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Folks, after 3 long years, the Treadspeeder Driver is now a live CRL ready for GML approval!

This one had a long, tough road.  Which I guess is fitting for this character and what he drives.  First, he was part of a friendly game of hot potato between us, FISD, and ACD ("no you take it", "no you!").  Then he got caught up in the pandemic.  And then went through builder after builder who started it, and then had to abandon the project.  Five times as a matter of fact!

Finally, at the beginning of last year, @MrPoopie and I recruited a great builder from our Garrison, @JollyRajR to finally get it done.  Although the Tread is part FOTK, he also needed some custom parts, which MrPoopie designed and 3D printed.  

I'll be the first to admit this one wasn't a favorite of mine when we first inherited it:  I'm not a huge fan of the sequel trilogy designs, and this one seemed a bit tossed together compared to some other troopers from those films.  But as time went on and we got to working on it, I came around to the ol' Treadspeeder Driver, and I'm pleased to say the Pathfinders now have their first (and likely only) CRL from the sequel trilogy films.

I'm hoping this CRL might be a good add-on for FOTKs who want to be able to sit down from time to time.  Using their current kit, and swapping in a few parts, they could do this one pretty easily.

Also -- we only did the live action Treadspeeder Driver.  There is still the CGI version, who has quite a few differences from this one.  If anyone is interested in tackling that, please let us know!

Thank you all who made this happen, not only the folks mentioned above, but people who chimed into the research threads, like @gmrhodes13, @Pyro, @Wompet, @Hask and many others.  All of you helped play a part getting this across the finish line.

And of course -- I want to thank @mrrikki and the rest of the LMO team.  As always, they were an absolute pleasure in helping us bring  another Pathfinder CRL onto the roster!

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Great job everyone. It's always great to have another set of Pathfinder armor for folks to build and troop in. 

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Great work all

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Excellent, always great to have more options for current and aspiring members. Great work Pathfinders and LMO team!

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Go Team! Well done everyone! Congrats to @JollyRajR on being the first in the Legion and bringing this one home!

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