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Everything posted by Grendel_Blitz

  1. Hey folks... I can search around a bit but off hand I am not certain where they are either... I have seen them in the past so I made mention of it. If I can source it/them, I will link it here as I will need to re-review them as well for my new digs. \m/
  2. Hey there Philipp. thanks for the info. I plan to take and post pictures when my Altamnn's is picked up on Saturday as it is coming from Austrailia (finally after all these years, I have found another). I will take comparison pics of my MLCv3, the recast (which is slight different although I have also reworked it a great deal) and the Altmann's. When I had an Altamnn's year ago, I had no issue fitting it on my head with the 3M liner. Plenty of wiggle room too.
  3. Quick question - are the LW's as big as the Altmann's? I have issue with my MLCv3 and my mystery recast as when I put the liner in (not a fan of foam), I bearly have room for me "giant HEED". ("Looks like an orange on a toothpick...") If these are larger, now I would really be in the market to build one. \m/
  4. Hey Sorripto - I receivedmy black coveralls yesterday and they are really well done. Much nicer than the flight suit I used on my first Scoutfit a few years back. I highly recommend them and only two chest pockets and two butt pocket that can easily be removed. Go for it! \m/
  5. Hey Chris, I plan to remove any/all pockets on the coveralls. Then find some real black suede (Jo Ann Fabric or eBay) and there are turtoials with screenshots in this forum that show/tell what you need to do as far as cutting sizes of the suede (crotch and butt flap) and the straps used. Also, I plan to add a velcro collar (similar to a racing suit) as well. I may go as far as add a belt similar to a racing suit too. Most of this should be basic thread/needle sewing and if I run into trouble, Jo Ann fabric has local help to hire. Hope it helps and thanks again Jim (Griffin-X) for the inside scoop! \m/
  6. Thanks for the PM and the link Jim. I will pick up the coverall that you suggested and sew on suede and straps me self! Cannot beat the price with a stick! \m/
  7. Qué Onda sneik!!! Encantados de saber. Hey Objetivotuning - I like your avatar too! \m/
  8. I want to BUMP this post as I was going to post a new thread but this is what I am seeking intell on as well... I have ordered from Christian (CB) in the past and his stuff seems well put together. I was considering ordering his flight suite and requesting that he uses real suede (for a bit more $$) and not incorporate the vest. Has anyone picked it up as-is and if so, what are your thoughts on the overall quiality? Also, how are the actual measurements (as he sends a list asking all your measurements first that you send back before he makes the outfit)? Many thanks gang! \m/
  9. Thanks ukscout. Yeah, those wealthy bidders out there. I am curious to know if it was a BSN member too. Anyone know?
  10. Thanks Jules, Marcel and kabuto as well. The post just above this is the man that hooked me up (e-i :: a.k.a. Rick). I cannot thank him enough!!! Hey MC, he needs his armor! I will post the comparison pics as well - I will have three Lids to compare and someone may be able to identify the crazy recast that I have reworked into something of substance. I still am not sure what it was pulled from. Thanks again all and the lid should be here by next week! \m/
  11. Hey Chex. No win on the auction for me - the bid went to a whopping $680 US (plus $25 shipping). I put a tasty bid in but was not near a computer for the final. Would not have paid that much though so it was a wash. So glad for awesome BSN members that care for their fellow Scouts. I am still trying to find time to finish my TB (iteration 2) too as it is slow coming - now that my Altmann's is back, I am sure things will move faster. Yeah, I was actualy bummed to have missed the St. Patty's day party you all attended. I would have loved to come up for that even without a "Scoutfit". Next year for sure! Always up for hanging out too to let me know when you get to O-Town next and I willl do the same for your neck of the woods. \m/
  12. Well, some of you may know that I have been trying to acquire an Altmann's Scout helmet since 2005 when I sold the one that I had to add to a down payment to my first home. Well, my wait is over as an AWESOME member on the board decided to offer an extra one that he had to me. The transaction happened this morning. OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It should be in my posession in about two weeks or so and I plan to post pictures on this thread when it comes to me. U-RAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After this, hopefully a LW lid will be the next addition if another run goes out. (hint - hint) \m/
  13. When you do a run, I would consider picking one up. Great, great, great work LW! \m/
  14. Thanks for the intell Carsten. Good to know! I would buy an ABS non-Hero/Legend as well if they produce one. \m/
  15. Hey Carsten - Thanks for posting that info. Can I inquire as to who "Gino" is? I recieved word from Bryan over at eFX about the Scout build. Also, Not having one built in ABS is a bit disappointing but after all the work that goes into LW, I can see their point from a mass prodcution and QC POV. I will still buy a fiberglass one!!! \m/
  16. If there is any chatter out there on this build, please let us know. \m/
  17. Way to go Adam!!! Glad to have you with the crew. \m/
  18. Hey Neil, thanks for the info (also sent you a FB friend request). OK so since we are on the topic, is the MC scout helmet the same as the MLC (whichever version)? I keep getting mixed feedback from this question and do not want to pound it into the ground by reposting to get the true answer .... Also, I will take some pics of the resin recast I am working on when I get my camera back this weekend and post so you can see what I am referring to with the lack of a chin strap connetor that is hidden from view when the visor is down. (I think that the DP's are like this but never had one to know for sure) I am reworking the visor so the top may not be as curved as it was when I first received it. This may help with getting feedback for you and others as to its origin. Also, the comparison shots of the SW in Concert helmet makes me yearn for my larger Altmann's lid even more... I dig the larger fit. I kick myself every time I think about how I sold my darn Altmann's back in '05. many thanks for the info and feedack Neil! \m/
  19. Good looking suit! I never knew the KS drops were so large either. As for hiding the zipper, if you sew (or know someone that does), would making a gator-like bib that goes up and around the neck (almost like the TK neck seal but without the ribs) be Lancer acceptable? Just a thought.... Eitehr way, looking good! \m/
  20. Hey folks, I lost track of this post and just caught up... (for a second upon seeing the eamil and the title, I thought that UKScout had a line on an Altmann's for me... Made my heart jump a beat....(much to my dismay)). ukscout - did you have MLC father the MLCv1 (or correct me if I am wrong - the MCv1 - as I am still trying to understand all the lids and their history). I have what I think is a recast of the MCv1 (if that exsits) and my guess to this is that the visor top is slightly more lifted on the brow than my MLCv3 which goes almost straight across. The bucket is slightly larger than the MLCv3 but not as large as what I remember my Altmann's being (marcel - you are correct about being able to throw it on over your head easier than the MLC lines). Also, the big diff is that is was not molded wih room to add a chin strap - which is why I thought (and hoped it may have been cast from an Atlmann's...). Anywho... I always thought that folks on the board did not think that the Altmann's Scout was film acurate to begin with so I figured it to be another one of Steve's "look at film pics and build accordingly" types of helmets - I still love it though ). BTW - Are there MLC v1,2,3 comparisons out there? This would totally help me know which is which. \m/
  21. I do not have the rivet sizes off hand (at work) but Mardon sends set with his bolt covers (covers which look like the ones that MC provide as well)... And the rivets that Mardon send with his bucket kit are great. I cannot seem to find similar ones anywhere... Wish I had two more sets for two other Scout lid projects still in the works... Not need to drill out the lid as the rivets tend to reach to bolt well enough in multiple lids. \m/
  22. Straight out of the movies bro! Nice work.... I do not recall the metal guy in the forest though. \m/
  23. Us Scouts know how to pick 'em! \m/
  24. And here is my guy "Mate-Hobbes". \m/ (sorry - had to do it!!! )
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