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30569's Niamos Shoretrooper Build


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On 2/21/2023 at 3:28 PM, BikerScout007 said:

Hey folks!  Sorry I put this down for a few weeks.  I was in Baseball Jersey Hell :)

So I wasn't able to find Polar Blue at the art store, but they had something close called Flipper that I used instead:


Putting them both in bright sunlight, neither looks exactly the way it looks onscreen, but we also don't live in an desaturated, color-corrected world!  I think Flipper works a little bit better at representing the onscreen appearance of the stripes, but either is fine to me.  

Thanks for doing the testing on this. I'd agree that the Polar Blue looks closest to what is represented on the figure and on screen. Flipper is probably a close second. I'll have to see if I can find the Polar Blue someplace.

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I pulled some swatches from each of these photos and compared them to these colors. The closest matches are from samples 1 and 4 and they are both with Polar Blue. The Polar Blue seems to have the most gray in it. If we were to go by the color on the Black Series figure, we'd be looking at something more in the grey tones.


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Marble I think goes a bit too much into gray.  Which I guess isn't too far off the mark with the onscreen appearance in some shots (especially in the beginning of Ep 7) but we know they used pastel blue and I think we should keep it in that ball park.  

The photo of the actor without helmet probably gives us our best image to try to match and I think that's where Polar Blue, Flipper or Fresh Blue make the most sense.  

At the end of the day, these will only be suggested colors.  The CRL is probably going to say something to the effect of "Light pastel blue".  My aim is just to make sure that troopers are using very light blues and not blues used by Scarif troopers (like Himalaya or Ford Nordic)

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Polar Blue looks like the color closest to white/gray while still remaining in the blue range that there is for Montana Gold. (Technically, Marble shows up when you search the Blick Art Supplies website for Montana Gold blues, but I agree it is in the gray range.)

So, this costume will be known as "Shoretrooper: Niamos Squad Leader"?



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4 hours ago, ScarifBeachBum said:

So, this costume will be known as "Shoretrooper: Niamos Squad Leader"?

Yeah I'm guessing it will be something like that!

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I just enlarged the different reference photos here of the left shoulder bell on my computer monitor so they were the same size as one of the Sean Fields shoulder bells and then I did some measuring. On this Niamos variant, it looks like the top and bottom black stripes are the same width. I measured the following from the bottom up:

Sahara Beige - 2 cm from the bottom at each end, 3 cm from the bottom at midpoint (this creates a straight line across due to the angled bottom of the bell)

Bottom Black Stripe - 1 cm or 3/8"

Middle White Stripe - 3.5 cm or 1 3/8"

Top Black Stripe - 1 cm or 3/8"

The remainder above that would be Polar Blue (or whatever other light pastel blue one uses.)

I think that I might scratch either my Captain or Specialist build and convert one of those into the Niamos variant. I'm hoping this art supply store that I get my Montana Gold paints from has Polar Blue when I go tomorrow.



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Great!  With this variant you will also need the new holster and that new sidearm.   He also seems to wear his thigh armor hiked up a bit more than the Scarif troopers

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If anyone is looking for Montana Gold Polar Blue, you can order it through Blick. I have gotten most of my Montana Gold from their physical store in Washington, D.C., but have ordered it online from them as well. 


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Yes I get my Montana paints from the Blick store in Pasadena, CA.  They were out of Polar Blue that day but Flipper was pretty close

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Just picked up the Polar Blue. Hope to actually paint with it this weekend. If it looks anything like this once it goes on, I think we're really cooking. In the lighting in the first picture, it looks almost white with a hint of blue which would be spot on.



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Yeah that looks really great!  Looking forward to your results.   Make sure you take a pic with the sun blasting on it!

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Do we have more evidence the indent wasn't painted, because here it looks like it was:


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The way the dark line follows at the bottom edge makes it look like a shadow to me.


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1 minute ago, ScarifBeachBum said:

I have a bunch of photos that I've downloaded, but right now I've having problems uploading them here. I'm going to see about a workaround.

Check out this post

I think Chopper's comment above convinced me.  I'm #teambeigechestindent now

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Cool!  I think we got that all cleared up.  Thanks

This most important thing with this guy is getting that holster and new weapon done.  Do you have access to those?  

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14 hours ago, BikerScout007 said:

Cool!  I think we got that all cleared up.  Thanks

This most important thing with this guy is getting that holster and new weapon done.  Do you have access to those?  

I'm getting the .stl files to print the sidearm and I've got someone that I can work with on the holster.

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Excellent.  I have already started drafting the language in the very first post.  I have removed photos where we will need new ones for the CRL.  The big areas of focus are:

  • The chest armor
  • The shoulder bells
  • The hip armor
  • The holster
  • The sidearm

Everything else seems pretty much the same or close enough that it doesn't need changing.  (Like I'm not adding that one belt box should be crooked -- that seems like a mistake).  

Let us know how you progress with this!

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Okay, I was able to paint a shoulder bell and chest armor today with the Polar Blue and it looks like a match. I have photos of it in the direct sun and in the shade / indoors. I also painted the indent Sahara Beige as we saw in the photos.






To the naked eye, this looks nearly white / grey outside in the sun. The camera makes it look a little more blue here.

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That looks excellent!  Thanks for doing that

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