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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I used to use velcro, but now I took it all off and now my biceps and bracers stay put because the straps are tight enough on me to stay on.
  2. if you have the mon cal snout coming, why did you put the KS decals on then? Take them off and paint the whole snout area black. Then put the snout piece on when you get it, assuming you got the full snout piece of course...
  3. i put the amp to my mic in one, and the other carries 2 extra mags for my nerf gun, phone, keys, and wallet. just a tight fit, but it all works.
  4. oh yeah me too man. sheesh it is beautiful
  5. Alright, go for a KS then to start. But later on if you have time, mod a rubies. It was truly a great experience.
  6. those helmet paddings in the shape of the bucket are nifty looking lol.
  7. It is alot of work mate, but it is alot of fun too. It is also very rewarding seeing your nasty warped out helmet become a screen accurate masterpiece. I think you should mod one, just to experience it. To be honest, I would love to do another one, a better one than when I did it back when I was a kid. Lately I have actually been redoing everything on my scout armor that I did when I was 14 to make it look as screen accurate as possible. I am kind of going to make my stuff near Lancer quality, just will not go for Lancer because I adore my weathering. But man, I think I am going to do another Rubies mod. I can use it in the Pay it Forward thread! -Andrew
  8. Nice man! Can't wait to see you trooping in it!
  9. Alright here is a link to the album of photos for the 2.0 boots. Now the toes have some minor wrinkles around the flap area on purpose to simulate wear and heavy usage of the boots since I troop as a weathered scout and like all my gear to look like how I think the gear would look after heavy use. Hope you enjoy the pictures. -Andrew Scout Boots 2.0
  10. on the first pair i used E-6000. But i did not like it one bit. the toes ended up rising up really bad so i just ripped off all the vinyl and redid them. i used hot glue for the second pair, works better caz i can stretch the vinyl as i glue. let me take some pictures of the new pair of boots right now and upload them.
  11. I just made another pair too. These ones came out much better and the toes laid down super flat because I used different glue. The glue I used for the other boots is just, suck. Lol.
  12. you can do it man. I modded my rubies when I was like 14 and it came out nicely. I dont use it anymore because I have a KS now. But I'm just saying, if a kid could do it, you sure can.
  13. Yep, that is what I did with my armor haha. I got the factory reject kit from you guys when I was 14, and just worked it into shape. Over time it has become very nice.
  14. I did them over a course of 2 days. Total time, maybe 8 hours?
  15. I made a new pair of boots this week because I had nothing else to really do lol. The pictures don't do due them as much justice because they came out pretty good. I'll cut the grooves out prolly tomorrow. I think I'll make another pair too...I have enough vinyl. My boots
  16. those knees look HUGE on your wife too son.
  17. that is pretty cool. You should tell me how you did the moss weathering. I would love to add some dirt and tree remains to my TB. mmm that'd be the best.
  18. very cool
  19. I'm like half an hour away from garden grove. Fix that pouch, because we got events coming up like crazy this month!

  20. if it can still fire the darts, super good job. if it can't fire the darts, you sir have failed! Just kidding. Looks nice and compact. Very unique look to it. Very NICE! I myself like to troop with a nerf CS-6 at events. I look to have nerf battles with RL guys. Also just walking around our 501st area shooting comrades with darts is always entertaining.
  21. can't wait to see
  22. show me please
  23. Lol, I have long legs so they look good. And they aren't even that tall. I have compared them to other scouts' boots out here, and they are pretty much the same size. I like them alot more appearance wise. They don't sag either. Also sometimes scouts have their boots looking like too fat. Ah well. I've had every kind of boot and the caboots are the most comfortable and I can do so many hours in those boots no problem. Doesn't matter to me if they aren't canon. Plus I got em for like $50, so RKO lol
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