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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by TB-1019

  1. Great job, guys! Mike was telling us how good you looked. I marched with the Colonial Marines (from Aliens) and we led off the parade. I was able to get back to my room on the 7th floor of the Hyatt to see you pass by.
  2. The DC-15A is the long rifle. The DC-15S is the carbine. There is no "B" model.
  3. Don't go overboard with the weathering. Keep it subtle. Think dingy more than dirty. Grimy spots, plant strikes and streaks, dust settled into the nooks of the armor, stuff like that.
  4. Sorry for not answering sooner also, Rick. I have been kept very busy with real life issues lately. We will examine your application and get back to you.
  5. Nicely done, Berry. We need to hear back from Bob, but so far so good.
  6. We're going to need to see detailed pictures of you in the armor, Berry. You are applying to be a Lancer, not your costume parts.
  7. Point of note: the KS helmet is made from ABS, not PVC. The two materials are very distinct from one another.
  8. Yeah, we'll need to put on our hip waders and our hard hats to fix that mess of a CRL they stuck us with.
  9. The commando is more than just a guy in black scout armor. The proper costume has some stormtrooper parts mixed in, plus a few unique parts for good measure. You'll need to visit the 501st SpecOps Detachment for more info. That is their baby.
  10. And by "flap" we mean that spat of vinyl that arches across the top of the boots.
  11. Thanks for explaining that, Dave. If they were webbing, we'd have to ask those to be replaced. We'll get back with you soon.
  12. Hey, Dave. In looking at the photo below, I took keen interest in your thigh straps. Can you tell us if they are webbing or elastic, and can you give us their width, please?
  13. Having had time to digest the debacle that has become our CRL, I have re-written my initial post. See if you can spot the changes.
  14. It looks like the DP/Rubies modification language we put on there was pushed down from a requirement to something that is "recommended". I'm not happy with it and it may be something we take up with the LMO.
  15. As many of you may know, for the last few years the 501st Legion has been undertaking a project to codify all of the costume requirements for each of the costumes approved by the club. At the beginning of the process, each detachment staff was asked to prepare basic costume requirements (and some optional accessories) and submit them to the Legion Membership Officer (LMO) for review. This list of requirements was called the Costume Resource Library, or CRL. In mid-to late 2007 we did this; taking the basic costume recommendations we had listed here and tightening up the language and clarifying any areas that needed it. Once we had a working draft we forwarded it to the Legion Membership Officer, where it sat as they collected CRL's from all the other detachments. Fortunately, we here at BSN had the foresight to start thinking about these issues and the fortune of having so many dedicated members of the detachment to help us come up with a list that was both comprehensive-- attaining a high level of accuracy and faithfulness to the canon costume-- and attainable by even the most casual aspiring member. Our submission was completed early and accurately. In 2008 the new incoming LMO made completion of the CRL project her number one priority and throughout the year other detachments finally submitted their own lists and the LMO was able to begin the work of reviewing them. Once that was done, the Scout CRL went to the Legion Commanding Officer for final tweaking and formatting, then posted to the Legion Council for ratification. The Scout Trooper CRL's were approved late last week and posted to the 501st Legion's online costume requirements listing, the link to which you will find at the bottom of this post. As you will see, other costumes whose basis are found on the biker scout were included in the Scout Trooper CRL, so do not be alarmed. That and other inconsistencies, omissions and rearrangements have been visited upon the document that was originally submitted. There are a number of issues regarding this CRL that we in the detachment staff will discuss with the incoming LMO. We in the Pathfinders administrative staff would like to thank all of you who helped to pull the original requirements together. Each and every one of you who found a new way to assemble a new boot, to those who produced newer sets of armor or soft parts had a hand in this. For that, we would like to thank you. Hopefully soon we will have a CRL all scouts can be proud of. Please note that the CRL lists the very basic costume requirements for membership in the 501st Legion costuming club. New applicants starting from March 1, 2009 forward will be held to these requirements. For now, those of you who are already members do not need to worry if your costume does not meet every requirement on the CRL. Your GML should allow you a reasonable amount of time to carry out improvements to your costume before your membership may be considered for deactivation. You will need to consult with your GML and unit commanding officer to find out what this time period will be. Please do not ask us. We do not know. Although it is the club's goal to try to standardize costume quality across the entire membership, it is probably not realistic to believe all units (be they outposts, squads or garrisons) will bother to audit their members' costumes to ensure they meet these new basic standards. Whether they do or not, all we here in the Pathfinders did was create the CRL that your GML will consult to determine membership eligibility. Also please be reminded that the Pathfinders own Lancer standards are not set up by the 501st Legion and they are set up by this detachment. The Lancer standards use the CRL as a foundation from which a higher, OPTIONAL, set of costume requirements are derived. Please read our Lancer Costume Requirements here for more information. LINK TO THE SCOUT TROOPER CRL
  16. Thanks for all your service, Chris. I'm glad you're still going to be around to help me keep all these nuggets in line.
  17. Congratulations, Bob! You're a better man than I for taking up the mantle of DL! Nate, kudos for running an honorable campaign. I know it's only a matter of time that you'll have your shot at the gold plated speeder bike.
  18. Berry- This thread is only for Lancer applicants to post their pictures for review and for the review committee to reply. We specifically asked at the top of this forum for members not to post here. You are not on the Lancer review committee. Please leave the commenting to those who are. If you want to give constructive criticism, leave the applicant a PM. Piotr- Please don't change anything until you hear from one of the members of the review committee. For now that would be the current detachment leader (Army Scout), the current detachment armorer (bluecyclone) or the current assistant detachment leader (me). Thanks.
  19. Let me remind everyone that this board is strictly for Lancer applicants to post their reference photos and for the review committee to make comments on them. General posts from the membership complimenting or otherwise commenting on these photos is prohibited and they will be deleted. If you want to show support or if you want to make a comment to the applicant, feel free to send them a private message (PM), but please leave the board clear. You all have been put on notice.
  20. No problemo. There's no rush. The Lancers aren't going anywhere.
  21. Hi, Alex, We'll need to see pictures of you in the costume, not just costume parts laid out. While accuracy of the parts is important, that is just one half of the equation. The other half is seeing how that costume comes together on you, and if you give off an overall look of a scout that stepped right off of the movie screen. We need to be sure the costume fits you correctly and is worn correctly. If you want an idea about what we're looking for, take a look at the applications of those who have been granted Lancer status. They should help.
  22. BARC Troopers look similar to Commander Neyo: Oddly enough, the troops that actually ride the clone speeder bikes might be the precursors of the scout troopers we know and love in ROTJ, but their armor is closer to that of standard clone troopers. Whereas the Kashyyyk Troopers are standard clone troopers in lighter, more flexible armor. From a fictional standpoint, it might be safe to assume that the BARC troopers that were the "ancestors" of the biker scouts adopted the lighter armor after the Clone Wars and sometime during the early days of the Galactic Empire, which was later modified to look like the TB armor.
  23. While we have not yet formally started to examine your costume in detail, my first thought is that you'll want to make sure that your breastplate is pulled down over the top of your cummerbund so that no black gap can be seen in between them. This tends to happen if cummerbunds aren't made long enough to extend up under the breastplate.
  24. What would you have us do, SGB? Ban him? He's a 501st member which entitles him to have access to this board. He's violated no forum or Legion rule. If he posted a for-sale thread here for a run of these things, I would shut it down just as fast as if it were an SFP sale, but he didn't do that. Some other person posted a link to an eBay auction (another thing the Legion takes no position on monitoring) that showed the object in question. If anyone needs to be reprimanded for violating forum rules, it was that guy (who even admitted that he was violating them). I immediately deleted the link and the auction number and closed the thread. This guy is not doing a run of these to sell them amongst the German Garrison or to anyone else. That is my stance as the ADL of the Pathfinders. This is my personal opinion: If he is guilty of anything, it's offending the ethical practices of everyone in the Armorer's Coalition. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world conforms to the best ethics of mankind. To expect people should because you and your fellow armorers think they should is very unrealistic. I'm not saying you are wrong, I am saying that you are tilting windmills as usual. I've confronted you on this both on CT.net and CE and I'm disappointed to see that you still continue to take the wrong approach to tackling what obviously is a bothersome subject. I would be elated if the AC would come up with a well-written treatise on their position on recasting and why all new costumers need to avoid buying from recasters instead of acting like a blacklisting squad. Stopping sales into a geographic location is an insane policy. What good does that do? It only forces people into the hands of recasters because they cannot get parts from legitimate armorers because they were unlucky enough to live in the same area! I won't even get started on the loopholes in that policy that can be exploited. I'm just saying that the best defense against recasting is to educate new costumers to the subject and why it is important (to them, NOT YOU) that they buy from honest, legitimate artisans. Instead of putting all your energy into ranting and raving and whipping up the villagers to pick up their torches and pitchforks to march on the castle, redirect it into something productive, for chrissakes.
  25. Guys, please watch yourselves here. BSN is a location to talk about costuming and the staff here will not hesitate to start locking down threads relating to recasting or accusations thereof. If you want to continue this controversy, I suggest you do it in private emails. I've said it before and I will say it again: the Pathfinders are a 501st Detachment and are obligated to stand by the Legion's policy of taking no stance on the topic of recasting. We will not takes sides and we will not allow our forums to be used as a public battleground.
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