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since there are no real crl's for the kashyyyk scout i thought i would start a discussion on the topic. i will start it out.


i will be editing this as things come up.



last edited 5/23/10


kashyyyk scout costume requirements. all armor and parts can be scratch built or fanmade.








benjimen moore HC -96


a pale olive green

Tamiya Color, Flat Earth (brown) FX-52 item # 81359

Tamiya Color, Desert Yellow XF-59, item # 81752


contact mrbungle and he will mail you color samples of the colors free of charge.

the colors are custom paint and you will need to go to the paint store and have some made up. there is no standard base color or green camo color, yet. but i have it pretty close.





1 helmet with viser, 2 breathers, triangle piece, five bar snout piece and reflective green lens.

a. working hinged faceplate/visor is optional. But the helmet has to look screen accurate






1. 2 shoulder bells

2. 2 bicep pieces

a. left bicep armor must have grey strap and 2 boxs ,one smaller than the other.

b. right bicep armor must have greeb.

3 2 forearm pieces with 2 straps for each piece of armor.

4. chest plate ,ks specific.

a. 2 grey straps connecting front and back plack plates.

5. back plate with tank.

a. tank and back plate must be one piece

b. tank must have top greeb. ks specific.

6. cod piece.

a can be made of hard rubber urethane with a foam backing.

b covered with textured coloth and painted armor colors.


7. 2 pieces of knee armor

a. black straps for each piece of knee armor.

8. 2 complete shin armor pieces that are seamless.

a. 2 kahki or white belts on each shin

b. have a black buckle and a smaller clip on each belt.

9. 2 pieces of boot armor

a. 4 black rings , 2 for each boot.




1. jacket and pants or junpsuit with the correct (or as close as possible camo.) can be dyed DMP (british) desert camo. dye them brown and black to get them close.

a. leg pouches in the correct position and shape. KST specific.

b. grey riding patch on inner thighs.

2. a black bacava to wear under helmet.

3. cumberbund. ks specific. grey in color. no molle vest or varient.

a. vertical straps.

b. midsection belt that goes around the cumberbund.

c. the 2 clips that go on cumberbund belt.

d. 16 pouches of accepted size. use dave's measurements thread as a guide.

1. 2 long front pouches

2. 2 small rectangle pouches

3. 8 small side pouches

4. 2 long back pouches.

5. 2 large rectangle back pouches.

4. belt and buckle. ks specific.

5. 2 hip pouches with 4 straps

a. hung from belt and belt buckle


7. black gloves.

a. with 2 grey pads on top of each glove

b. 2 rubber greebs on padded sleeve or on brown leather gauntlet style. KST specific. (still an argued point)

c. grey belt with buckle around the wrist.

8. boots.

a. white with kahki or tan soles.

b. . the soles need a curved shape inbetween the heel and sole. it needs to be as KST accurate as possible.



1 dc-15 long or short rifle.

2 binoculars , starwars specific. optional.



weathering is encouraged, layered or topical.


here is some pics of my costume. yes there is room for improvement.









well there you are, let me know what you think.

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Hey Tom, I assume you're basing some of this off of the thread here:



Let's keep this as the OFFICIAL CRL thread as opposed to the "WIP" that Army Scout's thread is there...


sounds great. i based alot of it off the reference pics i have and that thread.


I went through the scenes featuring the KS in EPIII the other day and took a heap of screen caps. I will post them up when I can if that will help. I am having trouble with my computer at the moment. Considering I am getting armor from you Mr Bungle, as long as I nail the vest (which I hope to make functional) and get the paint right then there shouldn't be a problem. I just may have trouble with getting the boots but I will try to mod a pair of Altana hot weather desert boots by dremeling the arch out.


boots are problem for everybody. since the best looking boots are not made any more.


Hey Tom, phew where to begin huh.


1st off - we should be thinking of 'basic requirement' and the KST equivalent of lancer status I would say. I know wot u are like mate - u're basic standard would prob be more in keepin with a lancer equivalent ;P


hard armour - no probelms with stipulations. In fact I would say you and mikes armour should form the base line of standards to make. In fact, I know blue cyclone is the official detachment armourer, so is there gonna be a separate KST Armourer as well?


soft armour - this is gonna be a right mine field.


I am all for making the british desert DPM the official base for the under armour. dyed to the appropriate shade with the inner grey - perhaps leather/suede patches like on biker scouts? Are we gonna stipulate that the pockets be removed? dont think this will be necessary personally, as all of it will be covered by cummerbunds and armour


I personally would like a balacava underneath, more in keepin with maintaining the illusion; so u dont see flesh underneath.


Cummerbund - Angelo's tutorial for a cummerbund would form a nice start for the basic requirements - http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=4949. Agree that a molle vest wouldnt look right.


pouches - its in the appropriate section already; there are fairly good guestimates by DaVe - http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=1651. Now, as u and I know - its pretty tight space in between the chest armour and the belt - I would say some lee way needs to be given to make sure theres space for the costumer to move freely, even if its just the long set of boxes in the front.


gloves - a topic the powers that be are gonna have to decide on, I have seen the arguments provided by Frank, and I actually would prefer this configuration instead, ie the greebs being on the sleeve rather than the gloves.


boots - a major problem, and something I think some compromise will need to be made. this is wot the GM WIP CRL is

6. Boots -

-Must be white leather with the sole pattern to match as closely as possible to the movie costume.

-Most identifiable features include a high arch pattern on the inside of the sole, four profile "swoops" between the sole and leather.

-Snaps on both side of heel upper to accept the boot armor is suggested.


something a bit more generic like that would prob be needed.


just my cents mate




nate ,you make some very valid points. i will try to do a basic outline for the crl tonight. we have to get the basics down before we get into the lancer style status.


for example. the pant side pockets on the basic crl would be fine. on lancer you would have to remove the pockets and put the correct shape pouches on like lonescout did with his pants.


on the rider inner thigh patch , the basic would just have to be grey material but the lancer would have to be suede or leather.


i agree with the cumberbund tutorial that lonescout did would be fine. but i do like the idea of the correct number of pouches on the cumberbund for basic crl. i don't like seeing a KST with missing pouches.


gloves are still up for grabs on that. the higher ups will have to make the call. i am of the gaunlet school and some are it's part of the sleeve school. i think it will come down to what looks better on a completed KST.


boots ther has to be some leway on that because of the limited amount of boots availible.

  mrbungle said:
nate ,you make some very valid points. i will try to do a basic outline for the crl tonight. we have to get the basics down before we get into the lancer style status.


for example. the pant side pockets on the basic crl would be fine. on lancer you would have to remove the pockets and put the correct shape pouches on like lonescout did with his pants.


on the rider inner thigh patch , the basic would just have to be grey material but the lancer would have to be suede or leather.


i agree with the cumberbund tutorial that lonescout did would be fine. but i do like the idea of the correct number of pouches on the cumberbund for basic crl. i don't like seeing a KST with missing pouches.


gloves are still up for grabs on that. the higher ups will have to make the call. i am of the gaunlet school and some are it's part of the sleeve school. i think it will come down to what looks better on a completed KST.


boots ther has to be some leway on that because of the limited amount of boots availible.


Great discussions...


The pouches shape is very different from the British BDU's Dosen't the BDU pants pockets set on the side were the KS is more on top front of the leg. I think the correct pouches should be a standard! Unless there will be a lancer status in the future. I used leather for the inner thigh area.




I am working on a version 2 cummerbund that better fits me ...the only thing I can think of to improve on V2 is to get a two inch garrison belt that goes all the way around between the pouches. As you can see from the back it does not meet up but than again I did not attach the back two pouches which would hide this flaw!



Two Back pouches missing.



As long as the gloves have the correct greeblies for the standard. Lancer status would determine if its on the forearm or glove.


Boots I guess we will go with whatever is most accurate since there limited in style.









angelo ,you are right about the the pant leg pouches. i feel they need to be the correct size and in the correct placement.

and put that in the CRL.


the cumberbund you have would be fine if you put those last 2 pouches on. i am really looking forward to your version 2.

there are 2 clips on the cumberbund belt that i feel can be made out of aluminum and painted black. i am still researching that.


the gloves i put in the crl you can either do the seperate gauntlet thing or use the sleeve with padding in it as long as it has the correct greeb.




Will proper dyed and weathered standard US/British/et al Military issued pouches be acceptable for regular admission?


We can discuss the Lancer standards later...


For the gloves: I think the option for a extra long gauntlet with greeblie, or have it on the suit is a great idea!


For the greeblie: Do you want me to send you the five greeblie patterns I've found? Or do you want to standardize some sort of guidelines?


Helmet: working hinged faceplate/visor option. But the helmet has to look screen accurate.


nice discussion goign now :D


cant see any problem with ready made pouches, as long as they are close to teh required sizes and outlined by DaVe. The thing with the pouches as well, isnt just abt their individual sizes, but how the look like next to each other.


I think we should state the rough sizes they are, and then be they scratch built, pre-made or vac formed versions - should be all ok.


Agree abt glove - both version shoould be allowed; extra long gauntlet versus greeb-on-the-sleeve look. As there is conflicting evidence, think this 2 option shouldnt be a deciding factor on lancer status or not.


on the 2 specific points ur brought up MB

for example. the pant side pockets on the basic crl would be fine. on lancer you would have to remove the pockets and put the correct shape pouches on like lonescout did with his pants.


on the rider inner thigh patch , the basic would just have to be grey material but the lancer would have to be suede or leather.


I like these suggestions. Esp.ly if its for a regular KST (as nice as Angelo's pouch mod is!)


Angelo - version 2?? version 2?? come on - if u are goign to the same seamtress; get a small run going mate!!! there must be enough of us wanting this :D.... ooo 5 u think? You, myself and Tom are already 3.


lastly - I noticed the current KST CRL says the helmet is a one-piece. Tom, NZ Jedi and I have discussed abt it - and IIRC; the smooth lines on this clone helmet make a flip up not possible. I have thought of a rather complicated mod - where u can put the faceplate on rails like a drawer (ie its slips in and out on the straight horizontal) then flips; but tbh, I am not sure I got the skills to complete that mod.

  Heatshock said:
Angelo - version 2?? version 2?? come on - if u are goign to the same seamtress; get a small run going mate!!! there must be enough of us wanting this :D.... ooo 5 u think? You, myself and Tom are already 3.


Believe me I am working on it, Yes, it's the same person and the magic # I hinted to her was "5" this way thouse who have it can use it as a pattern for others. It's v2 for me but hopefull V1 for you guys! I will keep you posted but the seed has been plated! :)



that sounds great ,angelo sign me up foe the cumberbund. i am sure that frank and falcon one would want one.



on the helmet mod, it would be an option, nate said it . i have found it near impossible to get it to open and look movie accurate.

  Acrylikhan said:
Will proper dyed and weathered standard US/British/et al Military issued pouches be acceptable for regular admission?


We can discuss the Lancer standards later...


For the gloves: I think the option for a extra long gauntlet with greeblie, or have it on the suit is a great idea!


For the greeblie: Do you want me to send you the five greeblie patterns I've found? Or do you want to standardize some sort of guidelines?


Helmet: working hinged faceplate/visor option. But the helmet has to look screen accurate.






are you talking about the cumberbund pouches?? if you are, i say military pouches are fine for basic but they need to have the correct shapes and flap shapes.



gloves now have the sleeve or gauntlet option as long as the greeb is correct. on the greeb, i think the one you made should be the one to be used. if we have 5 different ones that would get abit confusing.


helmet i am adding the open face helmet option to the crl.

  mrbungle said:
on the helmet mod, it would be an option, nate said it . i have found it near impossible to get it to open and look movie accurate.


To quote Vader: "Leave that to me." :lol: :lol: :lol:


and as boba fett said ......."as you wish."



we need to get the proper paint colors for the armor.


krylon kahki tan seems to be the base everybody has used.

phgfett's color finds for the camo.

Polly scale, Panzer Olive green


Tamiya Color, Flat Earth (brown) FX-52 item # 81359


Tamiya Color, Desert Yellow XF-59, item # 81752



with an green ink wash over it. with misting and weathering. black and kahki seems to work well.


any thoughts.




I think Phgfett hit the nail on the head w/ these colors...I used them on my suit and they look great!


i put in there that the cod piece was hard armor, what does everybody think on the dreaded cod piece?


I think those gloves are the dreaded piece! Cod may be hard, but the rubber mold may work for now! Sci-Fire has it has a hard piece. The original thread were going with a hard peice and then cloth covering it. I think hard or rubber and then paint the peice.


I went through the scenes in ROTS that featured the KST. I noticed with the vest that not all the pouches have the same pattern as the armor, as some people have done, and that some of the pouches are white / brown, with others light gray / dark gray and the remaining ones are the same as the armor. Here are some screen caps below and there is also a link to my photobucket account. The referance I have there is what I am basing my build off, and as the pics are screen caps, then I guess that is what is screen accurate.








Link Here : http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm143/t...er%20referance/


you are correct. the pouches are different colors. we just have to narrow down which pouch is which color.

  mrbungle said:
you are correct. the pouches are different colors. we just have to narrow down which pouch is which color.


I will do the movie again tommorrow and take notes, and update tommorrow night. Also, sorry to say this, but the belt is white or light grey.

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