanding between each. I stopped painting when I could rub the bucket down without primer showing through. Once you get to that stage use progressively finer wet and dry until you get a nice smooth finish. I went from 800-1500 grit on mine. To polish up I used Novus Polish; starting with number 3 and finishing with number 1. This stuff was recommended by Frank (Acrylikhan) and it is the shizzle!! You can get it from dubious auction sites . Don't let it dry though a its a swine to polish up that way. Using this stuff, its possible to get a good shine without resorting to mechanical buffers, which I'm sure would eat a new paint job that hasn't fully cured. Andy
  19. Dude, Theres plenty of guys who have modded DPs and Rubes. It's looking a proper job so far. Theres nothing like the satisfaction of doing it yourself!!!! Mine took what felt like an age and a pint of blood spilt but they do mod very well.
  20. Dude, Take a peak in the gallery - Biker Scout Reference Image Gallery, theres a sub-catagory Screen Caps. In the BS gallery you'll find almost all the images you need. Andy.
  21. Guys, I used Rust-Oleum Surface Primer (Matt finish) and then did the aerator with good old fashioned Halfords Matt Black. http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb378/...ld/IMAG0116.jpg The snout is a Don Jarr; its a really nice cast and would recommend them to UK scouts. This lid being a DP I modded. I agree with John that a little more black paint halfway round the flat area is needed, it can be seen in the gallery area here: BSN Gallery pic Andy.
  22. John, Well I should've known it was too good to be true. Mind you its taught me not to get excited post before I have it right! I'll keep looking...........!! Love the lid by the way buddy. Gonina have a crack at my own sometime later this year so ya probably will be hearing from me lots p:lol:. Andy.
  23. I found this site whilst looking for a reliable source of 3M Speedglas bolts after contacting 3M and getting nowhere!! 3M headband mounting bolts I haven't ordered from here yet so I'm not sure how good they'll be but sometimes you just have to take the plunge. They're retailing at £4.14 ex VAT right now but I think their postage is a little steep for a small item. I'm going to contact them tomorrow to try and get a better deal on postage. Hopefully this place may plug the gap for now; it might even become the place to get your spares. They also do the whole 9000 series headband if you need one!! Hope this helps.......? Andy.
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