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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. yeah they own. so comfortable, and you don't have to do the velcro nonsense. just slip em on and troop.
  2. bro you totally live by me. get to some troops this month. I'm going to like 4

  3. Caboots bro. They are beast.
  4. dont even worry about it lol.
  5. oh yeah i was there. i trooped with that guy 2 of the 4 days there.
  6. that's just an mg34 in the picture. The barrel is way different than the mg42, there is no belt feed cocking mechanism on the right side, and the stock isn't dark enough. Also the front sights are way different, the iron sights are way different as well because the mg42 has a standard iron sight whereas the mg34 has a hopup system on the sight where you can adapt to many ranges and elevations. Looking at it from the game and wiki files, it is just an mg34 with the iron sights removed and replaced with a standard sniper scope. I'd say if you are going to make a rifle use the mg34. The barrel design fits a rifle alot better than the mg42. The mg42 as a rifle would just look silly lol.
  7. +1 for asking about it first
  8. a KST is in my top 5 of armors I wish to do next Good job man, your's looks wicked awesome
  9. Lol. Try some Ewoks now, fast little buggers are a fun challenge in the dense forests of Endor. But in the dense forests of San Diego Comic Con...I won't even bother.
  10. Mmmm very sexy mate. I'd love to start working one of those after my TK
  11. Helmet looks cool dude. I think they should have that decal on both sides, looks cooler to me. But guess it's not how it is
  12. Happy bday man!

  13. Man those are so kick butt, haha. Nice work guys! -Andrew
  14. Can't wait to see your TB put on man



  15. That's pretty cool how you did that man! Dang. You should totally make some scout trooper armor all out of cardboard! That'd be cool. I mean they have the cardboard robots and samurais, hell I've seen a cardboard C-3PO, now we need cardboard troopers! -Andrew
  16. * all weekend

  17. Hey man! I worked on my armor weekend and I got it all done yay! Here is the link to my post with my pics.


  18. Haha dude right on! Another scout with a pauldron :)

  19. Haha Chunk! I love the icon man

  20. Hey there! So you are in the productions of your armor I see. I just completely finished mine a few days ago. I had it mostly done for celebration which was so fun, but now it is all complete for comic con! I saw that you are going to comic con. We should get together and "kill" some rebel scum :)

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