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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by loosetoon

  1. KS assembled, right out of the box and right on to your head. 501st minimum standards and good to go.
  2. I posted all of the patterns I collected over the years in the gallery: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?app=gallery&album=157
  3. Well done! Once you get the belt on, there should be no bund peeking out below it. Be sure to wear the belt at your waistline, so I'm wondering if your bund is a little too long.
  4. Awesome build! I agree with bringing the thigh boxes up higher. I just did mine up higher myself finally this weekend. I'd also like to see them more on the sides of your legs. They are a bit far to the front. One other minor thing I'd like to see is to wear the belt up just a bit higher. Your pouches should like to hang below the top of the belt just a bit.
  5. Velcro on the back of my bund attaches to velcro on my undersuit to keep the bund up. Velcro on the front of my bund attaches to velcro on the inside bottom of my chest armor to keep the armor down.
  6. These? http://www.shapeways.com/model/225120/placa_de_rango_de_soldado_de_endor_.html?gid=sg73175 http://www.shapeways.com/model/225080/placa_de_rango_de_soldado_de_endor__complementos_.html?gid=sg73175
  7. If you know the links don't work, why are you directing people to them?
  8. I just roll up my long pants cuffs.
  9. Just left mine alone. They are unseen.
  10. The Legend TK helmet is in production now but no word on pricing for that yet. My guess is once that one is known, it will be a good barometer for the Scout helmet price.
  11. I've been waiting for this for so long! Will my wallet be up for challenge??
  12. Looks real good. Good to go in my humble opinion. But yeah, the pouches look correct, and also big at the same time. You might just need to make them smaller to be proportionate. One other thing I see is your rank stripes look real thick. I made mine the same thickness as the other big stripe on the tank. This is probably something you do not need to change, but it just stood out to me so I thought I'd mention it. Congrats on a great build!
  13. Another great option if you can't get a new storage tub for whatever reason is a Magna Cart folding hand truck from Home Depot and some bungees. Perfect for a costume in a regular storage tub. Sometimes I even use one of these with my contico locker to make it even easier to move.
  14. Sorry, but you'll never pry the Velcro outta my hands! This is just me talking here, but everyone (and I do mean everyone) I know with snaps as a part of their costume has had them pop and parts fall off during a troop. I on the other hand have never had a single Velcro failure of any kind in my long and illustrious 3 year trooping career.
  15. I prefer velcro. Elastic stretches and loses shape, or can break.. whatever. Velcro to me seems like a no brainer.
  16. SC instructions: http://wallofshemp.f...Assembly_01.jpg http://wallofshemp.f...Assembly_02.jpg Detonator instructions are on the second link.
  17. Never had a single problem of flapping, bunching, scrunching.. whatever. It's a non-issue for me.
  18. Witness is pretty free with posting photos of our rear ends!
  19. I used a zig zag stitch on the sewing machine. The connection gets covered by the belt anyway so it's OK if it doesn't look pretty.
  20. Use your widest measurement and make a rectangle that length..
  21. Your shoulder bells are actually too low. Without the chest armor on, it's not obvious how high up above the shoulder they should sit. They should start about an inch down from the chest/back join. I think once you get that sorted out, you'll probably find you won't have to do much of anything.
  22. Looks awesome! Great job.
  23. That's completely up to you. Yes, it's possible and yes it's probably difficult. It also depends on your accuracy requirements, or that of your local GML. The blaster is not required for 501st approval, but if you do have one, your GML might have thoughts about what it needs to be. Me personally, I took the loss and bought something else. You could always try and re-sell it on the bay.
  24. Yup, that's the one. Here's a pic of the actual toy and you can see what I mean. Don't feel too bad. Join the club of those of us who have made mistakes like this, myself included. How do you think I know about this pistol? Because I got one.
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