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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by PanzerKraken

  1. Circulation is better with the scout than with other buckets I've used that have been completely closed, but still with the Florida weather here..... don't mind the extra help
  2. So got some fans I would like to put in the helmet, but not sure on where they would be best placed. I've seen for other helmets it recommended putting it by the mouth area to circulate around the face, but with the snout shape of the scout this seems like it wouldn't work so well as the snout would be blocking most of the air flow, as well as probably causing issues with any mics being used with a speaker system.
  3. Hmm I don't mind some repainting, being such a small area too it wouldn't be extremely noticeable either. Was thinking of using some extra plastic from not needed armor parts to glue behind the hole and then use some form of filler, just wasn't sure what would be best to use.
  4. So yea made a little mistake with a part and drilled a little hole in a part of the hard armor. So what is good for filling in any holes in the white parts, it's about 1/8 or smaller hole that got drilled in wrong spot so need to plug it with something, probably then cover it with some weathering heh.
  5. Title of the auction probably made it harder for people to find. Calling it a stormtrooper blaster like that would make it appear in a huge list of searches mixed in with action figure and lego blaster parts. Most auctions for it would put Kenner and scout blaster type of info in the subject.
  6. Got to remove one of the ribs as well, there is supposed to only be 4
  7. Was my first sw toy actually and why I wanted to make biker my first sw costume
  8. Depends how it was sent. Only UPS and Fedex are 2 days ship from SC. If sent post office it can take longer as the post office is also random with their delivery times. And as said above, the shipped info in ebay doesn't mean it actually shipped, a person has to press that button but it might not go till the next day or so.
  9. If I get my vest and last armor part (old SC TD box from 2 years ago, have to replace with the new style to fit the greebles to it), within the time frame I was given, I should have my stuff submitted all to the GML before megacon no problem. Might be cutting it close on the 501st app part though but maybe I'll get my last 2 items in early. Nothing to do but wait
  10. Know this is probably kind of odd but was wondering what kind of turnaround time is there with GML costume approval and 501st approval after applying like? I'm about done but going to be stuck with waiting on my flak vest for several weeks still, while all else is pretty much finished now. Was hoping to get it all done earlier but that became a hurdle, and wont possibly get my vest till 2 weeks or so before... hopefully. Was trying to maybe get done in time for Megacon in Orlando in March but think I'll be cutting it a bit to short now. I have heard that after you send in your 501st app that it can take a few weeks too? What's others experience in this area.
  11. I was kinda responding to those who were saying stuff like messaging a person with a vendor contact. To me that kind of stuff sounds like the group or folks picking a preferred member vendor, which would put a wall on new vendors into joining the game. I still don't see the requirement or need for a vendor to actually be 501st, what if they are just talented artisan who can help the community and have no intention of joining themselves? Sith Armor for example has run into an issue of not being able to supply us with new gloves anymore and there doesn't seem to be any other recommended vendors who can help us newbs. Wait for a 501st only member to appear who can solve this issue or wait and see if someone else can step up to the plate even though they are not part of the club? It just seems like options will be highly constrained by tightening the rules on vendors too much and could have negative impact by reducing future possibilities in growth for options.
  12. Was lucky and nabbed a pair of original Espirit gloves off ebay almost right after it got posted heh. They are pretty old and worn though, I don't know why but like the top half has browned while the bottom is still black. Wonder if they were left in the sun facing up or something for long periods of time that they discolored on the top or what. You remove the strap and the part the strap was over is perfectly black too hehe. Anyways I'm going to attempt and dye them back to black and if so this will be a savior for me. Hopefully the leather dye sticks
  13. How about a list similar to the CRL post but with recommended vendors listed for each part. Only the mods and such would be able to put people on that list and the newbies will all have iin one spot a one stop shopping list of those that the 501st have given their blessing too. Make it like a stick on the top of the trade forum so the newbs know where to look right off the bat. Can also on the same list have a vendor section of listings of known vendors to stay away from such as some notorious awful ebay sellers. So far already the trade board does a good job with members telling whats up with each vendor source usually. If time and backed up sellers becomes a issue, remove that vendor from the recommendations or make it that if they don't make it clear their time table, that mods will edit their sale post with data on how slow a seller is being for whatever reasons till they can clear up that mess.
  14. While back I remember someone posted up a sound file that was essentially just random radio chatter. They would have it playing on a loop somewhere in there armor to make it sound like communications were ongoing (some of it being goofy such as hittnig ewoks with their bikes). Don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about but thought it was neat and would like to try having that installed into my armor at some point. Anyone remember this or know where that sound file is posted?
  15. Don't trust anything from Evolution props
  16. Allowing only 501st approved sellers seems just kind of fishy. Especially if they are going to start contacting a person with a cherry picked vendor. Creating a monopoly for specific vendors and putting up a wall for potential new and better sources to get off the ground.
  17. Guess I'm gonna stop and order the real suede. Started to use some faux suede from nearby fabric store but it really does not stand out at all against the black jump suit, so ordered some real stuff. How well does the real suede hold up though to multiple washes? Know when I did my cobra viper costume, had to wash that jump suit so many times. Anyone have trouble with real suede and multiple washes?
  18. K good info so far to keep in mind. The two elastic straps, any particular position for these? Do most ppl just sew it into the the suede seam or they run the a whole strap around the leg underneat the suede? Ah ok now I see it, I saw that post before and thought the pics were broken but guess it was the monitor I was using didn't let me see the template over the the dark grey background lol
  19. Is there a specific shape or exact measure on this? Some of the pics I see of folks seem to all kinda do it slightly different. Some seem to have more angular patches while some look very rounded. Is it kinda just do whatever works? How far from the knee should it be? See in the costume standard reference it should be near above the knee armor, but in various trooper pics they don't look like their suede goes that low.
  20. Those older gloves used to be acceptable. I started my build 2 years ago and folks were using the Whitney and such as ok but not lancer spec. So those other Scouts you see likely were accepted before the change in standards.
  21. Yea, SA seems to be only person who was making the gloves, and the few custom jobs I've seen ppl.... look awful. Adding that missing zipper segment especially is a big huh? Most similar options have features that can't be removed so they would never pass. The few pairs I've seen with right amount of ribs, have other features that make them useless as potential mods too. This can be a troubling roadblock for those of us trying to get an approval in the near future. Can make some kind of mod job, it won't likely look pretty since it requires major skill to work with leather. If SA can't help future folks, how are we to get in? I mean will my ugly mod pass the muster cause that's what it's going to be? Think it would be better to have something very close to the real thing at least instead of some chopped up home job. Cause right now it's looking like only option is getting lucky and finding someone selling a right size pair of the original vintage Espirit gloves which are getting harder and harder to find.
  22. So if SA can't help us anymore, what are we to do? Any of these glove options would need heavy modification that are all not easy at all. Options seem very limited right now. Is there any tutorials or help on which kind to modify? SA contacted me back and only has small or xl anymore. Finding a pair of real espirits seems quite difficult and been looking for weeks now non stop.
  23. So I picked up a neck seal few years ago similar to something like this: http://www.artemiscu...94_deutsch.html Was wondering if this is still ok, cause I don't see it in the costume standards and it kinda sounds like you use just velcrod up colar with a balacava?
  24. Thanks, gave her message and hope to hear back. So far have been going through the trade forum for vest makers messaging folks and getting rejected left and right lol
  25. Anyone can help with a source to get a vest made? So far everyone I've contacted from the trade is no longer doing them or booked up and not taking any more orders. Got some suede and getting some basic sewing lessons to take care of the understuit stuff, but the vest is going to be out of my reach Thanks guys!
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