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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by loosetoon

  1. If it came in a white cardboard box it might not fit. That one has an altered grip handle that's longer than the toy. Post a pic?
  2. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=5935&hl=
  3. I did mine with velcro on the cod.
  4. Decals here: http://members.cox.net/appstronaut/tk4510_decals.html I think you could use your TIE pilot suit and you are correct, the saddle mods are not a basic requirement. Still, check with your local GML if you are unsure.
  5. I can help with 1, 2 and 4.
  6. I wouldn't put any sort of deadline on this helmet project. My advice would be to go with any other current helmet provider.
  7. Don't beat yourself up too bad. Many of us have done the same thing (I know I did.... this looks suspiciously like the first armor I bought off ebay before I knew what I was doing. And I'm sure I paid more than you did for the mistake.) Take your time, read through all the threads here relating to armor, look at the gallery for screen caps of the movie scouts. And ask questions! Good luck!
  8. Here's a link to my pattern if you would like it for reference: http://wallofshemp.freeservers.com/501st/s...und_Pattern.jpg
  9. Yes, if you have natural webbing and straps everywhere else, then yes to the side elastic.
  10. Looks great! Nice work!
  11. I actually used the automotive pin striping as the edge, not just to mask with. Then I just filled in the inside with black staying within the pin stripe edge lines.
  12. Leather hole punch worked for me. Good tip!
  13. Fantastic job assembling that KS helmet! I foresee a helmet assembly business opportunity for you! lol
  14. Looks fantastic! You should be very proud and have no trouble getting approved!
  15. I guess it would work either way and as long as it looks the same as a movie scout when you are dressed, it really doesn't matter. Mine is sewn to the back of my bund.
  16. I think the only mandatory extras are the 1/8" black pinstriping for the details on the tank, and paint or pinstripe the red stripe and paint for the white circle on the tank topper. Gray paint or sticker for the rectangle on the chest plate. Here's some optional things: For lancer, you'll need to replace the strapping with a natural color if you go with natural pouches. Again for lancer, you'l need to figure out an alternate attachment method of the tank to the back plate that does not use a rivet at the top. Witness came up with a clever way to do it. Duck cloth wraps that cover the chest/back connections at your shoulders. Lengthen the pre-cut slots in the armor parts so the elastic doesn't bunch so much. And I personally used a different method of attaching my detonator using alice clips so I can completely remove it. My boots have a layer of interfacing inside the vinyl which makes it stiffer and sturdier.
  17. If you are going for lancer, then there's a few mods to be done to the KS bucket which will require purchase of a new snout from MC and new bolt covers. Even if you are not going for lancer, the mods are recommended. Details here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=5118
  18. Looks great! You did a real nice job. That helmet looks great on her! One question about the bicep straps... are they not going through the slots on the back side?
  19. The Rubies lid is the smallest you can get. The KS is probably the biggest currently available, at least until this one goes into production. I wear the KS and I wear glasses, and I have a huge head. They press a little bit which causes them to fog, but not bad. You could also maybe get something like prescription swimmers goggles.
  20. Yes, t-bits dots should face forward on both arms. Still, this is not a crucial detail.
  21. You should have no issues trooping or gaining membership with it "as-is". If you ever decide to go Lancer, then you can address those details as required.
  22. Yes, batting all the way around the complete bund. How you attach your pouches is completely up to you. I personally attach mine to the bund with velcro.
  23. Nice work. Looking good!
  24. He does have a feedback score 1968 and 100% positive feedback rating for what it's worth.
  25. I agree that I prefer my non-permanent setup where I can take it all apart to store in my armor case.
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