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Yorkie Fett

PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Yorkie Fett

  1. Whilst over at RPF, I was reading the thread about the problems with the Efx Scout helmet and the reasons for the delay. One of the suggested reasons was the painting at the factory was wrong- gloss where it should be matt and vice versa. I wasn't aware there were different finishes of the white paint on the Scout helmets. Can anyone add any information to this, as I'd like to go back and do a repaint of my bucket, if indeed there were variations in the finish. Hope someone can shed some light on this.
  2. Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you. 6 weeks since I last heard from Rob, who was going to replace my returned helmet 'within the week'. Sent them an email a couple of days ago asking for an update, but have heard nothing back.
  3. Seems RS are too busy bulk producing the stormtrooper and Fett stuff, which is what the mass market appear to want (as witnessed on their recent FB photos). That would seem to be where the big(ger) money is, so it's presumably why the smaller stuff gets bumped to the back of the queue. Weeks ago, I sent my badly painted helmet back for a replacement (serious QC issues) and was told a replacement would be sent out within the week, then, guess what? Yep the emails stopped coming, and they haven't even had the courtesy to keep me updated on what was their problem in the first place. Despite asking, they haven't refunded the return shipping costs either!
  4. Unfortunately a bad job, lacking any QC. Posted details in post #251.
  5. Yep, unpacked it, repacked it and returned it straight away. Was told a new one would be sent out in the next couple of days, but that was two weeks ago.
  6. Do I take it your helmet never arrived, or was it defective?
  7. Pleased these are coming through without problems. Looks like mine was the runt of the litter! I still havn't got my replacement from RS, unfortunately. Was told it was shipping last Monday, but never got sent. Then was told it would go out today, unfortunately not. Here we go again!
  8. Those black patches weren't on my example.
  9. I'm sure there are a lot of members wanting one of these, but I'd have a hard time selling a product to someone that had so many flaws. I'm hoping that RS are going to come good and return it to me with all the problems rectified.
  10. I got a reply from RS who were very apologetic and are sorting out the problems and returning the helmet when finished. Good customer service but still shouldn't have left the building in that state (as they admitted). I think it's luck of the draw as to who completed the helmet over at RS, especially if some are arriving without issues.
  11. Seems mine isn't a one off, then. Sent my bucket back to RS today, so will see if they do something about the problems I listed on the previous page. If not, I'll be looking for a full refund. Can't believe goods are allowed to leave the building without being checked over. Any one received one that's turned out without issues?
  12. Yep, LW really raised the bar when he offered his helmet. Shame they are so rare.
  13. One other point, just compared the RS to my LoneWolf, and boy, did he do a good job (LW). Pretty much spot on in terms of size and shape.
  14. Well, received mine this morning (unfortunately not able to post any pictures) and there's good news and bad (this refers to my example, can't obviously speak for the others that people will receive). Good points: Closet example you'll get to the real thing, so RS should be congratulated for making this available. Generally well constructed, visor lifts and seams filled and sanded well. Painting is colour accurate and decals look good. Nice, correct shade of visor. Overall an impressive replica that includes a nice stand and certificate. Not so good points: QC lacking meaning there was white overspray over the black and grey of the snout. Black overspray getting on to the white of the helmet (inadequate masking). Helmet not brushed down before painting the helmet, meaning there are bits of dust and plastic residue trapped on the surface, under the paint. If you try to remove these you get black spots where the primer shows through. Tamiya piece poorly moulded with bubble holes in the casting. Strange matt surface that in some parts looks like it's been rubbed over with heavy duty sandpaper. Head band kit is not accurate. So despite the moaning, am I pleased? Yes and no. I'm very pleased to own one of these and there's no doubt it's impressive and as screen accurate as we're likely to get. For the money, however, I expect a pretty flawless piece that has been through QC before being sent and certainly with a better paint job. As it turns out, I've decided to sent it back to RS as some of these problems (like paint overspray) are not something I am happy to leave. When it returns, I'll hopefully be able to provide a more positive update.
  15. Beat ya! This was from 6th July 2015: 'Thanks for your continuing patience with the Biker Scout Project. I am happy to inform you we now have all the components in place. Rob will be working on the final fitment of the visor/face plate this week after the painting has cured. I will update you as your helmet nears completion in the coming days. Sorry again for the delay.'
  16. Ok, obviously they've missed their latest delivery estimate of this week. Shall we try for next week? (Sorry to be cynical but this was beyond a joke a long time ago).
  17. From their Fb page; ' The first wave are now sporting some very nice decals. Moving on to weathering (where required) and clear cote. All first wave guys have been contacted by email...' When they say 'clear cote' does that mean they are putting a final layer of varnish over everything? Would think if that is the case, you'd want to give it at least a couple of days to cure.
  18. Why do they keep sending these 'next week...','next week...' emails? This must be about the fifth time they have promised that they'll be shipping, with messages going all the way back to last Summer. Way to do it, is finish helmet, contact buyer they are going out and send them. It's really simple. Getting seriously sick of the constant promises.
  19. Yep, you'd think so. This was their message on Facebook; 'RS Prop Masters- Im waiting on the silk screen printed water slide decals Ive had to have them professionally done, the ones i made just wernt good enough all being well they should be with us in the next couple of weeks' So, another couple of weeks...
  20. Ah yes, the party. Planning on going in full TB...oh no, that won't be possible- I've nothing to put on my head! I'm actually hoping this will drag on to May 4th. Sort of makes it a full year behind which is a nice round number and all that.
  21. Damn, they got me again! When I received that email on 24th February saying the helmets would be shipping in the next couple of days, I really thought 'this is it!'. Unfortunately, nearly two weeks later, that proved not to be the case. Oh well.
  22. Got an email, today. Will be shipping in the next couple of days.
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