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Kagamaru: Scout Build

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Did the vendor you purchased your kit from not send any det tubing with your kit?

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18 minutes ago, Chopper said:

Did the vendor you purchased your kit from not send any det tubing with your kit?


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Most people use gray pool or vacuum tubing in the proper size, but you usually have to buy more than you need.

I would email Jeff at Studio Creations to see if he'll sell you a gray section of tubing. That way you won't have to paint the yellow tubing and have it chip and rub off on your armor and soft goods.

jeffallen at studiocreations dot com


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Quick test fit. Clips for detonator are arriving tomorrow. I got better tubes. Went to the pool supply store. 😊 I will definitely need to affix the Velcro tabs to hold the armor pieces in place. Especially the upper arms. I have to add an actual connecting strap to the back of the jerkin to connect to the cod strap. It’s just rigged in place here and too short. I’m getting biker wedgie. 
The belt wasn’t tightened all the way and slipped too low in the photo. Easy to fix. Does the cummerbund go under the chest armor? I’ll check references. 
Of course pads in the pouches and other odds and ends. And weathering!!

I’m pretty happy so far. 





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7 hours ago, Kagamaru said:

Does the cummerbund go under the chest armor? I’ll check references.

Yes it does. Under the chest armor and sits on top of the belt.

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Once you adjust your bund as Chopper noted your cod will also be raised and the dreaded cod crunchy should be eliminated. If not then just lengthen the strap a bit.

Not sure if anyone threw this link out to you, but check out the following thread. It has great tips on how to keeping things from shifting and sagging while trooping. You should be able to incorporate some of the suggestions as you build your kit.


Keep up the great work! You’re make great progress.

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Suggested to tighten the boxes up, pull the legs tighter so the suede doesn’t bunch. Pull up pouches tighter under the chest. 


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The adjustments you made are good. The following are just dressing suggestions to help tighten up the overall look.

Your pouches can come in towards the center. Ideally, they should start about an 1” or so from the last rib on the bund. Not sure if your pouches are secured with Velcro or stitched on. If they’re permanently secured leave them be unless your GML tells you to move them.

Try to align your bicep so that it is centered with your shoulder bell.

Rotate your forearm armor forward so that it is centered on the V of the gauntlet.

Center the drop boxes on the side of your hips and then the buckles are centered between the belt and the drop box.

Again, easy dressing issues. You might not need them for approval, but keep them in mind when dressing for a troop. You’d be amazed at how these little adjustments really impact the final look.

Good luck with your approval!

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Submitted photos yesterday and adjusted a few things, made sure I addressed the things mentioned by @Aradun Stayed up late going back and forth with the GML as he would suggest or point out things that I would then fix and resubmit. I brought the kit to a troop tonight and had a final in-person inspection. All that to say I passed and was approved!

Thank you all for all the help and support! I’m so excited to be a Scout Trooper. My favorite since I sat in that theater watching Return of the Jedi so many years ago! 

I was able to troop at an event tonight. There are a few things I want to shore up. Reinforce, etc. It held up well and the crowds loved it. I had another scout from our troop to hang with. Loads of fun. It’s late here and I just got back, so I’ll upload some photos tomorrow. GML will make it official this weekend and I’ll finally be a TB! I guess now I need to see about a blaster. Any suggestions for a rubber or resin approvable one that’s durable?

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Congrats Bryan!  Once you get your TB number make sure to request full access.  A whole new area of the forum will open for you.

As for a blaster, I recommend Blasterworks.  Joe Fencl, a fellow TB, has them in stock and ready to ship and they are rubber.  Super durable and kid friendly.  


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Spent some time after my first troop making adjustments to issues that, as you know, can only be discovered after wearing the gear for an hour or three. I added stirrups to the bottom of the pant legs. Added Velcro inside the bottom front lip of the armor to secure the cummerbund and adjusted the position of and enlarged the Velcro arm anchors for the arm pieces. Now they center and space better. Also sewed the pouches in the proper location so they don’t droop. Very happy with this kit. 




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