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Everything posted by Grendel_Blitz

  1. Those are some serious treads. Just do not step in any dog-poop or you'll be using a stick to pick it out of the sole for some time. Nice work though LW!!! ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
  2. Hey kabuto, If ukscout or Marcel sell me their Altmann's bucket, I would be more than happy to post MLC vs. Altmann's comparison pics. (he-he-he) Someday I will find another Altmann's.... \m/
  3. Hey Neil, Thanks for those pics. It has been so long since holding an Altmann's that I had forgotten about the dome/wrap connection. I thought that they were one piece. (huh... maybe that Shadow Scout was for real - although the trimings looked rough for an Altmann's). They all - Altmann's - come with the amber lens though so that is true to form. \m/
  4. Hey Neil, Does ths mean you are putting the Altmann's up for sale??!!! I'll TAKE IT!!! (wishful thinking) Posting those pics is just mean! Happy holidays bro! \m/
  5. Hey Heatshock, Sweet outfit. You are not kidding. Very cool!!! Thanks for the inside track and info. \m/
  6. Well... this did not come up in a forum search but thanks to Google here is some info regarding ARF lids. LINK \m/
  7. Thanks Cyber Scout. I have a line on the "KW" ARF lid now but I will also look into what Heatshock may have as well. My source informs me that the KW ARF helmet is a rotocast ABS which sounds really nice as I have never had a lid made from that process. \m/
  8. Hey gang, Does anyone have any contacts over at clonetrooper.net? I am looking to find out more about this ARF Trooper bucket that looks really sweet. Would look great with my TK's and TB's. I would register and investigate but honestly, I do not have enough time to get involved with another forum. This one and the FL Garrison are all I can handle now-a-days. Here is the link to the ARF build. Modeler goes by the name "Kev" and looks to be states-side seeing the USPS tape on the shipped box. Looks like the bucket is a resin build too (nice and tight though). Any leads would be greatly appreciated. THX! ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
  9. THX Jules. If LW gives me some dremmel lines, then I would have the confidence to do it myself. I have a resin recast of some unknown Scout bucket (could be an Altmann's recast but without having one to compare side-by-side, I am not certain) that I completely turned into a nice useable lid. Had to reshape with tons of wood filler, sand (repeat - repeat) and dremmel the heck out of it but it is turning out well. Thanks for the DL on the LW! \m/
  10. ukscout, Nice grab! Glad that you are leaving it be - (in case you ever unload it [hint-hint], I as well as others would probably prefer it all original). ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
  11. Are there actual guide lines to cut/dremmel along (or are those drawn on)? If so, then I may be interested in picking one up. I am a connect-the-dots kinda guy. ~ G_B \m/
  12. Well, my former white Altmann's lid was a single rear piece. No third dome piece. I do not see any signs of limited number decal on the inside either. Quality looks poor too - check out the edges around the bottom nose and the rear. Not straight and Altmann's buckets were tight. This person probably had an Almann's box and was pushing another bucket as an original. I have heard of the Shadow Scout Altmann's but have never seen one. I hope that this was not the real deal. ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
  13. I was thinking about seeing if I could pick this kit up until seeing the amount of work needed. I fear that I would not be able to trim the thing to spec... ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
  14. BUMP - My account was reset and updated so I wanted to STAMP this post with my new creds. ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
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