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Junglie Scout

501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Junglie Scout

  1. I did one too quite a while back buddy and really enjoyed the challenge. I'll look forward to seeing this as you progress. Here's a couple of piccies of mine, I think it came out ok!! All the best mate, Andy.
  2. Hi Victoria, good luck with your build. Great start, the boots can be the toughest bit!!!!
  3. Sorry about that chaps!!!! Thanks Jim
  4. All good for me Rob me ol' fuiter!!! I can see them no problem??? You could aways just use the library link instead then mate: http://s1202.beta.photobucket.com/user/ringbolted/library/Biker%20Scout%20Boots
  5. Dude, These are the ones. After taking to the Managing Director at Hi-Tec via the Product Director, the ones we've got pictures of are earlier versions of the ones used in ROTJ. They apparently added the horizontal trim on the sole as improvement to the design. Inter was a subsidiary of Hi-Tec at the time (Inter no longer exists); all original design drawings have been destroyed including reference and promotional pictures (I asked for them too!!!!). I hope these pictures help in whatever evil scheme you're cooking up mate . And that mate is all I have. You do get a good view of some of the finer details of the sole though!!! I hope this helps!!! Andy.
  6. I've got some good ones of the Hi-Tec version of these if you want them?? Identical boot (made by the same company after all), they're just green!!!!
  7. Just realised I've still got some wip pics on photo bucket. Not ideal but if my gear is good enough I can get better pics when I get home.
  8. I ran out of time to do mine before I left the UK, sorry Nath. If you still need then when I get back I'm still more than happy to do them
  9. I've got a box full of these at home in various sizes and condition. I used to wear his stuff for work until it was withdrawn. I'm out if the country for a while but I'll rifle through the box when I get home and try to find something for you if you're willing to wait awhile.
  10. Chaps I recently contacted hi-tec sports who under their subsidiary "Inter", made the original boots. I spoke to the global product director who sent me this response: "Hi Andy, Sadly, I’ve drawn a blank on these and unfortunately no original design records remain. The closest boot in our current collection is the Sierra Mid (please see attached photo) - I’m not sure this is going to be of much use to you but thought it worth a go! There are similar styles of boots available in the market today, notably from Palladium so it may be worth taking a look at their site www.palladiumboots.co.uk Sorry, I’ve not been able to help you further and I wish you success in the future. Best regards, Garie. " I did ask him if the original drawings existed would they be willing to do a run. He was receptive to that amazingly. As they have been destroyed we're back to square one again. Unfortunately this drives a large nail into this particular coffin. Still nothing ventured, nothing gained!. Philipp, well and truly over to you buddy!!
  11. Dude, there is a section in the gallery showing an original helmet from all angles. As you prefer visuals, this section will provide everything you need to make your helmet not only accurate but comfortable too :-). Andy.
  12. Nath, I know my KST is not finished but I know you're happy with my paint job. If you want piccies of the armour, I'm more than happy to oblige. I'm out of the country for a while as of Saturday mate, so if you want them give me a shout. Andy.
  13. Are you planning on modifying the helmet. I find mine hard to see out of as the bridge of the nose gets in the way. If you do, I'll be first in the queue. Got to finish my awesome Commander Wolffe first though!!!
  14. Me too!!!
  15. Very nice indeed. I did the same on my Israeli Palladium boots, they're not finished but I reckon they'll pass muster......hopefully . These are my original boots: This is the new base boot: And this is how far I've got: I hope to get them done once my Kashyyyk Trooper is cleared and the Scout is pulled for Lancer mods. Keep up the good work Cen!!!!!
  16. Guys, he's a top bloke and he will make them specially for you. I've just PM'd him in the past and if you do, you'll find them for purchase within the week. He'll also PM you to tell you that they're there!! Can't say any more than that. Oh, he's also a member of the UKG so bomb proof in my book .
  17. :D :D :D :D Totally agree Grumpy; good things will come from this. Also being half way through my KST I'd like not to have to change it!!!!
  18. Nate, the black stripe detail can be seen and therefore I think it should be required. Getting the initial CRL nailed will hopefully save us the disruption that the scouts had recently when their CRL was tightened. As an aside, I've been studying various screegrabs and can safely say that all the KSTs in ROTS have a different camo job. Some are more different than others, so pick your favourite guy and go for it . A.
  19. Nice idea Marc, but if you look at any real world camoed serviceman next to another they do not share the same camo pattern, they share the same style as their clothes are made with material that comes off the roll without any control of pattern. The CRL colours have been agreed, it maybe that a style of camo also needs to agreed upon. I know that mine and Purge's are very similar (it's probably because I used his as my inspiration.). This would mean that each KST would be unique but ultimately look very similar. I like the idea of being unique although thats not really clone thinking at all!! I most certainly agree with your point that camo is hard to duplicate, but imho I feel that an agreed style of camo should be easy to duplicate (having already done it, it's straight forward enough). What do you think brothers??? A.
  20. Not at all Nath, pleased to be of service. Nearly there Osman, it 's gonna suit you for certain
  21. Yes Juan its possible. I used Acrylikhans tutorial which can be found on these boards. The album of my build can be seen here: http://s1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb378/ringbolted/Biker%20Scout%20Build/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ32 I didn't start taking photos until the helmet had been reshaped but you can generally see what had to be done.
  22. It is amazing what you can do with one though if you know what you're doing!! Mine wasn't far off that when I got it, but I did manage to turn it round. It is a horrible example I agree, not for the feint hearted; and no way is it worth that much either.........?
  23. Mine is one of them then I think. I'll post some piccies up once I've finished painting it.
  24. Rob, try using some surgical tubing, like the theraband stuff: http://www.thera-band.com/store/products.php?ProductID=27. You can wrap it around your shins tightly and it'll hold them really well. I got this tip after I did mine and they were a pain to clamp. I used a big F clamp to hold the shins together in the middle, small clamps at either end and magnets everywhere else!!! They came out ok though!! Good luck with the rest mate. A.
  25. I bought a pair of these: I've got more vinyl arriving tomorrow then they'll get the treatment. Have modded the soles already and I think they look ok. We'll see as the pictures aren't really representitive, the colour is washed out in these pictures. I did a quick search for the Lugs, I like them a lot. The sole colour is more accurate than the Isreali Paladiums I have. Still, we have to try these things. They must be reasonably close for Marcel to sit in the pub staring a my feet looking puzzled!!!
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