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Everything posted by Grendel_Blitz

  1. Hey Miska, Sell it and buy an RS - or - keep it and buy an RS !!! Seriously though, for Trooping, you may want to consider a fan-made in case it runs into any trouble. (although the really nice ones are still $$$) Mine (Altmann's) would take a beating when I Tropped years ago. Even if I babied it, which I tried to do. \m/
  2. Nice! Years ago I ordered the Creative Studios lid kit. It was WAAAY to small for my noggin and I was also not happy with the details so I sent it back. \m/
  3. EZ... #1: RS #2: LW #3: eFX #4: Altmann* (*I will always love these lids) #5: ......... KS, SC, Mons, WTF, etc... I have not seen, held or built. Mardon (MLC) made great lids before all of these BTW! \m/
  4. I did not expect to say this but... "RS for the WIN!!!!" (great article on both lids BTW) And I will reiterate what I have previously mentioned... A fiberglass build should not have been the fault of the huge visor gap and jaw-flare. Mardon's (MLC) lids were nice and tight and he made three slightly different iterations. It's just haste, lack of concern, laziness or all of three that eFX are accountable for in the design. \m/
  5. And, of course, eFX went COLD again on communications. I thought for a brief moment that I would get my lid last month. Fool me 10 times... shame on me. \m/
  6. I've been silent through much of this thread since the eFX Lid pics started coming out. I had to "Like" and Quote Ken's comment as is it DEAD-ON CORRECT. My RS is beautiful (IMO - I was one of the lucky that was delivered a spot-on one) and seeing the pics of the eFX really stress me out. Also, though not screen-accurate, my former MLC versions (I had 3 variants) had no issue with the visor gap and they were fiberglass builds. ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
  7. And they have Disney’s name and TM printed on the card. I am really curious if Disney actually acknowledged that since they may be the strictest company IN THE WORLD for protecting their brand. Huh!!! Loop hole for us buyers maybe??? \m/
  8. Novice builder/modelers could make a straighter cut. That is horrendous!!! \m/
  9. Look at all the boxes of Buckets!!! \m/
  10. I am just THRILLED to be FINALLY getting it!!!! I plan to post comps of my RS and this eFX when it arrives. ~ Grendel_Blitz \m/
  11. Hey Andry, You know that the prop factory is connected to a fireworks factory. FINGERS CROSSED!!! LOL \m/
  12. BUMP!!!! Hey all. I received an email from EFX earlier this week and they actually had an update for the Limited Edition Scout Helmet. As follows.... ------------------------ Scout Trooper Helmet - Limited Edition Update First, an important update to our customers who placed a pre-order for our Scout Trooper Helmet. In case you did not read the update on our website, we received the final pre-production sample from the factory and both Lucasfilm and us have approved it for production! So, we are working diligently with the factory to prepare everything for production! We will have an update on the Legend Edition soon! ------------------------ Not getting my hopes up too much but I wanted to throw this out there to all of you who have been waiting ALL THESE YEARS to get their lid. _Blitz \m/
  13. Heck yeah JKNO. The lid looks spectacular. Nice!!!! And Spanky101 - if you're reading this... you asked about my signature as I listed having the RS and eFX. I updated that Sig a year and a half ago after ordering the eFX the year before and then ordering the RS - thinking that they would ship soon after. Well, you know the rest - I am still waiting on both. I once owned the MLCv1,2 and 3 as well as the KS and SC. I unloaded them all as I wanted to focus on the LW and the Licensed ones. I currently have the LW and 3 Altmann's. Looking back, I wish I had kept them all. Oh well... \m/
  14. Efx has been like crickets in the night except for receiving the Vader helmet that apparently we on the States side only received in good faith for such a long wait. Would love an update but that is not the trend with these prop shops of recent years. \m/
  15. Glad they came through for you Yorkie. And yes... a LONG time waiting. I have heard nothing from RS and I am in Wave 2. As for the Efx... I ordered it so long ago that I actually forget about it. I do give them props for sending us the Vader helmet free of charge. It is a nice display piece. \m/
  16. Well, glad to see some progress but I am in Wave 2 (supposedly) and have heard NOTHING from RS. [not surprised in the slightest though] \m/
  17. I thought the same thing when I read that part. It is nice to read the words but believing the words come to fruition is what is becoming more difficult to accept. RS has cried WOLF too many time and not backed up their words on this Scout build. I will still wait for my lid as I am in Wave 2. \m/ \m/
  18. 100% agree with you Yorkie Fett. It is a professional prop with a PRO price tag and shouldn't be anything less than PERFECT. \m/
  19. LOL I was going to make a similar comment on their Facebook thread but decided to go the high road and keep it to myself. I do agree with you though. \m/
  20. hello Tristan. Just getting this comment. Thank you for the update. I will be moving next week so I will need to update my address with you folks. Looking forward to getting the LID. \m/
  21. WOW. RS replied to a comment I made on their Facebook page. Their pictured showed them all working very hard on everything BUT Biker Scout helmets so I had to make a comment. below is the exchange... Matt Maurer I purchased a Biker Scout helmet ages ago and I am not seeing them finished. \m/ Like · Reply · 5 hrs RS Prop Masters Hi Matt I am currently working on the next wave of biker helmets. Ive been pushing hard this week to get fett orders caught up with, and I'll have further updates on bikers in this coming week. Nice to get a reply but I have little faith in the "coming week" comment. \m/
  22. EXACTLY!!!! I have been cool up until these past three weeks. No I am getting pissed. \m/
  23. Not yet Daniel. I just BUMPED their Facebook Wave 2 post again today. They were painting Wave 2 on April 22. Still nothing.... \m/
  24. BIG difference... NICE!!! Although I will never stop loving my Altmann lids. Still can't wait to get my RS - that I should have already received (Wave 2... hello???!!!) LOL \m/
  25. Thanks Jim. I totally know what my next costume will be for which ever Con I hit next. Those boots are going to be a bit of a challenge to find but BRING IT ON!!!! \m/
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